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Dating & Love

3 Pre-Conceived Notions on Online Dating


Oh, yes, many people have them. So, let’s get right to it.

1. No way will I like him.

Let me tell you what happened yesterday…and I know my client in the SW is probably reading this. Cari (made-up name) is a new client with me and last week as we were going through potential matches for her online, she kept saying “no way”.

Many of you know me—and my 50/50 rule when choosing dates. I was getting rather exhausted with her excuses and I chose 3 men and told her I was writing them an initial message on the dating site we were on together. (She exclaimed:” no, they should reach out to me”.) Why do the men have to do all the work was my reply.

So, on our coaching call yesterday, she told me about her 4-hour date with John on Saturday—how they laughed, had much in common (and not—the spice of life!), and how much better looking he was in real life. This is the man she did NOT want to meet. They have another date this weekend; so, we shall see what happens. Well, at least I didn’t add “I told you so” …because I was too happy!

2. Listen to Friends

Right back to Cari again. The site we were on she had put up much resistant as her “friends” didn’t like this site. Read: They met no one as they didn’t know what they were doing! Her friends were negative….and single. Once I told her I had 3 engagements on this site alone in October, she was a bit pacified. Please listen to an expert dating coach with much experience, not friends and family. (read more below)

Ready to date? Set up a 15-minute free information call with me to see if we are a good fit. As my clients know, I’m graciously direct and will let you know if I can help or not. And, don’t wait until December/January when I always have a wait list as online dating explodes.

You can sign up this month and we won’t begin the online dating until December 26 or January 1 but at least I’ll have you queued up and ready to date! Book your call here.

Or text me at 702-494-7344 and I’ll get your free call scheduled this week.

3. If attractive and successful, they wouldn’t need a dating site

Paradox, huh? You are here, right? And so, is Matt, a successful 54-year-old NYC doctor, widowed, 2 teens still at home—exactly where is your love life sprouting from? Your practice? I think not. Friend’s one-off dates? Nope. I think back to my client Carl from nearly a year ago in Nashville in the exact same circumstances—he told me to get to work and he just wanted to date. He trusted me and let me do my job. Just like I’d trust him in the ER. A month ago, a text appears with him on a glacier in Switzerland with his fancée, Mira. Yep, they met online.

So, the question I get quite often as a dating consultant is this: Andrea, you sold It’s Just Lunch with 110 locations worldwide; why in the world are you still doing this? As IJL grew and I had over 500 employees, I had no more client interface. That’s the part I loved. Sure, growing a company is fun but when I sold, I knew exactly where to go. Online. Where people needed help beginning with my brother. (Good thing he never reads my stuff).

That’s why you sometimes see a waitlist for me—I am diligent about only taking a certain number of clients each month that I personally can handle. (Yes, I have an assistant keeping me organized—but I do all the writing and talking with clients).

So, why I do what I do? Cuz I love it!

Happy Dating,

Andrea McGinty, Founder
Dating Counselor/Dating Consultant



Andrea McGinty

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