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5 Products to Delay Your Climax and Make PE a Thing of the Past


Screw You, PE — Here Are 5 Useful Products to Help Delay Your Climax

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Encountering any sort of physical dysfunction during sex is a very vulnerable experience.

Here you are, trying to have a nice, intimate time with someone, and your body is sabotaging the experience. What did you do to deserve this?

Premature ejaculation, commonly shortened to PE, is no different. Ejaculation — given that it usually happens when you’re experiencing an orgasm — is supposed to be a happy, pleasurable moment.

But when it happens before you’re ready, it can feel like a betrayal. You lose control of your physical self and all of a sudden experience the post-orgasmic comedown in a negative way. Instead of the high of climax, you get the sexual version of a bad trip.

It’s no surprise that people who experience PE one too many times start looking for solutions to the problem. And while the solution to cumming too fast is often a question of training and practice, there are also products on the market designed specifically to help you overcome the problem.

RELATED: Tips for Curing Premature Ejaculation

However, because the customer is often someone freaking out over something and desperate for a quick fix, the field of sex products is rife with brands that make big promises and don’t deliver. In order to ensure you don’t get swindled, here are AskMen’s picks for the best solutions for preventing PE on the market.

Basic Premature Ejaculation Facts

Many people associate PE with inexperience or youth, and there is some truth to that — it’s common to find that your experience of PE goes away over time as you become more experienced in bed.

However, it’s not strictly something that happens to teenagers or virgins. A number of different factors can impact how long it takes you to ejaculate, including physical and psychological factors.

RELATED: How Long Does It Take Men To Ejaculate?

And because PE is defined as when someone ejaculates before they want to — not after a set amount of time — what counts as PE can vary greatly from person to person. Ultimately, if you have a penis and can ejaculate, it’s possible to experience PE, and a significant amount of guys do at some point or other in their lives.

While it can be surprising when one’s partner cums quickly, it doesn’t make you a bad lover on its own. If you’re able to handle it without getting too bummed out and turn the focus to your partner, it can still be an enjoyable time for all.

How Ejaculation Control Products Work

Most ejaculation-control products on the market work by exposing the skin on the penis to lidocaine, a numbing agent that’s commonly used as a local anesthetic by dentists.

Since you won’t be able to feel the sensation of penetration (or oral, or manual stimulation) as intensely while experiencing the numbing effects of the lidocaine, it’ll prevent you from climaxing as quickly — or in some cases, at all.

RELATED: Premature Ejaculation Myths, Debunked

If your issues with ejaculation are more related to psychological factors than physical ones, the below products may not help as much. However, if PE is genuinely impacting your ability to properly enjoy sex, it may be worth a shot to try one of these options and see if it helps.

Best Products to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Roman Swipes

While many of the most popular delay options on the market today come in spray form, Roman Swipes are condom-sized wipes that you can use on your penis before sex in order to numb it. In addition to working well, their portability makes them a great choice for guys.

$17.00 at

Promescent Delay Spray

Promescent Delay Spray

Promescent might be the top delay spray out there, and if you’re having sex mainly at home — or you don’t mind carrying a small spray bottle with you on your dates — it’s a great option for anyone experiencing PE.

$22.95 at

Dynamo Delay Spray

Dynamo Delay Spray

Priced at just a touch more than two-thirds of the previous product, Dynamo’s delay spray is a solid option for guys who are dealing with PE issues but don’t have a huge budget for addressing them.

$15.95 at

Swiss Navy Endurance Rx Spray

Swiss Navy Endurance Rx Spray

While Swiss Navy is more known for their lubricants, it’s no surprise to see them experimenting with another form of sex-related liquids. Their entry into the delay spray market boasts that it’s “pH balanced” and “non-greasy.”

$20.45 at

K-Y Duration Gel

K-Y Duration Gel

Prefer a gel to a spray? K-Y’s got you covered with their Duration Gel, which, like Roman Swipes, uses benzocaine instead of lidocaine. It’s compatible with latex condoms and comes in a pump format.

$13.54 at

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Ian Stobber

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