4 Differences Between A Mind Vs. Body High
With cannabis legal, more people are consuming. But the surprise it isn’t always about getting high and chilling out, a surprising number are using it for medical reasons. Gen Z, who is struggling with anxiety, use it to relax and also as an alternative to alcohol. Boomers are using it for medical reasons at increasing number. But a concern is they don’t users for these reasons don’t want to be too stoned. Here are the 4 differences between a mind vs. body high. This is a key part in consuming for medical reasons or just a relaxing evening.
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According to data, most medical cannabis patients report enjoying the hyper-sensory experience of feeling high. Sativa strains can induce a head high, which may empower you to think faster, act more quickly, and feel less inhibited at social gatherings. Indica is associated with more of a ‘bedtime buzz’, or what we call a body high, leaving you feeling relaxed, calm, and ready to catch up on some sleep.Indica strains may be well known for their ability to provide body-numbing effects that can help make chronic pain more manageable. cerebral strains can help alleviate chronic pain by reducing pain perception, or how acutely you feel pain and discomfort.
So marijuana can have two effects: body highs and head highs. While it’s very difficult to predict always predict the type of high, it’s slightly easier to differentiate a head high from a body high. So whether you use it for medical or just for fun, it is good to know which trip you are choosing.
Body highs heighten your physical sensations
Body highs are known for their powerful relaxing effects. This makes tend to leave the user less functional and more impaired. These highs are great for watching silly movies or enjoying a delicious meal. You’ll be less talkative but might be having a better time.
Mind highs alter your mood
Mind highs result in a brighter mood, with less laziness involved. They’re perfect for day use, since people remain functional with an added sheen of optimism and energy. Controlled mind highs are great for working out or carrying out day to day activities with an exciting twist.
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Body highs tend to help treat pain and provide relaxation

Since body highs are so focused on the body, they tend to be an amazing option for people who are struggling with some form of pain. They also enhance sexual awareness and bodily sensations.
Mind highs are talky and creative

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Mind highs are great for social or creative situations. They result in talky or giggly highs, easing social anxiety and making every situation fun and different. Creative activities like painting, writing, and more, come easily to people who know how to handle these type of highs.
Amy Hansen
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