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200 funny winter jokes for kids and winter puns – Growing Family
Brace yourselves for a flurry of laughter and an avalanche of humour as we dive headfirst into these cool winter jokes for kids!
The best winter jokes and winter puns
Winter might send shivers down your spine, but these winter puns are here to melt your heart and warm your spirits on winter days. Whether you’re bundled up by the fireplace or braving the cold, our fun winter jokes will have you chuckling all season long.
We’ve also included some perfect winter captions for instagram and TikTok posts, plus a roundup of winter riddles to get everyone thinking.
So, grab a hot cocoa, wrap yourself in a cosy blanket, and get ready to explore winter wit and frosty fun with this collection of winter jokes for kids.
Funny winter jokes for kids
Let’s kick things off with a frosty selection of winter jokes for kids.
1. What do you get if you cross a wizard and a blizzard? A cold spell.
2. How do you organise a fantastic winter party? You sleigh it!
3. What did the snow say to the road? “I’ve got you covered.”
4. Why did the winter month make a great detective? Because it always uncovered cold hard facts.
5. What did the man say after he slipped and fell on ice? Nothing, he just gave everyone the cold shoulder.
6. What did the winter month say to the spring month? “Don’t hurry; I’m still chilling.”
7. What’s the best thing to put on a burger in winter? Chilly sauce.
8. What’s the most popular Mexican dish in winter? Brrr-itos.
9. How do snowmen get information? They use the winter-net.
10. What did the tree say after a long winter? “What a re-leaf!”
11. What kind of cake topping is best for winter? Lots of icing.
12. Why did the bear keep losing his job? He always disappeared in winter.
13. What do you call a bird in winter? Brrrr-d.
14. What’s the best meal to eat in an igloo? Brr-eakfast.
15. Why did Elsa fall off her sleigh? She let it go.
16. What do you call a frozen crocodile? A croc-ice.

Silly winter jokes for kids
Dial up the giggles with some silly winter jokes for kids.
17. How do you catch a squirrel in the winter? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
18. Why do winter socks never like to make plans? They’re afraid of getting cold feet.
19. Why was the winter coat always in a hurry? Because it wanted to zip through life.
20. What’s an Ig? An ice house without a loo.
21. What’s a penguin’s favourite relative? Aunt Arctica.
22. Why did the winter month take so long to make a decision? Because it was snow-flakey.
23. Why did the skier bring a ladder to the mountain? Because they heard the slope was steep.
24. What did one icicle say to the other? “Stop hanging around, we’re melting here!”
25. How did the snow globe feel after hearing a scary story? Shaken up.
26. What’s the biggest problem with snow boots? They melt.
27. Why do winter months make great teachers? Because they always have snow-ledge.
28. What’s the best school lesson in winter? Snow and tell.
29. Where do winter foxes go to buy new tails? A re-tail store.
30. What do you do when your ice house falls apart? Just igloo it back together.
31. What’s white and goes up? A confused snowflake.

Cold weather jokes
Don’t let wintry weather dampen your spirits – take a look at these funny jokes about winter and cold weather instead.
32. Why did the winter break up with fall? Because it felt too icy.
33. Which is faster: hot or cold? Hot, because you can catch a cold.
34. What did the snow say to the mountain? “You’re hill-arious!”
35. How does a snowflake apologise? It says, “I’m sorry for being flaky.”
36. What do you call a skeleton that goes out in the cold? A numb-skull. (more skull jokes here)
37. What did the winter hat say to the warm woolly scarf? “You hang around while I go on ahead.”
38. What did the ice say to the mountain? “You’re a bit of a slippery slope!”
39. What do you call a winter temper tantrum? A meltdown.
40. Why do skeletons hate the cold? Because the wind goes right through them. (more skeleton jokes here)
41. What did one snowflake say to the other? “You’re one of a kind.”
42. What do you call it when Jack Frost ignores you? The cold shoulder.
43. What did the police officer say to the robber on a winter day? “Freeze!”
44. What do snowmen win at the Olympics? Cold medals.
45. What do you call a slow skier? A slope-poke.
46. What did the icy road say to the truck? “Wanna go for a spin?”
47. What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold.
48. What’s the coldest month of the year? Decembrrrr.

Winter dad jokes
We couldn’t have a list of winter puns without some good old winter dad jokes!
49. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk.
50. How do you stay warm in a cold room during winter? Go to the corner; it’s always 90 degrees.
51. What’s a snowflake’s favourite game? Freeze tag.
52. How do you stay warm in the winter? Don’t go where it’s cold!
53. Why did two new friends walk out onto a frozen pond together? It was a good way to break the ice.
54. What do snow parents call their kids? Chill-dren.
55. Why did the man pour warm water on his computer? He wanted to stop Windows being frozen.
56. Which side of polar bears has the most fur? The outside.
57. Why did the snowman go to the doctor? He had chills.
58. What do you get if you cross a snowman with a baker? Frosty the dough-man.
59. Why did the woman cancel her plans for a winter hike? She got cold feet.
60. Where do snowmen read the weather report? On the winternet.
61. What athlete is warmest in winter? A long jumper.
62. How do mountains stay warm in winter? They put on snowcaps.
63. What’s white, has sharp teeth and tastes minty? A polo bear.
Winter knock knock jokes
64. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Ice. Ice who? Ice see you!
65. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Frostbite. Frostbite who? Frostbite your food, then chew it!
66. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Icy. Icy who? Icy a big polar bear up ahead!
67. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Freeze! Freeze who? Freeze a jolly good fellow!
68. Knock knock. Who’s there? Snow. Snow who? Snow use, I’ve forgotten my name again!
69. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Ice cream. Ice cream who? Ice scream if you don’t let me back inside!

Cold winter jokes about snowmen
Whether it’s snowing or not, there’s always room for a few snowman jokes.
70. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog? Frostbite.
71. How do snowmen get around? They ride an icicle.
72. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman.
73. Why did the snowman bring a broom to the party? He wanted to sweep the competition.
74. What’s a snowman’s favourite cereal? Frosties.
75. What’s a snowman’s second favourite cereal? Ice Crispies.
76. What’s a snowman’s third favourite cereal? Frosted Wheats.
77. What do you call a snowman with a temper? An icebreaker.
78. What do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow.
79. What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosted flakes.
80. Why was the snowman’s dog called Frost? Because Frost bites!
81. What’s a snowman’s favourite makeup? Ice-shadow.
82. What do snowmen eat for lunch? Icebergers.
83. What’s a snowman’s favourite drink? Iced tea.
84. Where does a snowman keep his money? In a snow bank.
85. How do you scare a snowman? You get a hairdryer.
86. What do you call a snowman in the summer? A puddle.
87. What did one snowman say to the other snowman? “Do you smell carrots?”
88. What do snowmen do at the weekend? Just chill.
89. Why was the snowman looking through the carrots? He was picking his nose.
90. What do you call a snowman on rollerblades? A snowmobile.
91. What do snowmen wear on their heads? Ice caps.
92. What’s a snowman’s favourite dessert? Ice cream.
93. How do snowmen greet each other? “Ice to meet you!”
94. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.
95. What did the snowman say to the other snowman? “You’re cool.”
96. Why did the snowman call his friend on a sunny day? Because he was feeling a little melt-down.
97. What do you call a snowman with a tan? A puddle.
98. How do you know if there’s a snowman in your bed? You wake up with frostbite.
99. What did the snowman say to the aggressive carrot? “Get out of my face!”
100. Why do snowmen always get invited to parties? Because they’re cool characters.
101. How do you make a snowman disappear? Give him a warm hug!
102. What do you call a snowman in July? A puddle.
103. Why don’t snowmen ever get in trouble? Because they’re so cool under pressure.
104. What do you call a snowman party? A snow ball.
105. How do you make a snowman? Just roll with it.
106. What does a snowman take when he’s feeling sick? A chill pill.
107. What did the snowman use to fix his house? Igloo.
108. What do you call a snowman that’s past its prime? Water.

Winter riddles
These winter riddles will give kids – and grown-ups! – a good brain workout.
109. I get closer to the ground as I grow. What am I? An icicle.
110. What kind of ball doesn’t bounce? A snowball.
111. What falls but never gets hurt? Snow.
112. After you go through a fall I take over. All life will stall, or grow slower. What am I? Winter.
113. What kind of cold makes you hot? The common cold.
114. I am a cold man without a soul. Warm me up, and I will die. What am I? A snowman.
115. What bites but doesn’t have teeth? Frost.
116. What can be a bed, a cap, and a bank at the same time? Snow.
117. What can you catch with your eyes closed in winter? A cold.
118. I fly when I’m born, lie when I live, and run when I die. What am I? Snow.
119. What kind of crystals don’t break when they hit ground? Snowflakes (they are ice crystals).
120. What do December, January and February have in common? The letter ‘R’.

Funny winter captions for instagram and TikTok
Sharing your winter pictures on social media? Use these funny winter captions to add extra warmth. They’re perfect for greetings cards too.
121. Don’t give me the cold shoulder.
122. Snow many memories, so little time.
123. Ski you on the slopes!
124. I’m frost in the cool music.
125. Sweater weather is better weather.
126. Get snowver it.
127. I’m snow deep in thought.
128. I’m snow angel, I promise.
129. Chillin’ like a villain.
130. Cold hands, warm heart.
131. Baby, it’s cold outside.
132. Ice appreciate your friendship.
133. Hot cocoa is the answer to everything.
134. Let’s snuggle and get cosy.
135. I’ve got ice in my veins.
136. Sleigh my name, sleigh my name.
137. Fleece Navidad!
138. Dressed to chill.
139. Keep calm and winter on.
140. The cold never bothered me anyway.

Winter puns
These winter puns are perfect for a seasonal play on words.
141. Winter is snow much fun!
142. Chill out and stay frosty.
143. Say freeze!
144. Fleece be with you.
145. The frost to know.
146. Keeping my cool.
147. If looks could chill.
148. There she froze.
149. I cold you so.
150. Life’s a freeze.
151. Chills and spills.
152. Love at frost sight.
153. For cold time’s sake.
154. An ice thing about winter.
155. Freeze the day.
156. Colder and wiser.
157. Strike a froze.
158. All is not frost.
159. Freeze things happen.
160. Chilly season.
161. The winter takes it all.
162. Freeze don’t go.
163. It’s a winterful life.

Ice puns
How about a few ice puns to give you the chills? Head this way for more funny ice puns.
164. Ice to see you again!
165. Have an ice day!
166. It’s ice to meet you.
167. Let’s have an ice day out.
168. Once or ice.
169. Ice and easy.
170. Words hail me.
171. Head over hails.
172. Heads or hails?
173. An icicle made for two.
174. That’s not how ice see it.
175. Let’s ice things up.
176. Don’t be a thaw loser.
177. A sight for thaw eyes.
178. Ice see what you did there.

Snow puns for winter giggles
Celebrate snow days with some chilly snow jokes.
179. I’m snow excited for winter!
180. You’re snow special to me.
181. I’m flaking out.
182. You’re snow joke.
183. It’s snow problem.
184. You’re snow-tally awesome.
185. Snow doubt about it.
186. I told you snow.
187. You’re snow good at this.
188. Snow time like the present.
189. Sleigh all day, every day.
190. I’m snow sure about that.
191. You’re snow sweet!
192. Snow place like home.
193. You snow the drill.
194. Snowbody does it better.
195. You’re snow much fun to be with.
196. I’m flaky, and I know it!
197. That’s very snow-tivating.
198. I’m snow in love with you.
199. I’m snowver the moon!
A really great final winter pun
200. These winter puns really are snow joke!
We hope that this flurry of kids winter jokes brightens up your frosty days. Keep these winter puns handy for sharing with friends and family around the fireplace, and remember, laughter is the best way to beat the winter chill!
More winter fun
Keep the winter fun going with these handy resources:
Free printable winter outdoor play ideas
Get everyone enjoying themselves outside with our free printable winter play ideas.
Winter nature crafts
All of these winter nature crafts are free or very low cost.
Winter quotes
A bumper roundup of inspiring and beautiful winter quotes.
Festive giggles and silly jokes abound in this list of holiday jokes for kids.
Pin for later: best winter jokes for kids and winter puns

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