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4 Tips for Making it Through a Rough Patch


Today I am Grateful bookLife is full of ups and downs and highs and lows. And while these rough patches we go through may seem like something terrible, the truth is that without the valleys there would be no peaks. Personal loss and challenges can be some of the greatest things that happen to us if we know how to navigate them to our advantage.

Making it through isn’t only possible, but you can make it through to the other side even stronger than before. To help you, here are some practical tips for making it through a rough patch.

Focus on What You Can Control

One of the most difficult parts of going through a difficult period of life is that we feel totally out of control. Everything seems to be going wrong when all we want is for just a few things to go right!

Instead of dwelling on everything that seems to be slipping through your fingers, focus on what you can control. Make a list of all your to-dos, and check them off. This will help you feel more grounded and like you have some sort of control over your destiny. Whether you have to go to the dry cleaners or vacuum your floor, a list of these simple todos followed by checking them off will give you a boost in morale.

Reach Out

No one should have to suffer alone. It’s important that you reach out for support because trying to handle everything by yourself can be all too overwhelming. It’s okay to ask friends and family to help you in a time of need.

If you need more structured support than simply friends and family, then consider turning to a therapist who can provide professional guidance. There are also options like support groups not only in person but also online. There are many different places where you can find support and connection with others going through the same thing as you.

Practice Gratitude

Perhaps one of the most important parts of bringing yourself up from a rut is being grateful. Look around you and see the good where you can. What’s going right, and what could you be grateful for? Staying in the moment and appreciating what you have can be a powerful tool for navigating adversity. It can totally transform your life and give you the impression that more things are going right than going wrong. It’s all about taking an inventory and being open to a little optimism.

Start a Routine

A rough patch can feel totally chaotic. That’s why starting a routine can be incredibly therapeutic. Establish a structured daily routine that can help anchor you and provide stability in a time of chaos. Try to maintain a regular schedule in the morning, eat healthy meals, and carve out time for social activities or hobbies you enjoy. Consistency and a willingness to move out of your rough patch will see you through to the other side.



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