Self Help
35 Funny Time Management Memes for 2023
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Need a break from an intense and busy day?
Sometimes, it can be challenging to get things done on a daily basis.
The repetitive nature of our tasks becomes boring pretty quickly for some people.
Even though you’re committed to crossing off every item on your to-do list by the end of the day, you encounter distractions and other urgent, important items that aren’t on your list (and definitely not in your carefully plotted out planner). Unfortunately, these require your attention, too.
Such is life.
As a consolation, we have collected these funny time management memes to give you a break from the pressure and intensity of whatever you are working on at the moment.
A warning, though: Checking out the memes below means wasting some of your precious time.
Still, we think the laughs might be worth it.
1. A Lot of Us Are Busy, I Guess
via Memes Monkey
Sometimes, it seems like very few of us have time to do anything. But is our busy-ness doing us any good?
Does it help get things done, or it’s just an excuse for the thousands of unfinished tasks waiting for our attention?
2. Those Dots Have to Go Somewhere
Excuse me, but I think this form is broken. Procrastination is not the way!
3. Time Always Seems to Be the Problem
Time management is a learned skill. But how can we learn about it when we don’t even have the time to study?
4. Meanwhile, in an Alternate Universe
Maybe there’s another dimension where people procrastinate on less important tasks by doing super important ones. Perhaps, in that alternate universe, finishing their daily to-dos is considered a major time sink.
5. Works Best Under Pressure
You know what they say about diamonds—they are created under pressure. I’ve got to give it to Wally, here. He’s a gem.
6. That’s a Great Skill to Have
The term “multitasking” was originally used for computers’ ability to perform several tasks simultaneously. These days, humans also try to multitask, but it’s proven to be ineffective at increasing productivity. Frogs, on the other hand, are great multitaskers. Just ask Kermit.
7. There’s Really No Time
Sometimes, we’re in denial that our time management skills could use some improvement. This meme sums that trap up perfectly.
8. Charts Are Always Helpful

via Time Analytics
What’s most commendable about this chart is that Jim is completely aware of how he actually spends his time.
9. Should Have Checked the Daily To-Dos First

via Time Analytics
Do you ever feel like your tasks will be the end of you? This guy procrastinated himself to death!
10. Rigid Yet Flexible

via Memes Monkey
Life is a paradox, and time management even more so. This meme reminds me of a famous saying: “Learn how to bend so you’ll never have to break.” Just make sure you have the time to do it!
11. That’s Another Way of Saying It

via Memes Monkey
We all know that procrastination is the main enemy of time management. But you can also count on denial to show up when you’re already neck-deep in trouble. Then there’s a surge of panic as deadlines loom ever closer.
Admittedly, it does get pretty exciting sometimes.
12. It’s Not His Fault

via Memes Monkey
The guy in this meme might be a bit out of touch with reality. Of course, this actually works if the person is important enough that the world revolves around them. Unfortunately, tyrants went out of fashion around the same time as the Black Plague.
13. Make a Note, Keep Your Focus

via Time Analytics
Managing your time well requires that you ignore distractions and get things done. Sometimes this is very hard to do.
14. 100% True

via Time Analytics
Sounds funny, right? Actually, this is very true. Busy people hate to see items on their to-do lists that haven’t been crossed out yet.
15. Sammy the Seal Is Punctual

via 9gag
Sammy the seal has very good time-management skills and is constantly on time for his feedings.
All it takes is the right motivation.
16. A Daily Planner Could Have Helped
Ever get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work you need to do for the day? We recommend the Eisenhower Matrix to get things done in a systematic way.
17. Digital World Problems
If that isn’t the truth, then nothing is. We adjust to the systems companies adopt to improve productivity, but most of the time, the result is just the opposite. Maybe giving each employee a personal planner with some stickers will work better at encouraging them to be productive.
18. Getting Things Done with the Right Soundtrack

via Pleated Jeans
Why is it that we get more things done when there’s music playing? Better download songs for your GTD playlist soon.
Check out this post for our recommendations of the best motivational songs to pump up your year.
19. That Term No Longer Applies

via Pleated Jeans
Are you the type that laughs at the face of danger? Do you do everything at the last minute? Here’s a meme for you.
20. The Goal Is Improved Productivity
It’s a shame that there are only 24 hours in a day. I know I could use an additional 16 hours or so just to catch up with my work backlog.
21. Detail Oriented
You know, we should use charts more to explain our actions. They look so professional, like we mean business—even when they simply illustrate why we failed to meet the deadline for an important project assigned to us a couple of months ago.
22. Wonder Why I’m Exhausted at the End of the Day
via Time Analytics
Pretending to be busy is exhausting. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some important things to tend to.
23. Master Yoda’s Reminder
Even the Jedi master is an advocate of better time management. This meme is Master Yoda endorsing the Eisenhower Matrix.
24. Dealing with Anything Important Tomorrow
Perhaps you’re one of those people who can face difficulties head on, such as a full list of daily to-dos, or short-term goals to accomplish in support of a major one. However, there are many of us who aren’t capable of doing so.
We don’t actually run away from our problems—we just choose to deal with them tomorrow.
And we all know what they say about tomorrow.
25. We All Get Sidetracked Every Once in a While
via Memes Monkey
Perhaps having poor time-management skills is a good thing. Never mind the deadlines you missed—look at that detailed lettering. That’s art!
26. On a Tight Schedule
Do you use time blocking to plan out your day? The Grinch looks like he does.
27. This Situation Calls for the Eisenhower Matrix
Here’s another meme that demonstrates the importance of the Eisenhower Matrix. Check it out—it’s a great tool for getting things done!
28. Time Management Skills Need a Major Overhaul
This scene is what I imagine when people procrastinate for over a year and a performance review at work comes out. It’s overwhelming, but it can also be an opportunity to develop one’s resourcefulness for beating deadlines and boosting productivity.
29. Armageddon Cometh
Social media is down?! Surely, it’s the end of the world. All that’s left for me to do is start on this quarterly report.
30. Those Tasks Aren’t Going to Get Done by Themselves

via J. J. Hamilton
There’s always something else to do—but is it getting you closer to your goals? Get your work done first, then enjoy everything else.
31. We Are Pros at Something

via J. J. Hamilton
It’s funny how both procrastination and productivity start with the word “pro.” It’s no wonder many people struggle with the two.
32. The Secret to Productivity

via iFunny
Want to know the real secret to productivity? If you guessed self-discipline or good time management skills, this meme is here to tell you that you’re wrong.
Apparently the secret is adding a scary hour to your morning routine. It motivates you to be productive throughout the day.
33. The Reason People Are Opting for WFH Arrangements

via iFunny
Can you believe that someone thought this toilet was the answer to improving employees’ time management skills?
I’m not surprised that a large number of workers have recently taken the WFH route. They must have seen the latest renovations at their workplace.
34. At Least the Desk Is Now Clutter Free
Some people have a specific routine before starting work. This conditions the brain to start focusing on the task at hand.
That’s the idea, anyway. But how does one justify a thousand jumping jacks as part of a pre-work routine?
35. I’m a Carrot
I’d definitely leave this person alone, because I understand how they feel. I think I’m also a carrot.
Final Thoughts on Time Management Memes
Well, there you have it—memes about time management that probably took you around 10 minutes to enjoy.
We hope you enjoyed the memes featured today. Also, we hope you’re now feeling more refreshed to tackle the next task on your to-do list.
For more memes to enjoy, check out this post about procrastination memes, and this one about goal memes to inspire a successful year.
And if you’re looking for more memes, be sure to check out these blog posts:
Michal Feyoh
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