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27 Undeniable Signs He Is Slowly Falling For You


Love is a beautiful thing. It can make you feel like you’re on top of the world. But sometimes, it can be hard to tell if that feeling is mutual. When you find the ideal partner and begin to feel an increasing amount of attraction toward him, you might want to look for undeniable signs he is slowly falling for you.

He may be a friend you met online or an old best friend. He could be that cute guy on the 5th floor who always makes your heart do a summersault during your tea break chit-chats. Whoever he might be, he can say a lot about his feelings toward you with his body language and subtle gestures, and you should familiarize yourself with the art of spotting these signs.

27 Undeniable Signs He is Slowly Falling for You

In this article, we will outline the undeniable indicators that he likes you because there is a distinction between a man who is just being polite and one who is drawn to you. The good news is that when a guy likes you, there are several apparent signals that he will drop, often accidentally. These signs can range from a simple, playful touch to a heartfelt gesture, and it’s crucial to spot them. But don’t you worry; we are here to help you.

Given how difficult it can be to discern when a guy is falling for you, we’ve put up a list of 27 telltale indications. If you spot these cues, you can be certain that your guy is warming up to you. Check out these signs to figure out if he likes you before you let yourself fall head over heels for him.

1. He looks at you…a lot

If you catch him looking at you a lot, especially when you aren’t looking back, it could mean that he is interested in you and is trying to get your attention. It could also mean that he is trying to gauge your reaction to him or that he is simply lost in thought. Whatever the case, it is worth noting if a guy looks at you a lot. It is one of the definite signs a guy has fallen hard for you.

2. His eye contact lingers

There is nothing more electric than eye contact that lingers just a beat too long. It’s the kind of eye contact that says everything and nothing all at once. It’s a sign that he is slowly falling for you. “The impact of eye contact is so powerful because it is instinctive and connected with humans’ early survival patterns.” – Carol Kinsey Goman (in Forbes)

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3. He mirrors your body language

When you’re around someone you’re attracted to, it’s natural to mirror their body language. If you’re leaning in, he leans in. If you cross your legs, he crosses his. Research has shown that we’re more likely to be attracted to people who remind us of ourselves. So, if he’s mirroring your body language, he’s totally into you, which is one of the physical signs he’s falling for you.

4. He accepts your quirkiness

When people first start dating, they usually keep their eccentricities to themselves. However, there is no way to conceal it as time goes on. A guy who is steadily falling in love with you will eventually accept it and remain with you. You never know; he might find some of your eccentricities attractive. Perhaps they keep you apart from the others who approach him. This is one of the best signs he has fallen for you.

5. He brings you things

This can be a random gift, a cup of coffee, or even your favorite yogurt flavor. If he cares enough to bring you things when he thinks you can use a ‘pick me up’ or just to brighten up your day, it is a subtle sign he has fallen for you. Gifts are important and can prove that he thinks of you.

6. He’s always happy to see you

If your guy is always happy to see you, it’s a good sign that he’s falling for you. He loves spending time with you and enjoys your company. You make him feel good, and he wants to be around you as much as possible. He notices your absence and insists on having you around.

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7. He makes healthy compromises for you

If you find a man who is willing to make concessions for you and the relationship, never let him go! Making sacrifices for someone is a big deal, and if you find him shifting his routine or habits around for your convenience, it shows that he really does like you.

8. You have inside jokes

If you and your guy have started sharing private jokes with each other, it’s a sure sign that he’s falling for you. These inside jokes are a way for him to show you that he’s comfortable enough with you to let his guard down and be himself. This is one of the signs he is falling for you.

9. He loves hearing you laugh

He loves hearing you laugh. It’s one of the things that first drew him to you, and it’s something that he never gets tired of. Every time you laugh, it feels like a little victory for him. If he knows how to make his girl laugh, he is a keeper.

10. He loves learning about you

Even the most trivial thing about you piques his interest, and he’ll never miss an opportunity to get to know you better. People tend to do this only when they’re really interested in someone. This probably means that he wants to make you his girlfriend.

11. He remembers little things about you

It could be something as small as the type of coffee you like or the way you take your eggs. But if he takes note of the things that are important to you and makes an effort to remember them, he is a keeper.

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12. His tone changes when he talks to you

If he starts to speak to you in a softer, more intimate tone, it’s a sign that he’s starting to fall for you. This change in tone can be accompanied by other changes in his behavior, such as wanting to spend more time with you and being more protective of you.

According to research, it is confirmed that the improvement or deterioration of a relationship can be determined by the tone of voice that couples use during communication with each other.

13. He texts and calls just to check in

It’s a pretty obvious sign that your guy likes you when he texts and calls merely to check-in. He cares about your well-being and wants to ensure everything is alright with you.

14. You feel like the only person in the world when he’s with you

When he’s with you, you feel like the only person in his world. He looks at you with adoration and love, and you can’t help but feel the same way in return. This means he finds you irresistible. This level of adoration can lead to a happy and fulfilling relationship.

15. He will always keep his word

Every wholesome relationship is built on the principles of trust and honesty. If a man promises to do one thing but then does another, he is not being truthful with you. But a guy who is falling for you understands that a relationship cannot last without honesty and trust. This is one of the subtle signs he has completely fallen for you.

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16. Your happiness is essential to him

It’s no secret that guys can be slightly guarded regarding their emotions. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel things just as deeply as everyone else. In fact, for a guy in love, your happiness is essential to him, even if he doesn’t always show it.
Research revealed that happiness and a long-lasting relationship go hand in hand, and if your guy goes above and beyond to make you happy, you’re more likely to end up in a long and happy relationship with him.

17. He gets jealous when other guys are around you

When your guy starts getting jealous when other guys are around you, it should make you think about how invested he is in this relationship. Jealousy is often a sign of insecurity and one of the weird signs he’s falling for you, but as long as it is playful and not toxic, it indicates that he cares about you.

18. He always wants to spend time with you

If your guy is always trying to spend time with you, he is falling in love with you. He’ll want to do things together, like going on dates or meeting for drinks, and he’ll try to find ways to make more time for you. One of the earliest things he says when he’s falling for you is that he wants to spend more time with you. This clearly shows that he’s interested in you and wants to get to know you better. This is a definite sign that he longs for you.

19. He is constantly texting or calling you

If your guy is constantly texting or calling you, it’s a sign that he is into you. He’s probably feeling a strong connection to you and wants to keep in touch as much as possible. This is a great way to gauge his feelings for you. If he’s always quick to respond to your texts and calls, it shows that he cares about you and is interested in your words.

Related Reading: How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested?

20. He goes out of his way to do things for you

If your guy is going out of his way to do things for you, it’s a clear sign that he has fallen for you. He’ll go out of his way to make sure you’re comfortable and happy, even if it means making a few sacrifices himself. He’ll also go out of his way to spend time with you and get to know you better. All these things show that he cares about you and wants to ensure you’re happy.

21. He introduces you to his friends and family

He’s finally ready to let you into his inner circle and introduce you to the people who matter the most to him. This is a big step for him, showing that he trusts you enough to want you to be a part of his life. He wants you to meet his parents, siblings, and close friends because he wants them to know the special person in his life. He will take pride in introducing you and is on the path to eventually committing to you.

22. You always feel comfortable around him

If you find that you’re always comfortable around him, it is a subtle sign of a growing connection. You don’t feel like you have to put on a show or a front when you’re around him. He makes you feel like yourself and accepts you for who you are.

23. He makes an effort to amuse you

Humour and attractiveness are closely related, as numerous studies have demonstrated, like this one. He might be attempting to win you over with his wit if he makes corny jokes, tells humorous stories, or goes out of his way to make you laugh.

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24. He has become more and more expressive around you

He starts to ponder over foolish things when you hang out with him and dives into sincere monologues. This is a definite sign he has completely fallen for you since, as we all know, guys are in fact more complicated than we think.

25. He offers to help at every chance

When a guy goes above and beyond to assist you when there is no benefit to him, it is generally because he likes you. Perhaps he offers to mend the flat tyre on your car, helps you move apartments, or offers to give you a ride. He doesn’t mind because it allows him to spend more time with you.

26. He never misses an opportunity to touch you

He might hug you, caress your arm or shoulder, or look for an opportunity to touch your face or hair in a friendly, subdued manner. Physical touching is in itself a love language, and it’s a way a guy tells you that he has fallen for you.

27. He always checks on your safety

Even if he’s busy, exhausted, or your place is far away, he still drives you home when it’s late or dark outside. He requests that you text him so that he can ensure your safety. These are some subtle signs a guy has fallen hard for you.

Key Pointers

  • There are several undeniable signs that your guy is slowly falling for you, you just need to keep an eye out for them
  • If he looks at you a lot or if your eye contact lingers a beat too long, it signifies his attraction toward you.
  • He may even unconsciously start mirroring your body language
  • If he goes above and beyond to get you gifts and other things by sacrificing his time and energy, that is another crucial sign to watch out for
  • If he is tirelessly interested in spending more and more time with you and keeps texting and calling you, he is totally into you

There are many signs that a man is falling for you, but some of the obvious ones are listed above. If your guy is exhibiting some of these behaviors, they are undeniable signs that he is slowly falling for you. Although he pays you a lot of attention, try to maintain your composure as much as possible. You ought to know at this point why the guy you like behaves the way he does. But it’s also totally reasonable for you to be impatient to act at this point! So, enjoy the process, and let him show you how much he cares.


1. How does a man act when he’s falling in love?

When a man falls in love, he typically knows. He becomes more protective of you. His demeanor may also shift, becoming more chivalrous and gentlemanly. He may also desire to spend more time with you and make an attempt to please you. Another indicator that a man is in love is when he begins to open up to you about his emotions and ideas. He may also get more affectionate toward you, wishing to hold your hand or embrace you.

2. How quickly do men fall in love?

The answer is more complex than you may expect. While some men appear to fall in love instantly, others take time getting to know a person before deciding whether or not to pursue a relationship with them. A man’s age, previous experiences, and the amount of attraction he feels are all elements that might impact how soon he falls in love. However, younger men tend to be more impulsive and more likely to fall head over heels in love at first sight than older men.

3. How does a man show his love without saying it?

There are several ways a man can express his love without saying it. He can do simple things like hold your hand, embrace you or kiss you on the cheek. He can also do more important things for you, such as buy you flowers, take you on a romantic excursion, or make you supper. Everything he does from the heart shows his love and care for you. Being attentive, making meaningful gestures, and just being present for you are some more ways a man may demonstrate his love without saying it.

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