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3 Tips for Getting in Touch with your Feminine Side | Find a Quality Man


3 Tips for Getting in Touch with your Feminine Side


Nancy worked her butt off climbing up the corporate ladder to her current position as Senior Vice President of Sales.

She’d had to endure a lot to get there.

Men hadn’t always been keen on working for a woman and she knew over the years they had called her a bitch behind her back.

True, it had meant toughening up her heart.

As a kid, her heart had been broken so easily by those who didn’t like her.

These days, she was proud that this was no longer the case.

Every day, Nancy came to work in her power suit . . . either a black skirt and jacket or a black pantsuit.

She had always figured if this is what successful men did in the corporate world, then she’d do it too.

When it came to making presentations to her male colleagues, she felt she was pretty good at it.

She knew exactly how to gather all the facts and figures, knowing men were logical beings and related to numbers well this way.

However, there were times she found herself leaving meetings totally exhausted, feeling like she’d played a challenging mental game she’d had to work hard to win.

On a personal level, Nancy’s marriage had suffered from her climb to the top of the corporate world.

As the judge banged the gavel declaring she and her husband of 20 plus years divorced, he’d looked at her sadly and said, “Nancy, I’ve loved you since we were kids but you just don’t seem to know how to let me be a man. I can’t do this with you anymore.”

She asked him what he’d meant but all he could do was hug her one last time telling her she’d have to figure it out now on her own.

Nancy had all the money she could ever want, and yet as she went to bed every night, she longed to feel a man’s arms around her again making her feel safe and loved.

Divorced now for 3 years, she’d tried dating but men seemed to be intimidated by her job and the power she reeled.

She wasn’t sure what to do and that’s when we began working together.

These 3 tips are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to men but they started changing Nancy’s life with men both personally and in business.

Tip #1 . . . I showed Nancy how to stop competing with men.

Nancy always felt like she’d had to turn her personality switch off and on between her work and dating life.

But in reality . . .

There is no switch.

The secret is learning how to relate to men so they want to cooperate, not compete, with you.

This means learning the language they respond to . . . The Hero Response.

It’s different from the language we as women use . . . what’s best for the community.

Which brings us to . . .

Tip #2 . . . I showed Nancy how to use the language men do speak and hear.

I suggested Nancy start using what I call the 4 magic words – I need your help – at both work and in dating.

As a woman, you are strong.

And YES, you can do it all even when it exhausts you.

Yet most women I speak with are tired of doing it ALL and they would love to have someone take some of the burdens off their shoulders.

But, they fear they might look weak if they ask for help.

Emotionally healthy men are wired to make your life easier both at work and in your personal life.

Tip #3 . . . Take the masculine phrases “I believe” and “I think” out of your vocabulary and replace them with the feminine phrase “I feel”  

Men were taught to suck up their emotions and as a result, they can’t always identify the emotion you’re trying to convey.

You can help them (which will help you get your needs met) with a simple vocabulary switch from “I believe” or “I think”(both masculine phrases from the brain) to “I feel”(this phrase shows your vulnerability from your heart and makes a man want to step up and make your life easier).

Now, this doesn’t mean telling a guy . . . “I feel like you’re an idiot for not doing this.”

That will get you nowhere with men.

Instead, say something like “I feel frustrated when a project isn’t completed.”

Or, “I’m feeling angry or sad about this issue.”

Using the words “I feel” also reminds you to stay in your unique feminine power which is your heart and your softness that men are so attracted to in women.

Try these 3 Tips out and watch how it changes your life with men.

Lisa’s Quality Man Template helped me find my soul mate in my 50’s!

I am so grateful to have found Lisa Copeland and the Love After 50 program. The insights I learned about how men think and what they are looking for have helped me to find my soul mate in my 50’s. We couldn’t be more right for one another! We have been dating exclusively for over a year now, and have definitely fallen in love with one another! I am so grateful to have written the Quality Man Template, which was the key tool to helping me realize that this man is the one I have been looking for all my life. Thank you, Lisa Copeland, for all you have taught me! Hugs and kisses and best wishes to you! Lisa, Minnesota

Would you love having the love of a good man in your life in 2023?

Imagine . . .  no more searching for Mr. Right.

No more wondering where can I find him.

And waking up every morning with that love and sweetness in your life.

If this sounds amazing, just click here and let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can make this happen for you.

Believing in you!

Big hugs ~


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