4 Key Nutrients that have been proven to help increase fertility in men and women — Body Fusion Best Dietitian Sydney
It is important to remember that it is not only females that are encouraged to make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes, as statistics show in 50% of cases of infertility are due to men.
1. Antioxidants
Antioxidants are anti-inflammatory nutrients that reduce oxidative stress in the body. High levels of oxidative stress can result in damage to the sperm and ovaries and is a common aetiology in infertility and miscarriage. Increasing your intake of plant based foods in particular fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds and legumes can protect your body from the formation of harmful molecules that promote oxidative stress.
2. Omega 3
The body uses fats in the production of hormones which includes your sex hormones. The research suggests following a Mediterranean diet with foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids improve sperm count, egg count and hormonal function. You can speak to a Dietitian to develop an individualised plan that incorporates an adequate amounts of marine based and plant based Omega 3 to optimise your fertility.
3. Vitamin D
Studies have shown that vitamin D is an important nutrient in particularly for females, as low vitamin D is linked to low Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). AMH is a hormone made by the small follicles in the ovary which have not yet developed into mature eggs. Low AMH indicates a reduced ovarian reserve and is associated with reduced fertility. As Dietitians, we recommend having a blood test to look into your Vitamin D status and seek a Dietitian’s support to increase levels if required through food and supplementation.
4. Zinc
There is emerging evidence that zinc deficiency effects fertility as zinc helps build DNA to make new cells which are needed in the production of healthy eggs, sperm and a growing baby. Women that have been on the contraceptive pill, should look at their zinc status as the pill has been shown to reduce zinc status overtime.
Reach out to a Dietitian today to work out a plan that covers these nutrients while also working on reducing foods that decrease fertility chances 🙂
Ashleigh Brunner
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