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6 Tips for Playing Golf on the Cheap


If you want to be able to play golf but heard that it was pricey, here are some things you can consider to lower the cost.

Golf can be an expensive hobby. There is a lot of equipment to buy, and if you fancy joining a high-end golf club, expect to shell out a lot of cash. Luckily there are ways to cut the cost of enjoying golf as a hobby. In this article, we have some useful tips if you enjoy playing golf but would prefer not to blow a small fortune on your hobby. Read on to learn more.

Buy Used Equipment

Buying new golf equipment is expensive. Gold clubs can cost hundreds of dollars, with an adjustable driver coming in at more than $500 if you want a popular brand. Unfortunately, with the cost of materials rising and a shortage of supply, prices will only continue rising.

The best way to avoid paying a lot of money for gold equipment is to pick up pieces second-hand. Look for used clubs online, as there are always bargains to be found from people clearing out their garages after giving up the game. In many cases, nearly new equipment is available online at a fraction of the cost if it would have been new.

Once you get more into the game, you can also sell your older equipment to make savings on newer equipment, as well as save on golf cart accessories and clothing.

Shop Out of Season

If you want to buy some new golf apparel, shop out of season, during the winter when golf clothing is often discounted. It won’t work if you want the latest trends, but if being fashionable on the course isn’t your main priority, it will save you a few bucks.

Take Advantage of Online Golf Tuition

Are your golf skills lacking? Have you had problems finding a hole for your balls? Fear not, there is help out there, and it doesn’t require spending a shed load of money on a golf instructor.

Golf lessons are expensive. Most decent golf coaches charge a lot of money for their services, and although nothing beats personal one-on-one tuition, especially if you need to up your game quickly, there are plenty of great resources online.

Look for free golf instruction articles to teach you the basics in the early stages. Watch YouTube videos to learn more about the hand-elbow relationship and swinging. You’ll even find golf tuition lessons uploaded online from some of the world’s best players. And if you need a more personal touch, sign up for some online golf tuition; it will still be cheaper than in-person lessons.

Walk Instead of Riding in a Golf Cart

Hiring a golf cart when you hit the links will bump up the cost of a day’s golfing. Sure, it’s nice and relaxing motoring around a larger golf course but exercising your legs will not only save you money – it’ll also give your fitness a boost at the same time. Just make sure the course you play at doesn’t automatically add cart fees onto the overall cost, or you will still end up paying whether you walk or not.

Play on Public Golf Courses

Private golf courses are always going to be more expensive than public courses for residents and members of the general public. It won’t be as pretty or as challenging, and the facilities might be questionable, but in the early days, it makes sense to cut costs this way.

Play Locally

Finally, traveling to a world-renowned golf course like Cyprus Point in California might be a fantastic experience, but it won’t be cheap if you don’t live locally. Stick to courses within driving distance to save money.

Golf needn’t be expensive if you follow our tips. Happy golfing!


Penniless Parenting

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