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4 easy ways to save space in your home – Growing Family


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In today’s world, finding a house with adequate space for the family can be a challenge. Homes in the UK have always been fairly small, but with the housing crisis affecting people all over the country, space has become more expensive than ever.

However, small spaces don’t have to be cramped and uncomfortable. It’s possible to design a lovely home by making the most of what you have.

When decorating and designing your home – whether it’s a flat, house or bungalow – you need to take space into consideration. To ensure everyone has enough room to be comfortable, you need to get creative. Read on for four easy ways to save space in your home.

hallway with built-in storage

Use storage solutions

One of the simplest ways to save space in your home is to increase the number of storage solutions you’re using.

Think about whether you have the most space-efficient storage for all your belongings. If not, you can add more shelves, drawers and other units to keep everything tidy and organised.

Some storage solutions take up more space than others, so consider how you can utilise space that isn’t currently being filled.

For example, you can use screw hooks to easily hang coats, jackets and other clothes from the backs of doors. They’re very easy to apply on wood or other surfaces and are a great way to save space while keeping things within easy reach.

Most storage units look better when they’re completely closed off, such as drawers and wardrobes. However, this doesn’t mean that other storage solutions should be overlooked. Shelves are particularly useful because they can be stacked up to the ceiling, and floating shelves can be fixed to the wall above other pieces of furniture.

cluttered desk

Declutter regularly

It’s easy to get attached to possessions, and you might find it hard to let go of things you’ve had for many years. However, if you’re not working with much space you should try to declutter and get rid of old things regularly.

Less is more when you’re trying to make the most of each room. It makes sense to get rid of items that you no longer use.

Try to have a clearout at least once a year. If you have a large family it may be necessary to do it more often. Remember you can donate things to charity shops if they’re in good condition. Alternatively, you can also sell clothes and other items online.

living room decorated in neutral colours

Use light and neutral tones

Dark colours can make a strong impression, but they also help to reduce the amount of natural light in your rooms. This can have the unintended effect of making the space look smaller than it is.

By using light and neutral colours when painting and choosing decorations, you can increase the natural light in your home.

Although lighter colours might typically look less interesting, you can boost the impact by introducing different textures and patterns. This helps to create a fun and aesthetically pleasing look without sacrificing the amount of light that enters the room.

round mirror on the wall in a home

Use mirrors

Another great way to increase natural light and make spaces look bigger than they are is by using mirrors.

This is an old trick, but not one that should be overlooked. You can place mirrors in most rooms to increase the light and give the illusion of a much larger space.

They don’t have to be standard-looking mirrors either. You can create a fun and vibrant space that looks great by mixing up the types of mirrors you use. There are so many different styles, and it’s a great chance to think outside the box.

More space saving ideas

Here are some more useful resources to help you save space in your home:

Space saving ideas for kids bedrooms

Family home storage tips

Small space gardening ideas



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