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45 Fun Planner Layout Ideas and Examples for 2023
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Looking for fun planner layout ideas?
Planners aren’t only for keeping track of your daily schedule and appointments. They can also be used as a catch-all for goals, ideas, doodles, personal reminders, and creative inspiration that comes to you during the day.
Designing your planner to reflect your personality and ensuring that it remains functional can be a tough balancing act.
Hopefully the inspiring examples we’ve rounded up for you today will help you do just that!
Most of the examples featured in this post come from creative and fun-loving members of the planner and bullet journal communities.
Through these examples, you’ll discover clever ways of using stickers, scrap paper, washi tapes, and other planner-decorating supplies to maximize the functionality of your planner while showing off your creative side.
Let’s get started.
45 Planner Layout Ideas
1. Thin Planner Horizontal Layout
Let’s start with this planner featuring a horizontal layout. Many planner and bullet journal enthusiasts prefer a horizontal layout for the larger amount of space they can get when compared with a vertical layout.
This two-page layout has a section for writing notes and another for a weekly planner. Stickers featuring floral and vintage scrap paper themes are strategically laid out to create a simple and elegant spread.
2. Sticker-Happy Vertical Spread
Some planner users prefer a vertical layout for the structure it offers when writing a daily schedule. With the vertical layout, you can easily divide the day’s schedule into morning, afternoon, and evening.
You can also apply a time-blocking system if you prefer knowing your schedule by the hour.
This example uses a sticker kit to create visual interest within the planner spread. Sticker kits come in a wide selection of themes, so you should be able to find a kit that works best for your personalized layout.
3. Daily Spread in Pink
This sophisticated layout is made possible by the use of planner stickers. It features a pink color scheme, calligraphy for headers, and an inspiring quote for extra motivation. In addition, this daily spread has space assigned for writing your reflection for the day.
4. Mocha
In this example, washi tapes, stickers, and other ephemera are used to create a textured planner layout. These materials all have the same color scheme to ensure a coordinated spread that’s pleasing to the eyes.
5. Asian Motif
This weekly horizontal spread is from a bullet journal. You can achieve a similar effect by using stamps and ink in the appropriate colors, as well as stickers that depict a slice of Asian life (whether ancient or modern).
6. Pastel Sticker Kit Layout
Looking for ideas for a holiday-themed layout?
Here’s one for Easter. It features stickers in pastel colors, with images depicting various symbols and texts for the occasion.
7. Highlighted Priorities
If you don’t fancy a lot of graphics in your planner, here’s a layout you might want to try. It only requires a planner with a vertical layout, a pen, and some highlighters.
For clarity, you might want to include a legend for the highlighter colors you use in your spread.
8. Hand-Drawn Daily Planner
If you’re looking for layout ideas that don’t use stickers, here’s one that you might want to try for your next spread. This planner features a daily schedule drawn by hand.
A combination of texts and icons create an information-packed layout.
9. Vintage Apothecary
Love vintage? The example above has a vintage feel, courtesy of the color of the Mildliner and the sticker designs used for the spread.
10. Fresh and Lively
Here’s an example of a planner layout created for a specific season. The bright colors are created by the highlighters and stickers used for this spring layout.
11. Blue-and-Pink Vertical Layout
Not fond of writing down your schedule? This example shows how you can maximize the use of stickers for your planner layout so you don’t have to write anything (or write as little as possible).
In this case, you can use a sticker kit that provides everything that’s necessary to plot out your daily schedule.
12. Ball of Yarn Weekly Planner
Here’s an unconventional way to create a planner layout. It features a drawing of a multicolored ball of yarn. Threads in different colors radiate outward from the central ball, representing every day of the week (with dates).
You can then write your schedule in the sections/wedges designated for each day.
13. Coffee
This eye-catching layout was created using stickers and a highlighter in coordinating colors. The stickers are custom-made, with elements that give this layout a boho feel.
14. Minimalist
Here’s an example of a minimalist spread. It was achieved using monochromatic washi tape and some black-and-white stickers on a vertical layout.
15. Polaroids
Looking for ideas to increase the writing area of your planner? How about trying this layout featuring Polaroid pictures?
Each hand-drawn “photo” can be a space for writing details of your daily schedule.
16. Lavender
Here’s an elegant example for those who love purple or lavender. This planner spread was created using a sticker set on a vertical layout.
17. Pastel Orange Vertical Layout on Grid Paper
This planner was beautified using different styles of planner stickers. The overall design makes the planner both visually interesting and functional. Its owner’s schedule for the week is plotted out clearly, with spaces for writing down additional appointments as needed.
18. Precise
This example is one of my personal favorites in today’s collection of planner layout ideas. The crisp penmanship and the way that the spread is arranged in categories tell me that everything written on this page will get done today.
19. Vintage Border
Here’s another example of a vintage-inspired layout. The page borders were created using washi tapes in the appropriate design and color scheme. Stickers add a nice touch and ensure there are no empty spaces throughout the spread.
20. Coffee and Notes
Here’s another unique yet simple way to decorate your planner. In this example, the creator used some photos and a strip of paper with a piece of music drawn on it to create a charming design for their planner page.
21. Scrapbook Inspired
This planner features a layout in predominantly earthy tones. For added visual interest, the owner of this planner added stickers, washi tapes, and printable cutouts for a scrapbook effect.
22. A Bit of Fairy Tale
This example utilizes different types of ephemera, perhaps taking inspiration from junk journaling, where recycled materials are often used as decoration for one’s journal.
The stickers, scraps of paper, cutouts, and the owner’s handwriting itself provide a fantastical feel to this layout.
23. Stickered
This layout example shows how stickers can be used to chronicle how a person’s day is going. Some planner owners prefer not to write anything by hand on their planner pages, but instead use stickers to show how their day has been.
24. Clean Slate
Here’s another example of a minimalist layout. It features different stickers in the same color scheme, with some reflective orbs for a touch of futurism.
25. Catchall Layout
Some planner owners prefer printable sheets for their portability. This printable planner spread is made more visually interesting with the application of a goblincore-themed sticker set.
How about you—do you prefer a book-type planner or something similar to the example above?
26. Simply Fantastical Daily Setup
Here’s a purple-themed planner featuring an elegant fantasy scene. This layout was created using stickers, a strip of fabric, and a fabric applique that adds a charming touch to the overall design of this spread.
27. Sticker + Text
Here’s a mini-planner in a horizontal layout decorated with bits of stickers. Daily schedules and appointments are color-coded with the use of highlighters.
28. Winged Friend
This simple, spring-bound planner comes alive with the addition of bold-colored bird stickers. You might want to adopt this idea for your own planner.
Find some stickers depicting something you love to do and use them to embellish your own planner.
29. Monochrome
Love monochromes? Here’s an example featuring a gold/light orange theme. The layout becomes a personalized spread through the use of different stickers (e.g., checklist stickers), trendy expressions, and a motivational quote.
30. Happy and Light
Planner sticker sets can work wonders for creating a highly personalized, fun planner layout. In this example, a planner set in pink and light blue creates a pastel wonderland on printable planner pages. Not only is the effect aesthetically pleasing, the stickers also increase the functionality of the planner.
31. Planner Girl
There are tons of washi tape designs to choose from, so virtually any kind of theme for your planner spread is possible. In addition, stickers are useful for creating sections in your planner layout. They are also a cute way to fill up empty spaces within your spread.
32. Sunset Colors
In this example we have a sunset theme. The appropriate colors of washi tapes, stickers, and highlighters were chosen to pull off this theme.
You might want to try something similar for a sunrise, dusk, or dawn theme.
33. Spring Bouquet Horizontal Layout
Looking for a floral theme? Here’s a horizontal layout inspired by spring and featuring a spring bouquet sticker kit.
34. Shades of Green
Love green? Here’s a green-themed layout that you might want to try for yourself.
35. Jagged
The owner of this planner wanted to try something new by using scraps of washi tape in coordinating colors. The result is this avant-garde spread. What’s your take on this design?
36. Spring Garden
This vertical layout has a “spring garden” theme. Notice the divider in the middle of the spread, with stickers relevant to the theme. With the divider in place, you can break down your daily schedule into categories—for example, morning and afternoon.
37. Sushi Theme
This is a wonderful layout for anyone who loves sushi. The colors of the planner are super eye-catching. Although it seems like the sushi imagery is all over the page, these pictures are actually arranged strategically. You’ll notice that there are empty spaces where one can write down their schedule, notes, and other reminders for the day.
38. Bunnies and Mushrooms
Looking for examples of a woodland theme? Here’s a cute one in a horizontal layout decorated with stickers featuring mushrooms, plants, and bunnies.
39. Simply Tigger
Here’s a cartoon-themed layout with a bunch of Tigger stickers for the main decor. If you’re considering creating a similar layout, you can also hand-draw images of your favorite cartoon characters instead of using stickers.
40. Country Life
This weekly spread features stickers depicting idyllic views of the countryside. In keeping with the theme, strips of gingham washi tape are used for the top and bottom of the planner page.
41. Green Week
Here’s a simple layout that you might want to try for your next spread. It uses different hues of green, which makes the entire spread refreshing to the eyes.
42. Sakura
Here’s an idea for a floral layout. Boughs of sakura are the main decorative element in this planner. In addition, neon green and pink boxes arranged strategically on the page pull the focus to the information that is written inside them.
43. Hello, Spring
In this example, stickers relevant to the theme are placed at the top of the page, serving as the header of this layout. This simple, horizontal orientation belies how useful this clear layout can be in organizing your weekly schedule.
44. Lemony
This fun planner layout has a lemon theme, so the stickers are mostly bright yellow.
45. Vintage Postage
The design for this horizontal layout was achieved using different vintage stickers (e.g., postage stamps, vintage flower cutouts, labels, etc.) These stickers were assembled as borders for the entire spread, making one feel nostalgic for a bygone era.
Final Thoughts on Planner Layout Ideas
For many people, a planner isn’t just something that they can refer to for their daily schedule—it is also a catch-all for important notes, tracker for goals, and an outlet for creativity.
Personalizing your planner by creating fun layouts and unique embellishments gives you a sense of excitement, prompting you to use your planner on a daily basis. Your goals get accomplished, you become a master at time management, and your productivity goes up when you take the time to decorate your planner.
Hopefully, the layout examples featured in today’s article will inspire you to try out something fun and new for your next spread.
Happy planning!
Finally, if you want to level up your productivity and time management skills, then watch this free video about the 9 productivity habits you can build at work.

Michal Feyoh
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