Dating & Love
7 Obvious Signs He Likes You, As Per A Relationship Expert
“Does he like me or is he just being nice?” is a question most of us have grappled with at some point in our lives. But it is not so confusing when we know what clues to look for. We talked to a California-based psychiatrist and Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, Dr. Shefali Batra (MD in psychiatry), who specializes in counseling for separation and divorce, breakup and dating, and premarital compatibility issues. She shared with us 7 obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it.
Dr Batra says, “When a guy likes you but doesn’t say it, there are many non-verbal and social signs that can reveal the truth. Notice his body language, how he talks to you, how his friends talk to you, etc. Once you know what to look for, you can easily find out if he’s looking to be more than friends.”
7 Obvious Signs He Likes You — Don’t Overlook These
Don’t know how to tell if a guy likes you or is just being nice? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there—over analyzing texts, rereading compliments, and playing detective with the mixed signals. Well, here are 7 obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it as per the expert. Let’s discuss them in detail.
1. Non-verbal cues
One of the 7 obvious signs he likes you is that his body language is different when interacting with you. Dr. Batra says, “Even if he doesn’t tell you through words that he likes you, there are always some non-verbal cues that give the truth away. It could be how he looks at you, or the tone of his voice, or a simple nervous tic.” Here are some body language signs he likes you, discussed in detail:
1. Eye contact
As they say, eyes are the window to the soul. A research found that when a man holds eye contact, it is one of the signs he’s into you. So notice if he holds eye contact with just a second longer than usual.
2. Mirroring your movements
A study found that when one person’s movements match another, almost like they are mirroring the other’s body language, it indicates the first person is interested in being in a relationship with the other.
3. Fidgeting
We’ve all been there — fidgeting nervously when talking to our crush, fumbling our words, tapping our foot, looking adorably jittery. Is he displaying any such nervous tics when around you? That is one of the body language signs he likes you.
4. Tone of voice
Don’t just notice the words he is saying but also how he says it. Does he deepen his voice when talking to you? Because that is one of the things guys do when they secretly like you. A study has discovered that men tend to lower the pitch of their voice and use varied intonation to appear more masculine when talking to someone they are interested in.
2. He pays extra attention to you
One of the 7 obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it is that he pays attention to all the little things. Every detail that you tell him about, what you order at a cafe, even that rant about that one girl who always gave you back-handed compliments. Here are some ways to know if he pays attention to you:
1. Knows your favorites
A guy that likes you remembers what you like. Everything from your usual coffee order and your comfort food to the series you binge watch every time you are sad.
Related Reading: Exploring The 6th Love Language: ‘Feeling Known’
2. Can tell when you’re feeling down
If a guy can easily tell if something is off, it’s one of the signs he likes you more than you think. It’s because he is paying close attention to your body language and notices when your shoulders are slouched and you are not smiling with your eyes.
3. Remembers little details about you
Dr. Batra gives an example, “He brings up that random fact you mentioned about loving watermelon-flavored candy weeks ago. You barely remember saying it, but he does. That’s not just a good memory—it’s one of the signs he’s into you.” Bonus points if he shows up with watermelon candy on your next meet-up.
3. He maintains regular contact
Talking about the 7 obvious signs he likes you, Dr. Batra says, “A guy that likes you puts in extra effort to keep in touch with you. No ghosting, no going MIA. even if he’s busy, he’ll make time for, at least, a quick text/call.” So if you’re wondering, “Does he like me?” Notice how often you guys meet or talk. Let’s discuss this in more detail:
1. Texts/calls you first
If he likes you, you’d notice that he never lets the conversation die down. If one topic ends, he’ll bring up something else. Also, he’d find excuses to call you often — needing help with an assignment, asking for your opinion on an outfit, etc.

2. Adjusts his schedules to hang out with you
Maybe not always, but most of the time, you’d see that he is willing to move his plans around to hang out with you. If the weekend works for you, it works for him as well. If not, a week night is fine too. That’s not because he’s always free or a pushover, it’s one of the signs he secretly wants you and doesn’t want the plan to get canceled.
3. Finds reasons to be close to you
You’re at a group hangout, and somehow he always ends up sitting next to you. Coincidence? Hardly. Whether it’s sharing popcorn at the movies or offering to “show you something cool” on his phone, he’s making sure he’s within arm’s reach. This is one of the biggest signs a man is attracted to you. Next time, count how often he pulls the “accidental” brush of the arm move—classic.
Related Reading: 20 Tips To Get Close To A Girl And Win Her Heart
4. He tries to be involved in your life
Another one of the 7 obvious signs he likes you is when he tries to be a bigger part of life than a friend would. Dr Batra says, “Does he ask you how your day went? Wants to know updates from your school/workplace? Asks questions about your goals and aspirations in life? These are all signs he secretly likes you and wants to know you better.”
1. Shows interest in your hobbies
Showing interest in what the person likes is one of my favorite ways to indicate that I like them. It’s the same with guys. When they like you, they want to be a part of things you do. Maybe he gave a try to your favorite book even if he’s not a reader or looked up some history facts because you are a history buff.
Related Reading: 101 Hobbies For Couples – Make Quality Time Count
2. Shares details of his day
When you ask him how his day went, he doesn’t just respond with “Fine.” He tells you the little details like how he had a row with a coworker or a puppy he spotted on the road, maybe you receive a few pictures even. And chances are, he expects the same from you as well. This is how to tell if a guy likes you.
3. Asks thoughtful questions
Your conversations are not just filled with superficial stuff. Apart from work/school and chores, he also wants to know what goes on in your mind. He asks you deep questions like “Did you have a good childhood? What do you do when you are sad? What is the meaning of life for you?” He wants to know you on a deeper level.
5. The friends know everything
If the guy likes you, he may think he is playing it cool, and you may be stuck between the does-he-like-me-or-is-he-just-nice conundrum. However, it’s very easy for a person on the outside, especially friends, to notice the clues. They can see him looking at you when you are looking away, and they know how he talks about you and blushes when you are not present. So if the below-mentioned points resonate with you, it is one of the 7 obvious signs he likes you.
1. His friends act weird around you
Have you noticed his friends giggling when you’re around? It’s like they know something you don’t. If his buddies are subtly teasing him in your presence, trust me, either they’ve had the conversation about you or the friends have noticed the clues.
Related Reading: 27 Sure Shot Signs Your Crush Likes You
2. Your friends suspect he likes you
Similarly, it’s easier for your friends to notice the signs than you because they can see his body language and expressions when you are looking away. Also, girls just have a sixth sense about this stuff when it comes to their friends. So if your friends say he likes you, he probably does.
3. You often get mistaken for a couple
If he’s head over heels for you and can’t keep it hidden well, then yeah, the strangers are gonna notice it too. So if “You’re such a cute couple.” is a compliment you hear often, maybe it’s time you become one.
Related Reading: I Had A Crush On An Older Woman And It Changed Me
6. He does you favors
There are friendship favors and then there are I-have-a-crush-on-you favors. Speaking about how to tell if a guy likes you, Dr. Batra says, “When a guy likes you, he goes out of his way to help. Whether it’s assembling your Ikea furniture or helping you with a “difficult” spreadsheet, he’s your knight in shining Excel. That’s effort, not friendship.” So, pay attention if he does favors like:
1. Bringing you coffee/food
Food has basically become a love language in these times. So if he brings you food often and unprompted, there is definitely something going on other than friendship.
Related Reading: 9 Heartwarming Actions Of Love That Speak Louder Than Words
2. Going out of his way to help with assignments/errands
Now we know friends can help you with this kind of stuff too. But a guy that likes you is there to help you even if it inconveniences him. Plus, he’ll go the extra mile to make sure everything is taken care of.
3. Picking you up or driving you to places when needed
Not only would he be okay to pick you up, he’d be happy to do so. As discussed above, when a guy likes you he wants to be close to you. What better opportunity for that than sitting in a car side by side as a sweet melody plays on the radio?
7. He flirts with you
Flirting is the easiest to notice among the 7 obvious signs he likes you. It could be something subtle or more obvious, but there’s definitely gonna be some flirting if a guy likes you. Maybe he sends you flirty emojis, or calls you endearing names (even as a joke). Here are some of the signs a man is attracted to you and is flirting with you:
1. Compliments
Here’s how to tell if a guy likes you. See if he compliments you a lot. And not the generic “You look nice today,” but more specific compliments such as “You look great with hair down.” or “You have a beautiful laugh.”

2. Playful banter
Does he ever tease you or take light-hearted jabs at you? These are things guys do when they secretly like you. It’s also a sign of chemistry between you two.
3. Joking about being a couple
It’s one thing when strangers say it, but when he starts joking about getting together? Girl, he wants you bad, don’t even second-guess it. This is one of the clearest signs he secretly wants you and is observing your reaction to test the waters.
These were the 7 obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it. Now go ahead and text him back—he’s been waiting for you to notice all along.
Key Pointers
- If he pays attention to you, it is one of the 7 obvious signs he likes you but is hiding it
- If a guy goes out of his way to help you, it is one of the signs he likes you more than you think
- Other subtle signs include nervous body language and flirting
- If he tries to keep constant contact with and tries to know you better, that also indicates he’s interested in you
Final Thoughts
I hope now you don’t need to keep wondering, “Does he like me?” and decoding what every text means. Just pay attention to his body language, how he treats you, and how other people perceive you together.
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