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3 best practices to create a STEM-focused school


Key points:

  • STEM education has myriad academic and career benefits for students
  • STEM-focused schools can engage their surrounding communities and stakeholders to craft strong learning programs
  • See related article: 5 science and technology videos to get students talking
  • For more news on STEM learning, visit eSN’s STEM & STEAM page

The benefits of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education are numerous, and one would be hard-pressed to find a school district that doesn’t have a project, initiative, class, or lesson with the acronym in its title.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2021, there were nearly 10 million workers in STEM occupations–a total projected to grow by almost 11 percent by 2031. This figure represents a growth rate twice as fast as non-STEM occupations.

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Ashish Vadalia, STEM Program Manager, Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation

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