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8 Wackiest Palworld Breeding Combinations to Haunt Your Dreams


Players have spent the past few days deep-diving into Palworld, the wacky Pokemon-inspired survival RPG. It’s a far cry from the franchise that inspired it, with creatures wielding guns, deep status changes impacting performance, and even the ability to sell your Pals for cash. But it’s the weird and wonderful Palworld breeding combinations system that has definitely struck a chord with fans.

Take a Look at These Weird and Wacky Palworld Breeding Combinations

Today, we’re going to run through some of the most noteworthy breeding combos we’ve seen in Palworld so far. Some are impressive due to their bolstered stats, while others are downright horrifying. Either way, you’re bound to want to try and emulate them for yourself. Let’s get into it!

The Fastest Mount

Mounts are one of the most useful features in Palworld. Rather than running around everywhere depleting your stamina, you can ride or fly to your next objective with ease. Reddit user UncensoredSwearWord has managed to breed a Rayhound that not only boasts a high attacking stat, but is incredibly speedy to ride. Even better, it can double-jump, helping you get over especially annoying obstacles.

An Elite Worker

If you get your combinations right, Palworld breeding can be incredibly good at producing worker Pals to stay at your base. After all, most Pals out in the wild, especially in the early stages, don’t tend to surpass level 2 of any labor skill. That makes this creation all the more impressive: Reddit user OfficeBear has managed to make an Anubis with level 4 Handiwork and level 3 Mining. That’s an endgame Pal, for sure.

A Noodle Pal

Even though each and every breeding combination in Palworld has been planned by developer Pocketpair, some of the results still come out a little terrifying. That’s certainly the case with Azurobe, a product of breeding Penking and Kingpaca. There’s nothing wrong with it, but those spindly fins are definitely a bit unsettling.

Speedy Travel

Soaring through the air as you fly across the Palworld map is an utter thrill. It can help you spot the next tower boss to fight, or to survey the landscape and find a Pal you haven’t encountered yet. This Vanwyrm from Reddit user PrayStation33 takes the mantle of best mount in the game, with an incredible speed stat bolstered by the Swift ability. You’ll get around the world in no time!

Give Them Some Privacy…

Look, we all know how the Palworld breeding combinations system works, but in the case of Reddit user dragntoys, we can only advise they leave it up to the imagination a bit. We can only imagine how the offspring will come out here…

A Rare Beast

Successful breeding in Palworld necessitates that you actually have the two parent Pals in the first place. In the case of getting Dinossum Lux, one of the rarest Pals in the game, it’s actually quite straightforward. As Reddit user op_greek shows, you just need two fairly common Pals – plus a whole dose of luck – to get one of the rarest creatures in the game.

What Even is That?!

Most of the time, you’ll know exactly what to expect from breeding two Pals together. In the case of Reddit user crynimar42, that couldn’t be further from the truth. They manage to hatch a beastly Jormuntide Ignis, but seemingly have no clue how it even happened.

Level 1, Really?

Most of the time, creatures you breed in Palworld come out at a fairly decent level – at least, compared to its parent Pals. For Reddit user Ragnatoa, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. While their Petalli they bred is a level 1, it still boasts level 3 Planting and 194 Attack. Even though it may seem weak on the surface, it’s one hell of an underdog.

Those are all the weird, wonderful, and wacky Palworld breeding combinations we’ve seen so far. To learn even more about the game, we’ve got plenty of guides. Read up on the best storage items in Palworld, plus how to catch Anubis and our Palworld egg hatch list.

About the author

Luke Hinton

Luke Hinton is a video games journalist currently working as Senior Guides Writer and Associate Editor at Twinfinite. He has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Journalism, Media, and Culture, and previously specialised in entertainment writing.


Luke Hinton

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