Welcome to a breath of fresh air! If you’re tired of navigating the congested realms of nasal discomfort, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we can provide 3 Types of Natural Inhalers – Ways to Clear Up the Nasal Congestion . Whether you’re battling seasonal allergies, a stubborn cold, or simply seeking holistic remedies, join us on a journey through three types of natural inhalers that promise relief without the side effects. Get ready to inhale wellness and bid farewell to nasal congestion! These are perfect remedy for cold, is suitable for babies 6 months and older..

3 Types of Natural Inhalers

3 Types of Natural Inhalers - Ways to Clear Up the Nasal Congestion

Ajwain Potli for Babies is a natural inhaler made with the traditional ingredient Ajwain. It is known to treat nasal congestion in babies and kids. One such ingredient is Ajwain or carom seeds. Ajwain is an Indian herb which has powerful antibacterial and antifungal along with anti-inflammatory effects as well. These make ajwain the perfect remedy for cough and cold as well as for nasal congestion in babies and kids.



  • Heat a pan.
  • Add ajwain in the pan .
  • Dry roast the ajwain till nice aroma comes.
  • Transfer the roasted ajwain to muslin cloth.
  • Wrap the cloth.
  • Tie a knot to make a Potli.
  • Ajwain Potli is ready to use.
3 Types of Natural Inhalers - Ways to Clear Up the Nasal Congestion

This unique natural inhaler combines the powerful properties of Ajwain (carom seeds) and garlic, creating a compact and effective tool to ease respiratory discomfort. As we delve into the world of herbal inhalation, let’s explore how the Ajwain Garlic Potli can offer a breath of fresh relief, providing a holistic approach to clearing nasal passages and promoting overall respiratory well-being.


  • Ajwain
  • garlic cloves
  • Muslin Cloth


  • In a pan, dry roast the ajwain seeds and garlic for 2-3 minutes under low flame or until the aroma wafts out.
  • Once it’s cooled transfer the roasted ingredients to a muslin cloth.
  • Wrap and tie a knot to make a potli.
  • Ajwain garlic potli is ready.
3 Types of Natural Inhalers - Ways to Clear Up the Nasal Congestion

Ajwain garlic cloves potli, brings relief from cough, cold, and nasal congestion, serving as a natural inhaler to ease discomfort. The blend of ajwain and garlic creates a soothing aroma that helps alleviate respiratory issues. Simple to prepare, this potli is a gentle and effective solution for your little one’s well-being. The natural properties of ajwain and garlic work synergistically to provide comfort during cold symptoms. Use it as a safe and natural inhaler for babies to breathe easier. This remedy is a holistic approach to addressing common cold issues in infants, ensuring their health and comfort.


  • 1 Small cup of Ajwain seeds
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 3 Cloves
  • A Muslin Cloth


  • Place the garlic, cloves, and ajwain seeds in a pan and gently roast them over low heat for 2-3 minutes or until a delightful aroma fills the air.
  • Once it’s either lukewarm/ cooled transfer the roasted ingredients to a muslin cloth.
  • Wrap the cloth,tie a knot to make a potli.
  • Ajwain garlic cloves potli is ready.
Welcome to a breath of fresh air! In this blog, we can provide 3 Types of Natural Inhalers - Ways to Clear Up the Nasal Congestion .

Exploring natural inhalers can be promising remedies for alleviating nasal congestion. These herbal inhalation techniques not only harness the aromatic and therapeutic properties of Ajwain and garlic but also offer a holistic approach to respiratory wellness. Each potli brings in unique benefits, from decongestant properties to antimicrobial effects, making them valuable additions to your arsenal against nasal congestion.

As you incorporate these natural inhalers into your routine, remember to tailor your choices based on personal preferences and sensitivities. By embracing these natural remedies, you can enjoy the benefits of traditional healing practices and promote clear nasal passages, fostering a sense of well-being and respiratory comfort.

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