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60 Powerful SELF-LOVE journaling prompts to boost self-esteem


Are you looking to focus on yourself more and boost your self-esteem and promote self-discovery? Do you think journaling for self-love is something you want to try but you don’t know where to start? If the answer is yes, then you have definitely come to the right place. If you are wondering how to start a self-love journal, you can free write your entries or you can use journaling prompts. These give you a more structured approach to you writing and are a great place to begin. I have compiled a list of 60 brilliant self-love journaling prompts to get you started.

In a previous post “Good mental health tips – Blissful release of writing a journal” I talked about what a journal is and why you should write one. In that post I talked about how keeping a daily journal can benefit you in so many ways, for example it can help you to empty your mind of any worries or stresses before you go to sleep.

“Self-love journaling prompts changed the way I look at my life”

Writing a journal can be used to help you clarify events of the day and see things more clearly. You can also use a journal to keep a log of the daily events in a particular stage of your life purely for reference purposes. It’s nice to have them when you want to look back and make comparisons or purely reminisce.

There are so many reasons why people do keep journals and often the contents of those journals can come across as being quite negative. A lot of you use them to record bad things that happened to you during the day partly because you just want to be able to tell somebody.

We all know it helps to talk about these things and you may like to treat your diary as a friend who can keep a secret. “Dear Diary”. This is a really good idea and can benefit you hugely, however, have you ever considered starting a journal entry in a positive way to promote self-love. To give yourself a reminder that you are an incredibly awesome person!

Are you new to self-love journaling prompts?

The concept of using self-love journaling prompts to boost self-esteem and self-discovery is possibly new to you, but it looks like you’re open to the idea because you are reading this post.

Starting a journal with positive sentences will automatically make you feel happier, more positive and motivated, rather than allowing yourself to wallow in the bad negative vibes of the day. So, if you think this is something that you may want to try, then I’m really happy you are here and you should read on.

I am now going to list for you 60 inspiring self-love journaling prompts for you to try. Go for it!

60 inspiring self-love journaling prompts to boost self-esteem and self-discovery

  1. I am worthy of happiness because…..
  2. I am proud of myself because…..
  3. My most unique positive feature is…..
  4. Three flaws I accept about myself are…..
  5. I love my body because…..
  6. Five hobbies I would like to try are…..
  7. Three things people have said about me recently that made me feel good about myself are…..
  8. This week I will achieve the following three things…..
  9. My biggest weakness is………….. I am going to improve this by…..
  10. Three things I love about my appearance are…..
  11. One of my favourite things about my personality is…..
  12. I am most grateful to have………. in my life because…..
  13. One thing in my past that I cling on to is……… I need to let go of it because…..
  14. My best friend would describe me as…..
  15. Two goals that I will achieve by the end of the year are…..
  16. I feel most confident when……
  17. I feel peaceful when…..
  18. My happy place is…..
  19. My biggest achievement this year is…..
  20. Four things I will stop doing that make me unhappy are…..
  21. My favourite thing about my life at the moment is…..
  22. I think self-love is important because…..
  23. The one habit I need to stop doing is…..
  24. The happiest time of my life was……… because…..
  25. One confidence building habit I will start is…..
  26. The best compliment I have ever received is…..
  27. I would like the following written on my headstone…..
  28. I would most like to be remembered for…..
  29. My most unique qualities are…..
  30. I am a good person because…..
  31. If I could go back in time the advice I would give my five year old self would be…..
  32. Five things I would like to say no to, but haven’t yet, are…..
  33. To me the meaning of self-love is…..
  34. My favourite positive quote is…..
  35. A person who inspires me most in my life is…..
  36. Ten places I will visit before I die are…..
  37. Five activities I’ve always wanted to do are…..
  38. Six foods I would love to try are…..
  39. By the end of this year, I will…..
  40. By the end of this week, I will…..
  41. My favourite tree is…………because……
  42. My favourite flower is……………. because…
  43. My favourite colour is………….because…..
  44. Five things that make me smile are…..
  45. My favourite film is………. because…..
  46. A time when I felt most proud of myself is…..
  47. My one word of intention for today is…..
  48. One thing I do better than my work colleagues is…..
  49. Positive changes that have happened in the last year are…..
  50. Five things I am grateful for this week are…..
  51. I know my partner loves me because…..
  52. My family loves me because…..
  53. I will make next month a great month by…..
  54. I need more………… in my life because…..
  55. The person I am most thankful for is…..
  56. The person who has helped me most in my life so far is…..
  57. In 12 months, I see myself…..
  58. My ideal day off would be…..
  59. For my next birthday I would like to…..
  60. The legacy I would like to leave behind is…..

I hope you found something in here that you think you can use. These journal prompts for self-love can be a fantastic way to really give your self-esteem a boost. You may even discover things about yourself you didn’t know.

Do self-love journals work?

Yes I strongly believe they do. Self-love journals work because they force you to focus on the positives in your life rather than the negative aspects. Taking the time to really think about the answers for these self-love journaling prompts you will start to realise that you have so many positive aspects of your life that you can be grateful for.

Self-love journals give you the chance to really analyse your feelings about your personality, your appearance and how other people see you. If you believe that you are unhappy about all aspects of yourself and your life, these self-love prompts give you another way of seeing things. They will help you to draw out all the good bits that you never took time to acknowledge.

Once you start to feel good about yourself again your self-esteem will start to climb and your life will start moving in a different, more positive direction.

Enjoy your journey of discovery and why not share this post with your friends to take them on the journey with you. Happy writing!

60 powerful self-love journaling prompts to lift your self-esteem and promote self-discovery Click To Tweet


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