Self Help
2021 Monthly Recap – July – Dragos Roua
July was a settling month. A little bit of routine settled in, but I also allocate time for more exploration. Many a posts from this month are about direct experiences had in the new city, like Do Electric Scooter Grow On The Streets and Thinking Outside Of The Loyalty Card. But I had time for more on topic posts like Frugality And Financial Resilience, Location Independence Is Not A Luxury Anymore or Opportunities And Building Up.
It was also the month in which I dedicated more than 10% of my content to a very specific topic, how to survive social media, and, more recently, mainstream media. I even came up with 3 different terms describing this new way of informational warfare: Main Stream Media, Side Stream Media and Down Stream Media.
I think July was more or less a flat month, in the sense of the word “plateau”. There was a lot of strategical thinking, then a lot of planning, then a lot more doing, then obviously, at some point, I reached some sort of a plateau. The nice thing about the plateaus is the view. The not so nice thing is that you may get bored, or even think that “you’ve made it”. Soon enough I was about to write exactly about that, about the danger of “I’ve made it”, but that would not be until a couple of months later.
If I would have to define July in one word, that word would be “accumulation”. If I would have to define it using a longer sentence, it would be: “accumulating experience and preparing for the next step, while enjoying the view”.
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash
Dragos Roua
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