For reasons I can’t fully comprehend, convenience store giant 7-Eleven has partnered with The Tetris Company to produce a handheld electronic Tetris game shaped like a Slurpee. That makes sense. Well, provided you don’t think about it too long. Or at all. I thought this would be a functional Slurpee cup with a Tetris game built in. Now that — that I would play, probably with the stickiest fingers of all time.

The Tetris Slurpee features a 1.8-inch full-color display and has an on/off switch to illuminate the Slurpee dollop on top in a rainbow of colors. It can be powered via USB or on the go with three AA batteries. If you’re interested in buying one, 20,000 units total will soon be available at 7-Eleven’s product shop HERE for $30. Be sure to sign up for notifications when they go live if you’re serious about getting one.

Would I rather have a Game Boy? Of course. That way, I could also play Kirby’s Dream Land and Dr. Mario and Super Mario Land. But would I settle for a Slurpee Tetris game in a pinch? Sure, it still beats staring at the ceiling. Have you ever tried counting all the kernels in a popcorn ceiling before? I bet the person who invented video games has!

[via TechEBlog]

With over 17 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related, ever since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He’s disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself in the garage.

Jonathan Berisford

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