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191 best skeleton puns and jokes for humerus giggles – Growing Family


Prepare to rattle your funny bones with this bone-afide collection of skeleton puns!

The best skeleton puns and jokes

Whether you’re a fan of anatomy, crazy about Halloween, or just love a good laugh, these skeleton puns are bound to hit the spot.

Use them at your Halloween party, on instagram captions, in TikTok videos, or just when you need to lighten the mood. They’re family-friendly, so you can enjoy them with people of all ages.

Read on for a whole host of cute skeleton jokes, skeleton puns and jokes about bones.

Family-friendly skeleton jokes

1. What do you call a skeleton who never does his chores? Lazy bones.

2. Why did the skeleton quit his job? His heart wasn’t in it.

3. What did the French skeletons say before eating their dinner? Bone appetit!

4. What’s a skeleton’s favourite thing to do with their cell phone? Take skelfies.

5. Who is the most famous skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones.

6. What do you call a skeleton that looks exactly the same as another skeleton? Dead ringer.

7. Why did the skeleton want a friend? Because he was feeling bonely.

8. What’s the best way to make a skeleton laugh? Tickle its funny bone.

9. Why didn’t the skeleton eat spicy food? He didn’t have the stomach for it.

10. What Spanish food do skeletons enjoy most? Patella.

11. What did the skeleton say when it won the lottery? “I’m feeling bone-afide lucky!”

12. Why did the skeleton go to acting classes? He wanted tibia star.

13. Why do skeletons hate the cold? It sends chills up their spine.

14. How do you imprison a skeleton? Put him in a rib cage.

15. Why did the skeleton go to the library? To bone up on its reading skills.

16. Why does a skeleton make a good manager? Because it’s a natural bone leader.

children dressed in skeleton costumes on Halloween

Funny skeleton puns

17. What kind of TV does a skeleton watch? A skelevision.

18. Why was the skeleton lonely? It had no-body.

19. Why did the skeleton go to the hospital? To have his ghoul bladder removed.

20. What do skeletons say as they head out to sea? Bone voyage.

21. Why are skeletons so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.

22. What kind of plate do skeletons eat on? Bone china.

23. Why couldn’t the skeleton get out of bed? It was bone tired.

24. What does a skeleton order at a restaurant? Spare ribs.

25. How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He could feel it in his bones.

26. What did the doctor say to the skeleton who had a temperature of 103 degrees? “Looks like you’re running a femur.”

27. What do you call a skeleton who goes out in the snow? A numb-skull.

28. Where do bad jokes about skeletons belong? In the skelebin.

29. What’s a skeleton’s favourite element? Car-bone.

30. How did the skeleton say to his girlfriend? “Will you marrow me?”

31. What’s a skeleton’s least favourite room in the house? The living room.

32. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the scary movie? He didn’t have the guts.

33. How did the skeleton get into the top university? It won a skull-arship.

skeleton Halloween decorations

More funny skeleton jokes

34. Why did the skeleton go to prison? Because he was bad to the bone.

35. How do skeletons say hello in France? Bonejour.

36. Did you hear about the skeleton who dropped out of medical school? He didn’t have the stomach for it.

37. Why did the skeleton go to the dance? To see the boogie man.

38. What happened to the skeleton who sat by the fire too long? He became bone dry.

39. Why are skeletons so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.

40. What’s a skeleton’s favourite rock band? Bone Jovi.

41. What’s a skull’s second favourite rock band? The Grateful Dead.

42. Why didn’t the skeleton play football? His heart wasn’t in it.

43. Who is the most famous French skeleton? Napoleon Bone-apart.

44. Why didn’t the police arrest the skeleton? Because they couldn’t pin anything on him.

45. What’s a skeleton’s favourite way to fly? By skelecopter.

46. What type of art do skeletons like? Skulltures.

47. What did the skeleton say to the other skeleton when it was angry? You’re dead to me.

48. What is half the diameter of a skeletal circle? The radius.

49. Why can’t skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.

skeleton covered in candy

Skeleton humour to get the kids laughing

50. What does a skeleton use to cut through objects? A shoulder blade.

51. What did the skeleton say to the vampire? “You suck.”

52. What do skeletons complain about? Aching bones.

53. Who won the race between the skull and the skeleton? The skull, it was just ahead.

54. What do you call a skeleton who hangs out in coffee shops and listens to indie music? A hip-ster.

55. Why did the skeleton student stay late at school? He was boning up for his exam.

56. What’s a skeleton’s favourite shellfish? Mus-skulls.

57. Why did the skeleton start a fight? Because he had a bone to pick.

58. How did the skeleton reprimand their kids? They skull-ded them.

59. How did the skeleton win the talent show? It had an unbeatable “bone”-afide act.

60. What did the skull say when it won the race? “I guess I had a head start!”

61. How did the skeleton know the other skeleton was lying? He could see right through him.

62. What’s a skeleton’s favourite song? “Bone to be wild”.

63. What’s a skeleton’s second favourite song? “I ain’t got no body.”

64. What’s a skeleton’s third favourite song? “Bad to the bone”.

skull on orange background

More hilarious skeleton jokes

65. What happened to the pirate ship that sank in a sea full of sharks? It came back with a skeleton crew.

66. What’s a skull’s favourite yoga position? The headstand.

67. How do you call a skeleton? On his cell bone.

68. Why are skeletons so good at telling jokes? Because they have a funny bone.

69. What kind of birds do skeletons like best? Sea skulls.

70. What’s a skeleton’s favourite holiday? Hallowe’en.

71. Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body.

72. What did the skeleton write in the Valentines card? “I love every bone in your body.”

73. Why do skeletons go to the gym? To develop their mu-skulls.

74. How do skeletons stay calm? They keep their cool even when things get bony.

75. What do you call a lie told by a skeleton? A fibula.

76. Who won the race between the skeleton and the skull? The skull, it had a head start.

77. What do skeletons hate the most about the wind? Nothing. It goes right through them.

78. How do skeletons keep track of their appointments? With a skull-endar.

79. What’s a skeleton’s favourite plant? A bone-zai tree.

80. How did skeletons send mail in the old days? They used the bony express.

children dressed in Halloween costumes

Humerus bone jokes

81. What is a skeleton’s favourite instrument? A sax-a-bone.

82. What’s a skeleton’s second favourite musical instrument? A trom-bone.

83. Where do young skeletons go to study? Elementary skull.

84. What’s a skeleton’s third favourite instrument? The xylobone.

85. How do you release a skeleton from prison? Use a skeleton key.

86. Why didn’t the skeleton rob the bank? Because he didn’t have the guts.

87. What do you call a group of musical skeletons? A dead-ication of musicians.

88. Why can’t skeletons fly over Area 51? It’s a no-fly-bone.

89. What is a skeleton’s favourite mode of transport? A scare-plane.

90. What happened when the skeleton ran into the duck? He got his skull quacked.

91. How do you make a skeleton laugh? Tell it a rib-tickling joke.

92. What do you call it when you get two skeletons for the price of one? A bone-dle deal.

93. What kind of pasta do skeletons enjoy eating the most? Elbow macaroni.

94. What do you call a skeleton who’s always late? A bone-fide procrastinator.

95. Why don’t skeletons like Halloween candy? They don’t have the stomach for it.

96. What do bony people use to get into their homes? Skeleton keys.

97. Why didn’t the skeleton laugh at the joke? Because he didn’t have a funny bone.

skeleton cookies

Clever skeleton puns

98. What is a skeleton’s favourite type of film to watch? A spine-tingler.

99. What do you call a skeleton with no friends? Bonely.

100. How much does an elephant skeleton weigh? Skele-tons.

101. What did the skeleton say when he almost dropped his skull? “Phew, nearly lost my head there!”

102. Where do skeletons stay when they go on holiday? In bone-galows.

103. Who is a skeleton’s favourite female movie star? Ulna Thurman.

104. What do you call a skeleton who rings the doorbell? A dead ringer.

105. What kind of fish do skeletons like to eat? Carpals.

106. What type of candy sent the skeleton to the hospital? Jawbreakers.

107. What’s a skeleton’s favourite place to hang out? A hip joint.

108. Why do skeletons like to drink milk? Because milk is so good for the bones.

109. How much does a pile of skulls weigh? A skeleTON.

110. What kind of jokes do skeletons tell? Humerus ones.

111. There’s not much to this skeleton joke. It’s bare bones.

skeleton in woodland

Spooky skeleton puns

112. Bone to be wild

113. Just skull-king around

114. Running a femur

115. Bone appetit

116. An a-bone-dance of skeletons

117. Lazy bones

118. Taking a skelfie

119. Dead ringer

120. Nowhere tibia found

121. Social skulls

122. Bonely hearts

123. Bone of contention

124. Tickle your funny bone

125. A star is bone

126. Bone-afide

127. Bone-anza

128. Natural bone leader

129. Bone voyage

130. One trick bony

131. Break your backbone

skull and bones candy

More bone puns

132. Close to the bone

133. Bone tired

134. Bad to the bone

135. Feeling bonely

136. Bare bones

137. Bone under a lucky star

138. You’ve just bone it

139. Get off my backbone

140. I wasn’t bone yesterday

141. It’s bonely at the top

142. Bonejour

143. Bone this way

144. Joint forces

145. Stop ribbing me

146. You’ve got tibia kidding

147. Femur pitch

148. Spine of the times

149. Nomi-knee

150. If you can’t beat ‘em, joint ‘em

151. Are you spine on me?

child dressed in a skeleton costume

Puns for skeleton fun

152. Face the tooth

153. Knuckle on wood

154. Carpal diem

155. Luck of the jaw

156. Saturday night femur

157. On the straight and marrow

158. Joint at the hip

159. Knee-dy

160. Tell-tale spine

161. Don’t knuckle it ’til you’ve tried it

162. Got a bone to pick

163. Not all it’s cracked up tibia

164. Joint the dots

165. Ain’t got no body

166. Jaw the short straw

167. Bony up

168. We share a boned

169. Tibia perfectly honest

170. Spick and spine

171. Socket to ‘em

skull cookies

Cool skeleton puns

172. Marrow-minded

173. I want to be a-bone

174. That’s a bone-us

175. Knuckle me into shape

176. Tell the tooth

177. Jaw a line in the sand

178. Jungle femur

179. Watch your backbone

180. Very skullful

181. Cell bone

182. Joint the club

183. Warning spine

184. Absolutely fibula-ous

185. Here today, gone to-marrow

186. Made of sternum stuff

187. Knuckle it off

188. Stop telling fibulas

189. Cabin femur

190. A bone-afide skeleton pun

191. These skeleton puns are really humerus

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Pin for later: best skeleton puns and jokes

These family-friendly skeleton puns and skeleton jokes will rattle your funny bones! Perfect for Halloween and social media posts.



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