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5 Things to Consider When Moving the Family Overseas – Nature Moms


There are many things to consider when moving your family overseas. Everyone in the family will have their own specific issues and concerns.

Some hard decisions might need to be made over what to take and what to discard. This will relate to items from children’s toys like that backyard tree hut, to bigger toys, like dads jet ski or second car!

Moving almost all your worldly goods and a family car abroad will mean learning lots of new information like shipping containers and car shipping companies. Plus there will be literally a hundred other decisions ot be made, but here are the big five issues you need to consider.

  • Check out Visa Requirements

You can’t just decide to move to another country. If you plan to stay more than 6 months, you will probably need to get a visa for ever family member before you leave.

Without this you could be sent back on the next plane or be allowed to visit but not work for up to 6 months, during which time you need to get a visa.

Each country has its own requirements depending upon their economy and what value you bring to the country as a new immigrant. Having a skilled occupation which is in sort supply is one way, although you would normally get a job in the country before you move.

You need to know how much money to put aside for all the costs you are going to face transporting your household goods and a car, plus other issues like insurances, school fees, school uniforms, professional registration fees, etc.

If your car doesn’t arrive at the same time you arrive, you might need to hire a car or make use of public transportation. These costs are difficult to estimate before you move.

Where are you going to live? Your first night, or more, might be in a hotel, but you need to quickly find a family home. It will be wise to rent for a period as you settle into the area where you are living and get  a feel for the local housing market.

If moving for a job, your new employer might be able to help with accommodation options, and perhaps arrange a rental property for you. Though you might prefer to choose your home yourself.

Do you bring your own car with you or not? If you are moving to a big city like London, Singapore, or London. A car isn’t that practical because of the traffic build-up and the accessibility of public transport. 

In other areas, a car may be essential. Then you will be looking at the cost to transport it to the new country and your attachment to the car, against how easily and cheap similar cars may be to purchase in the new country.

Is public transport easily available for getting the kids to and from school each day, or will you need a second car for those sorts of duties?

Costs and availability of public transport should be provided on the city council website where you are moving to.

  • Don’t forget the little things – they add up

Before you leave you will have to cancel your mobile phone contracts, your internet, power and gas, and any subscriptions, etc.

Then in your new country you will need to get all of these same services sorted. Some will need to be arranged very quickly.

These might seem minor issues, but if your phone doesn’t work when you arrive on the local service and you can’t contact anyone, that will be a real hassle. And it will be annoying to get a bill in six months’ time for the internet connection still on contract at your old home.

There are many other issues you also need to consider. Having a checklist can be helpful to make sure you don’t miss anything.



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