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3 Keys To Having A Happy Relationship


Some couples seem to be able to weather any storm, and they seem to be as happy today as they were when they first met.

Is this true, or are they putting on a show for the rest of the world, and are they genuinely unhappy at home?

Although this can be the reality, it’s not always the case; some long-term relationships are just as solid and stable (and joyful) as they were at the outset.

If you’re curious to find out how you can do this, here are some pointers on how to do it yourself.


You’ll have a far higher chance of remaining together if you’re completely honest about how relationships work.

Remember that those initial few insane months of utter love and devotion will fade, which is why it is important to be with someone you like and get on with rather than someone you find beautiful.

That friendship will become much more significant than looks over time, and it will be what develops a far more profound, richer connection.

 It’s also crucial to recognize that all relationships have ups and downs, and assuming that you’ll never have an argument or fall out and that nothing will ever put your love and commitment to the test, is just impractical.

Know that hard times will come and be prepared for them but don’t forget that wonderful things are also on the road ahead.

It’s essential to spend quality time together as a couple to preserve a strong, healthy relationship. If it means leaving the kids or pets with someone else for an evening, a weekend, or even longer, do it – you need time to be together and reconnect, particularly if you’ve been drifting apart for a while.

Find an activity that both of you like and try it out together; you might discover that you both enjoy the same interests and can do them together.

Experiment with something new and see what occurs.

And of course, this can link back to the bedroom too, as there are many different ways that making sex exciting can enhance a relationship; look online and learn more about Wild Flower for an idea of where to start. 


Remember, though, that when you’re in a relationship, it’s equally as necessary to spend time apart as it is to be together.

Not every couple will have the same hobbies (though they will almost certainly have something in common), so it is crucial to be free to do your own thing.

If you’re unable to enjoy your interests, you could feel as if the relationship is suffocating you and begin to detest it.

Make sure you set aside some time when you can (once a week is ideal, but because everyone is so busy, once a month would do) to do something you like without the need of anybody else.


If you try to change your spouse or your partner tries to change you (or if just one of you wants the other to change), the relationship will be stressed and strained in ways that it doesn’t need to be.

It’s much better to embrace each other for who you are; after all, that’s why you came together in the first place.

If you enter a relationship expecting or wanting to alter the other person from the outset, you are dooming the whole thing to failure before it ever has a chance.


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