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17 Unexpected Things I Learned About Cyprus


Such blatant disregard for rules, you kitty…
As a follow up to my previous posts about our Cyprus trip, I wanted to share some things I was surprised to discover in Cyprus. I thought I knew a decent amount about it, but when I was doing my research before my trip, and when on the trip itself, I discovered some things that were totally unexpected for me. 

17 Unexpected Things I Learned About Cyprus

  • Cages. I saw so many cages in Cyprus that seemed out of place. The first time was a cage filled with nettles, but then after that I saw many cages filled with rocks, made into benches and walls and many other things. This seemed really strange to me, but my Cypriot expat friend told me that that is something they’re doing more and more in Cyprus, “building” this way in an eco friendly way, since they can remove the cages after and the rocks go back to how they were before. I thought that was really cool and unexpected. 
  • A caged rock wall outside the Cavo Grekko nature center.

  • Not Just Beaches and Churches. For many years, despite being able to go to Cyprus relatively cheaply, I had no interest in going there, because all I knew about Cyprus was that people went there for the beaches, but we have many beaches in my country so I didn’t see the point in traveling somewhere just to go to the beach. I also knew that it had many churches, but I had no interest in traveling to see a bunch of churches. So I simply wrote it off. Only once I decided to go with my kids there to get passports did I research what there was to do there and found so many things that were not beaches or churches. So I can safely say… Cyprus is, by far, not just beaches and churches.
I hope you enjoyed this list of the parts of Cyprus that you, too, might not have known about this small but beautiful country. 

If you’ve been to Cyprus, what things were you surprised to discover when you went there? If you haven’t been to Cyprus, which of the things on this list did you know, and which didn’t you?


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