Dating & Love
5 Common Profile Mistakes Women Over 50 are Making and What to Do Instead! | Find a Quality Man
5 Common Profile Mistakes Women Over 50 are Making and What to Do Instead!
Profile Mistake #1 . . . Being boring or negative in your profile
How many times have you wanted to take a snooze reading a man’s profile that continually says I like this and I like that.
A lot of women’s profiles start this way as well.
Now think of a party where you meet someone new and they start in with the ‘I do this monologue’ without stopping to take a breath. BORING RIGHT?
Your eyes start looking around the room trying to signal anyone who catches your eye to come and RESCUE YOU.
Online, you have less than 10 seconds to get a man’s attention before he moves on. Make your words count!
Never complain about your ex or anything else in your world that’s not right.
A man sees you as a Drama Queen and moves on.
Instead, be fun and be flirty and do it in a way that intrigues him.
Profile Mistake #2 . . . Making this romantic faux pas in your profile
When I first started dating in my 40’s I was CLUELESS!
I wrote stuff like I want to make love on a beach.
What did I know?
To me that was romantic.
To men reading it, it was like they’d hit the jackpot.
They thought I wanted to find a man to have sex with and they were more than willing to take one for the team and step up to make that happen.
I wanted a relationship but that little sentence didn’t draw in men who wanted a relationship as well.
Here’s a tip: Leave anything that has a reference to sex out of your profile and your picture.
It gives men the wrong impression and encourages those you probably aren’t interested in to write to you.
Profile Mistake #3 . . . Writing Cliche Sentences
My male friends love showing me profiles and across the board they all say the same thing about these 3 sentences…they see again and again in profiles and it turns them off.
- I’m looking for my soul mate
- I want to walk hand in hand on the beach
- I want a man who makes me laugh
By the way, men do the same thing using the sentence she looks great in jeans but can dress up in a little black dress in a flash.
You want to be unique online.
Be authentic but leave these sentences out or if you want to use them, create a story about walking on the beach or laughing that draws a man in.
Mistake #4…. Bragging
One of my male friends recently was shaking his head about a woman’s profile he’d read that morning.
He told me initially he thought she was pretty… that is until he read her profile that started with the words, I am beautiful.
Ladies, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
When you brag about your good looks, it just makes a man want to move on.
Mistake #5… Making Demands
Nothing irritates a man more than a woman who makes salary or entertainment demands in her profile.
Even financially successful men have told me this is a huge turn-off.
What pops in their heads when they read a profile like this are these 2 words that make them RUN…High Maintenance and Very Demanding…someone they’ll never be able to please.
A friend of mine wanted to dine in only the finest restaurants in town.
She met a good guy and ended up cutting him loose because he had no interest in supporting her culinary expenses.
Funny thing is, about a year later, she wanted him back because she came to realize there was more to a relationship than just money.
By that time, he’d moved on to a woman who could appreciate him for who he is not for his wallet.
Watch this video with Liz. She went from being single to getting married at 64!
If this sounds like something you want to experience in your life, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.
Believing in you!
Big hugs ~
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