20% Off Entire Store and a Pre-Workout Smoothie Recipe
Our annual summer merchandise sale has kicked off, and ALL items are 20% off! This includes our new notebook and shirts, and all of our trusty fan favorites, like the Daily Dozen tee and Plants Are the Best Medicine mug. Sale ends August 26.
Key Takeaways: Insomnia
If you suffer from insomnia, chances are you’re frustrated as well as exhausted. Caffeine, alcohol, and even the kinds of foods we eat can interfere with a good night’s rest. So, what can we do about it? Check out the topic page for more information, including four rules for sleep conditioning and four rules for sleep hygiene.
Recipe: Pre-Workout Smoothie
This smoothie recipe comes from our executive director (and competitive powerlifter), Katie. Infuse your body with antioxidants and artery-opening nitrates before your workout—or anytime! Get the free recipe here, and visit our Instagram for a video on how it’s made.
Volume 59 Out Now
My new volume of videos is out now. This collection includes such topics as the sweetener allulose, the impact of fasting on chemotherapy, bad breath, why athletes should eat plant-based diets, and more.
Each video in this new volume will be released online over the next few months, available for free, of course, but if you don’t want to wait, you can stream all of them right now.
If you are a $15+ monthly supporter and opted in to our donor rewards, you’re likely an expert on these new topics by now, since you already received a complimentary link to the new download. If you’d like early access to new videos before they’re available to the public, please consider becoming a monthly supporter. Without your generosity, we wouldn’t be able to continue our work. Thank you!
And, remember, if you watch the videos on or YouTube, you can access captions in several different languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel in the lower-right corner of the video and then “Subtitles/CC.” Happy viewing!
The Daily Dozen Meal Planning Guide
Our new meal planning guide is a printable resource for eating healthfully with confidence. It introduces the Daily Dozen plate to help you visualize healthy meals, worksheets for planning and building your own meals, and a shopping list to make sure you hit all of the Daily Dozen categories at the grocery store. Download this new guide here.
Volunteer Spotlight: Dave Edwards
I review videos for accuracy before they go live and also create screen captures of the videos to be inserted into the blogs. I feel Dr. Greger’s work is very important because it adds scientific support to a discussion that is often anecdotal and confusing. It really adds clarity and grounding to a very important subject that affects almost every area of life. My favorite plant-based food is what I call a “BBOF”—Big Bowl of Fruit. You can’t go wrong with so much variety and great health benefits.
Top Three Videos
How to Cultivate a Healthy Gut Microbiome with Food
Our gut flora is determined by what we eat, for good or for ill.
Friday Favorites: Do Chia Seeds Help with Belly Fat?
The secret to unlocking the benefits of chia seeds may be grinding them up.
The Health Risks vs. Benefits of Meat Consumption
The meat industry’s own study concluded that meat consumption increased the risks of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and premature death.
Live Q&A on August 25
Every month, I do a live Q&A right from my treadmill, and the next one is on August 25!
Join on our Facebook page or YouTube channel at 3pm EDT. I’ll be streaming to both at the same time.
You can find links to past live Q&As here on If that’s not enough, remember, I have an audio podcast to keep you company, too.
Michael Greger M.D. FACLM
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