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25 Amazing Facts About Libraries


There may be no greater repository of analog information than the library, a glorious assembly of printed pages that can take us on adventures, educate us, and fill our days and nights with details of worlds beyond our own—all free of charge. Today, there are roughly 116,867 public and academic libraries dotting the country. To celebrate National Library Week (April 23 to April 29, 2023), we’ve rounded up 25 fascinating facts about these irreplaceable institutions.

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin loved reading so much, he started his own lending library. / Hulton Archive/Getty Images

One of the oldest public libraries in the country opened in 1790 in Franklin, Massachusetts, where residents circulated books donated by Benjamin Franklin. The Founding Father once started his own lending library in 1731 in Philadelphia called the Library Company, but it required a subscription fee of 40 shillings.

The wealthy industrialist donated $55 million—or about $1.6 billion in today’s dollars—between 1886 and 1919 to open an astonishing 2509 libraries worldwide, including 1679 in the United States.

Carnegie funded several New York City libraries, and those buildings were often constructed with apartments on the top floor. The idea was that the library’s custodians would have living quarters so that they could keep shoveling coal into furnaces at all hours of the day and night.

The practice was prevalent in the late 1800s, when library pioneer Melvil Dewey—of Dewey Decimal System fame—and other curators of early collections believed that legible handwriting was a must for card catalogs. The practice faded as typewriters grew in popularity.

Library of Congress' Main Reading Room

The main reading room at the Library of Congress. / tom nebbia/GettyImages

The world’s biggest library in terms of catalog depth is the Library of Congress (LOC), which has more than 173 million items. That record is a rebound from a calamity in 1814, when the then-14-year-old collection of 3000 volumes was destroyed after British troops burned the Capitol building, in which it was located.

The LOC is so devoted to making knowledge available to everyone that it pays to reproduce popular magazines in Braille. In 1985, an irate senator from Ohio named Chalmers Wylie lobbied to get them to stop publishing a Braille version of Playboy. It was reinstated after protests.

You don’t necessarily need to head to the Library of Congress to feel overwhelmed by the written word. The McAllen Public Library in McAllen, Texas, is housed in a converted Walmart location and might be the largest single-story library location in the country. The 123,000-square foot space has a computer lab, a cafe, and an 180-seat auditorium.

The Haskell Free Library and Opera House sits directly on the border between the United States and Canada. You can walk in from Stanstead, Quebec, and walk out into Derby Line, Vermont. You don’t need a passport to cross the (literal) line running through the building, but you do have to return to your country of origin or risk fines.

A bat hanging upside down.

When it comes to libraries, bats can hang. / Sebastien-Coell/iStock/Getty Images

The Joanina Library at the University of Coimbra in Portugal has a number of bats in residency, but no one is calling for an exterminator. The bats prey on insects that could damage book pages. Staff drape tables with coverings overnight and clean up the guano in the morning.

Among the more popular genres in prison libraries: paranormal romance, young adult titles, and the Left Behind series.

Not all libraries expect publishers to do the heavy lifting. The Bethlehem Area Public Library in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, has a publishing arm known as BAPL Books. It released two books in 2018: Home At My Typewriter: Selected Poems by Bob Cohen and A Journey by Matt Wolf. Library staff helped to design and edit the titles.

Close-up of an old library book.

You can find all sorts of surprises inside these pages. / Westend61, Westend61 Collection, Getty Images

If you’re wondering how dirty library books can become after passing through many hands, the answer is: pretty dirty. Everything from traces of cocaine to the herpes virus to bed bugs has been found on sampled pages. But don’t worry, because while there have been plenty of instances in history where people feared that books spread disease, there’s never been a documented case of anyone catching anything from a library book.

The only danger a dirty book poses is to the book itself, as dust can trap moisture that can damage pages. That’s why the Boston Public Library has a machine dubbed the Depulvera that acts like a miniature car wash for books, using a conveyor system to blast dirt from volumes.

Index cards and borrowing slips in the drawer of an abandoned library card catalogue cabinet. Selective focus.

Forgot your book’s original due date? No problem. / Niall_Majury, E+ Collection, Getty Images

Libraries in larger cities can accrue millions in unpaid penalties. In 2016, the San Jose Public Library reported $6.8 million in delinquent fees, with 39 percent of members owing money. Some places will refer debts to collection agencies if a patron exceeds $10 in charges.

Then again, not all libraries institute late fees. In an attempt to get back lost books and encourage residents to visit more often, New York’s public library systems announced in October 2021 that they would be eliminating all late fees—a move which subsequently boosted visitor rates and resulted in thousands of overdue or lost items being returned.

If you stumble across a forgotten library book that’s been hiding on your shelf for weeks, months, or even years, don’t be afraid to return it.

In 2015, a former student at Wakefield High School Library in Wakefield, Virginia, named Eleanor Reed sent back a copy of The Underside of the Leaf. It was borrowed in 1981 and accidentally mixed in with the student’s family collection. In 2016, the granddaughter of a man who had taken out The Microscope and Its Revelations from Hereford Cathedral School in the UK returned the title 120 years after it had been “borrowed.”

At Marsh’s Library in Dublin, Ireland, visitors hoping to peruse rare books in the 18th century were locked in cages until they were done reading.

The Tikkurila Library in Vantaa, Finland, installed a karaoke room in 2016 with thousands of songs for guests to perform. (Finland is home to a lot of karaoke-loving citizens.) Fortunately, all that warbling doesn’t rise to the level of a disruption: The room is soundproof.

NY Public Library Re-Opens Reading Room After 2 Years

Fun fact: You can get neckties from the NYPL. / Drew Angerer/GettyImages

Members can borrow accessories like neckties and briefcases, making it ideal for people looking to complete an ensemble for a job interview.

If you’re in the mood to peruse those ties, you’ll pass by Patience and Fortitude, the two lions flanking the main entrance to the New York Public Library. The sculptures went up in 1911 and were originally named Leo Astor and Leo Lenox after the library’s co-founders, John Astor and James Lenox. They were later “anointed” as Lady Astor and Lord Lenox before getting their current names in the 1930s.

At one point, patrons of the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services in Anchorage could borrow from the site’s collection of taxidermy items, including animals, bones, and furs. Now all requests are handled through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

The Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University used to allow patrons to check out General Montgomery, a.k.a. Monty, a border terrier mix and certified therapy dog, for 30 minutes of companionship. Sadly, Monty has since passed away.

A service called Freegal allows patrons to download songs from a library of over 15 million tracks. Ask your local library if they participate.

Passport and Visa Stamps

Don’t have a passport? See if your local library will help get you started. / yenwen/E+/Getty Images

In addition to meeting rooms, book sales, and research assistance, many libraries also offer passport application services that might help you avoid lengthy post office lines.

As of 2022, there were approximately 164,280 librarians; 38,380 library technicians; and 79,840 library assistants working in the United States.

In 2022, that book was The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. In 2021, the top spot went to Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half, a New York Times bestseller that Barack Obama declared among his favorite books of 2020.

This story was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for 2023.


Jake Rossen

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