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70 sunflower puns and sunflower jokes to make you smile – Growing Family


Are you searching for great sunflower puns and funny sunflower jokes?  We’ve rounded up a brilliant selection to save you time and put a smile on your face.

The best sunflower puns and sunflower jokes

Whatever the weather, these family-friendly sunflower puns and jokes about sunflowers will bring some sunshine to your day.

You can use them to entertain the kids, caption your social media posts (along with our nature hashtags), add them to floral greetings cards, or simply enjoy them yourself.

closeup of sunflower petals and seeds

Cool facts about sunflowers

Sunflowers are amazing!

  • Sunflowers originate from North America.
  • In the 1500’s Spanish explorers introduced sunflower seeds to Europe.
  • The Latin name for sunflower is Helianthus.  This is derived from the Greek word Helios, which means ‘sun’, and the latin word annuus, which means ‘annual’.
  • Sunflowers follow the movement of the sun during the day – which explains their common name.
  • Sunflower oil and sunflower seeds are well-known as foods, but sunflower stalks, leaves and roots are also edible.
  • The seed-packed heads of sunflowers provide a feast for wildlife.
  • The world record for sunflower height is currently 9.17 metres.  That’s about the same height as a three storey house!
child holding a potted sunflower plant

Growing sunflowers in your garden

Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed, and a great gardening project for kids.  You can also get the whole family involved with a fun height competition.  Our guide to growing sunflowers in pots will help you with this project.              

Brilliant sunflower puns

Ready to celebrate this amazing flower?  Let’s get started with some classic sunflower puns.

Advice from a sunflower: be outstanding in your field

Turn your face to the sunflower

Blooming bright

A multitude of suns

It’s a sunflower-y day

All suns blazing

Once and floral

field of sunflowers

These blooms are sun-stoppable

Shine and dandy

Flower of strength

Solar flower power

Feeling a bit seedy

I was going to preserve my sunflowers, but I realised I have more pressing issues to deal with.

woman holding a basket of sunflowers

Great sunflower puns for instagram

Here are some perfect sunflower puns for instagram posts and tiktok videos.

Sunflower power

Girls just want to have sun-flowers

Here comes the sun…flower

Rise, shine, and hold your head high

All helios broke loose

The sunny side of life

Put the petal to the metal

Sunflowers so bright, I gotta wear shades

sunflower field

Sun and games

On the sunny side of the street

Go with the sun-flow-er

These flowers really re-sun-ate with me

Sunflowers are sow beautiful

Tick, tick, bloom!

When all is said and sun-flower

I decided to plant sunflowers in my garden.  Then I realised I haven’t botany.

closeup of a bee on a sunflower

More cute sunflower puns

Raise a smile with these cute sunflower puns.

Follow the sun-flower

You grow girl

Plant smiles, like a sunflower

All you seed is love

Hello sunshine

Blooming lovely

My favourite colour is sunflower

Get up and glow

large yellow sunflower

Rise and shine

Bloom baby bloom

I’ve got sunflowers on a cloudy day

We’re all golden inside

Blooming with joy

Choose to shine

Sunflower child

I never really liked planting sunflower seeds, but after a while, they really grew on me.

Hilarious sunflower jokes

These kid-friendly sunflower jokes will get everyone laughing.

Why is a sunflower like the letter ‘a’?  Because a ‘b’ always goes after it.

What do sunflowers do when they get cold?  They wear plants.

Why is it so hot?  Because there’s a sunflower nearby.

What did the sunflower say when it heard a joke?  Stop pollen my leg.

Why didn’t the sunflower bloom?  It was a bud omen.

What do you say to a sunflower that looks ill?  Are you feeling bouquet?

Why couldn’t the sunflower ride a bike any more?  Its petals broke.

What did the bee say to the sunflower?  Hello honey.

Why did the rose stop dating the sunflower?  She only saw him as a frond.

closeup of a sunflower

Silly jokes about sunflowers

How about some really silly sunflower jokes to get the kids giggling?

What happens if you talk to sunflowers about maths?  They end up with square roots.

How do you grow the best sunflowers?  Through trowel and error.

Stealing sunflowers is an awful crime.  It’s de-flor-able.

What do you get if you cross a bike with a sunflower?  Cycle petals.

Why didn’t the bird eat the sunflower seeds?  They were im-peck-able.

What happens to a sunflower when it gets embarrassed?  It turns rosy.

How does a sunflower whistle?  Through its tulips.

What do you say to a sunflower to make it go faster?  Floret.

What happens when you take a picture of a sunflower?  It can photo-synthesise.

Why do pokemon like to eat sunflower seeds?  Because they like to pick and chew.

Someone keeps sending me sunflowers with the heads cut off.  I think I have a stalker.

100 beautiful sunflower quotes graphic

Fantastic sunflower quotes

Sunflowers have also inspired lots of writers – check out our sunflower quotes roundup for some beautiful words about these impressive blooms.

You might like our flower quotes and nature quotes too.

Sunflower riddles

Kids love riddles – and the adults usually can’t resist them either!  Here are some sunflower riddles to get those brains working.

This type of plant, very tall it can grow, it gives seeds and oil, its colour is yellow.

This lovely plant, sounds like something in the sky, it’s very yellow, and can grow ten feet high.

I’m something yellow, I grow tall like a tower, I’m used for seeds and oil, I sound bright – I’m a …..

I’m yellow, but I’m not a banana.  I can grow ten feet tall, but I’m not a giraffe.  I have seeds, but I’m not a lemon.  I provide oil, but I’m not a vegetable.  What am I?

colourful flowers in sunshine

Have you enjoyed these sunflower puns?

If these sunflower jokes and sunflower puns have hit the spot, we’ve got plenty of other family-friendly jokes for you to enjoy.

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These sunflower puns and sunflower jokes will make you smile, and are perfect for social media posts and greetings cards.



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