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17 Signs You Have Found Your Soulmate Connection


It’s not easy to find a soulmate connection, but if you find it, you should never let it go. It is said that our soulmates are pre-decided even before we are born and when we meet them, we just know. This person makes us feel complete, and it feels as if they have been the missing piece to your soul that you were looking for all along. Once that happens, you know that you have found your soulmate connection.

But what is a soulmate connection? How do you recognize it? What does crossing paths with your soulmate feel like? If you don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like, you might just miss out on the best relationship of your life all because you didn’t even know you met your soulmate.

To make sure that you don’t end up letting ‘the one’ get away, you need to know about all the true soulmate connection signs. Let’s address these questions so that when your soulmate comes knocking, you don’t let them slip away.

What Is Meant By A Soulmate Connection?

If we look up the word soulmate in the dictionary, the soulmate meaning is the person who is ideal for you. They’re the ones with whom you spiritually connect. It is as if there’s something from within that drives you toward them. If you haven’t found them yet, you feel incomplete, and everything around you makes you fill with longing.

But when you find this person, their presence is enough to make everything around you make sense. You feel complete and like your cheerful, happy self again. Maybe it is because you’ve found your soulmate connection.

They’re someone with whom you can have a happy relationship, and not a codependent or toxic one. You’re both extremely close to each other, but you’re also capable of being independent. You don’t end up ‘needing’ each other, but you share a bond that uplifts you and makes you a better person.

Though it may sound as though the signs of soulmate connection feature a perfect relationship devoid of any problems, that is not be the case. Some soulmates connect instantly, some may not. Some may fight more than others, while others may not fight so much. It’s important to note that a soulmate relationship features its fair share of fights as well as turbulent times.

Types of soulmate connections

Yes, the universe brings soulmates together, but did you know that a soulmate connection isn’t always romantic? It can come into your life in different forms, bringing with it a whole host of weird soulmate signs you probably never even thought of. Here are the most common types of soulmates:

  • Soul partners: A soul partner is someone with whom you feel a deep, intimate connection. This person can be a romantic partner or a sibling, a friend, a business associate, or a coworker. Soul partners know and understand each other deeply, and continue to be a support system for one another
  • Soul ties: When you feel as if someone has come into your life for a reason, it’s a sign that you have soul ties with them. This type of soulmate connection creates a space for itself in your life, no matter how full your existence may be. Soul ties are connections that bind you to them even if you were not actively seeking them
  • Karmic soulmates: This form of soulmate connection comes into our lives as an agent of change. Karmic relationships help us grow and evolve – and improve our karma – through positive, negative, or neutral interactions
  • Romantic soulmates: Have you ever met someone and felt as if you’ve been waiting for them your whole life? There is an instant pull, undeniable chemistry, and sparks just fly. These are all telltale soulmate attraction signs. The person you feel it with is your romantic soulmate
  • Twin flames: Soulmate connection feelings don’t get any more intense than between twin flames. Some even believe that twin flames are part of the same soul, split into two bodies. Crossing paths with your soulmate, who is also your twin flame connection, can be a transformative experience. Twin flames challenge, teach, love, and help each other grow in powerful ways
  • Companion soulmates: To understand how to recognize soulmate connection, you must be aware that not every soulmate manifests into a romantic connection. Companion soulmates, for instance, are friends who offer you love and encouragement to navigate the myriad ups and downs of life

Now that you know the different types of soulmates that can come into your life, it’s vital to take note of the signs of soulmate connection. This way, you can distinguish one type from the other and know which person you need to hold on to and who might be a negative influence in your life.

Related Reading: 23 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking Of You – And They Are All True!

17 Signs You Have Found The Soulmate Connection

Soulmates often come in disguise, you need to be aware of the signs that you have found your soulmate to know that it’s them. When you feel the unexplainable connection with someone you will know it’s the soulmate attraction. It may not always begin as romance in movies, but it will have a fulfilling satisfaction and you’d know that you have found someone worthy enough to be called your soulmate, your true soul match. Read on to know the signs of soulmate connection:

1. You can feel the soulmate connection

What does a soulmate connection feel like? There’s no technical explanation for having a soulmate connection but when you meet them, you just know it. You can feel that they’re the one you’ve been searching for all your life.

Deep down, you feel a spiritual connection that you’ve never felt with anyone before. Everything just fits with them and you feel complete when they are with you. It is as if your soul is driving you toward them and you know that this is it. You may even see some soulmate signs coincidences, such as meeting this person in places and situations where you didn’t expect to, and hitting it off with them.

You feel an instant connection with your soulmate

2. Soulmate relationship signs – The timing is perfect

How to recognize soulmate connection? Well, they will enter your life just when you most need them to. If you believe in destiny, then you know that if it is meant to be, it will happen. Everything has a time. Even when you meet your soulmate. Don’t doubt the soulmate connection power.

It may happen when you finally realize that you are ready for a serious relationship or when everything in your life like your family, career, friends, etc. is going well and all you need is a partner to complete your life. That is when you meet someone and feel the soulmate attraction signs.

That is the time when this mystery person walks in and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. It’s like the universe is telling you something, all you need to do is make sure you listen.

Related Reading: Signs A Girl Shows That She Is Ready To Be Your Wife

3. You connect instantly

If you’re looking for connection signs that you found your soulmate, hitting it off instantly with this person is definitely one of them. You may be meeting them for the first time, but you are already talking like old pals. When you establish incredible emotional intimacy with someone, it is an absolute soulmate connection sign.

You both connect like magic, and their persona is like a manifestation of everything you’ve dreamed of finding in a partner. Usually, people who have met for the first time begin with small talk and find it hard to keep the connection going. But two hours with them and you’re already finishing each other’s sentences. What do you call that? Soulmate attraction!

4. It feels like you’ve always known them

This person has been in your life for maybe a month or two but it feels like you’ve known them for years. It doesn’t feel like this person is someone you’ve just met, it’s as if you know everything about them already. This is one of the surest signs of a soulmate, and it’s bound to feel good since you’re able to establish emotional intimacy with them without even trying.

How do you know if you have a soulmate connection? You feel a romantic soulmate connection with this person, you think of them all day and funnily, you can also make out what they are doing at which hour of the day. That will take us to our next point.


5. There’s a telepathic connection

“I was just about to say that!” How many times is it that you both have said the same thing together or were going to say the same thing before the other one said it? You both share the same kind of thoughts. It’s only a matter of who says it first. Many times, you don’t need to talk. You both understand each other’s body language which no one else can decode.

How many times have you wished they did something for you and within minutes, they do it without you telling them? Or they look at you, and you know exactly what they want to say. Seems weird but it’s what a romantic soulmate does. That’s what it’s like to have a soulmate connection.

Related Reading: Telepathy In Love – 14 Undeniable Signs You Have Telepathic Connection With Your Partner

6. Their hugs work like magic

Whether you had a bad day or one that was very tiresome, their arms are your go-to place. Even a two-minute hug takes all the stress away. Their hugs are more effective than spa treatments. If you feel like all is good with the world when you’re in their arms, it’s a true soulmate connection sign.

In their embrace, all the worries related to your work, family, and so on just vanish and you feel as if you are in a different, more peaceful world. If you’re wondering how to recognize soulmate connection, pay attention to how that person makes you feel. If they feel like home or a safe escape from worldly worries, they’re your soulmate connection.

7. Connection signs you found your soulmate – there’s no jealousy

When you’ve found your soulmate, you know that they are the one who is going to stay. No matter how many people come into their life and want to sweep them away from you, you know that you are the one your partner wants to be with.

The jealousy factor never comes up in your relationship and other people are the least of your problems. You are totally entrenched in your romantic soulmate connection. If you’re never worried about what your soulmate is doing on a night out with friends, it could be one of the signs he’s your soulmate. Similarly, if you’re never anxious about how her coworkers might be hitting on her during her office trips, you have one of the signs of a soulmate connection on your hands.

8. You feel each other’s pain – that’s a soulmate connection sign

If you get hurt and your partner takes you to a doctor to get your wound all fixed up, they’re probably going to be in a lot more pain than you are. That’s the pinnacle of soulmate connection feelings. They just can’t see you in pain. Now think about them getting hurt, will you feel the pain or not? You both feel each other’s pain because of the soulmate connection you have.

9. Different personalities but similar in so many ways

You could have contrasting personalities or have contrasting jobs. You may even be complete polar opposites in more ways you can count. One may like rock music while the other might like jazz. Yet, you both fall for each other. When you both connect, you find that you are similar in so many ways in the most soulful way.

You both may share the same kind of qualities like empathy, generosity, etc. which you only find out later. But you connected before knowing these things. This is because your soul recognized the real person under all these layers. Even before you knew it.

10. They are your happy place

What does a soulmate connection feel like? Stephanie Perkins said, “‘For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.” When you find your safe spot in a person, they become your home. You feel safe with that person. You will always want to reach out to them when you are feeling low or want a break from other things. Just being with them makes you happy and you always want to be with them.

If you know that this person is always going to support you in your relationship, regardless of the things that happen in your life and you can’t wait to be with them, it may be as good a sign as any that you’ve met your soulmate.

what is a soulmate connection
Your soulmate is your happy place

11. They just get you

All these years you might have been misunderstood and you feel that nobody really gets you or understands how you feel. This person just gets you, almost every time. That’s what makes crossing paths with your soulmate so special. They will always know the right thing to say or do when you are having a bad day. Imagine you both go to a party which bores you a lot, they will know already and will get you out. You don’t need to tell them, they already know.

To everyone else, it might seem like one of the weird soulmate signs, but to you two, these things are now completely natural occurrences. It’s what makes your relationship special. You don’t need to explain how you’re feeling or what you want to the other person, they just understand and know what to do about it.

12. You both have crossed paths before

Soulmates often cross paths but do not meet until many years after. This is because everything has the right place and the right time. After many months or years of dating, you might catch them in a childhood picture and get to know that you both went to the same event but had never crossed paths. This is how the magic of destiny and your soulmate connection works. The universe conspires to bring you together.

13. The relationship often feels harmonious

If there was ever a definition of a harmonious relationship, it’d be the one that exists between two soulmates. Of course, it’s not a relationship that doesn’t have any problems or the one that always features love and harmony. Such a relationship has its ups and downs as well, but the important part is that both partners will definitely experience a significant amount of relationship satisfaction that makes it important for both of them to continue to work on their bond.

The universe brings soulmates together, and when it does, it shows them a relationship so pure that they try to do their best to hold it together. If you have such a bond in your life at the moment, consider it one of the signs of a soulmate connection.

14. You learn to work through your differences

Yes, we’ve mentioned that soulmates connect instantly, and we’ve talked about how the soulmate relationship signs feature harmony, but there are still differences that are bound to come up. However, what’s important in such a connection is that the partners always find a way to work through the differences and don’t let resentment fester.

The soulmate sign coincidences in such a dynamic may include things like both partners understanding intuitively how they must talk to the other, or both partners understanding that they need to be a bit more forgiving to strengthen the relationship.

15. You feel supported

“I would always tell my friends about how Jacob supported me through my career change and the period in my life when things weren’t going my way. He was always there for me and never got upset with me when I so clearly was making mistakes that I should not have been. My friend said, “These are the signs he’s your soulmate, silly!” That’s when I realized what a gem I have on my hands,” Will, a 34-year-old artist, told us.

When you’re in a relationship as pure as a soulmate connection, you’re bound to feel supported and loved throughout, no matter how bad things get in your life. That’s the soulmate connection power.

16. You have faith in your future

There are relationships that may appear great on the surface but may not have much hope for the future because of the vastly different goals that the partners may have in their lives. However, in your case, you’re both pretty confident that you’re going to ride this one out. Even if you do have goals that may not necessarily agree with each other, you’re sure that you can find a way to make things work.

17. You respect and trust each other

In a relationship, you need a lot more than just love to keep things going. One of the biggest signs of soulmate connection is that there’s a lot of mutual respect, trust, support, and communication between the partners. As a result, the relationship feels a lot more stable and healthy.

How Would You Know You Found Your Soulmate?

Even after 4-5 breakups, you might not find your soulmate. Your soulmate will meet you when the time is right. Finding your soulmate is like finding a part of yourself. You know that this person is going to keep you very happy and just the thought of it makes you smile. Having a soulmate doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be fights or differences.

Fights are inevitable in every relationship. But after every fight, you will feel this hollowness in your heart that will fill only when you make up with your soulmate. If you haven’t found your soulmate romance yet, there’s no need to worry. Great things are yet to happen. How would you know you found your soulmate? Here is how:

  • Comfort: You could sit together for hours without talking
  • Excitement: When they look at you, you feel a ripple in your stomach
  • Compatibility: Your mental and physical compatibility is mind-blowing
  • Empathy: You feel deep empathy for each other
  • Support: You want to be the wing beneath each other’s wings
  • Shared dreams: You both have the dream of living in a log cabin by the river in your old age
  • Feeling complete: You cannot imagine a life without your soulmate
  • Strong pull: You feel an unexplainable connection

Finding the soulmate connection is not easy, but when you find a soulmate attraction and build a connection with them, you will know it is for keeps and you will not want to let it go. That’s the beauty of a soulmate relationship. So, all you’ve got to do is make sure that you keep your eyes open and know what to look for when you’re finding the perfect one for you.


1. What happens when soulmates connect?

When two soulmates connect, they may be able to form emotional intimacy a lot easier than they have in any of their past relationships. They’ll be able to establish mutual respect, trust, support, and harmony with each other. Though they’ll face relationship problems as well, they’ll always find a way to work through them.

2. Are soulmates spiritually connected?

Soulmates are basically two people who belong to the same soul group and have been a part of your spiritual journey in some shape or form. They establish a close bond with each other, making it seem like they’re spiritually connected.

3. Does the universe really bring soulmates together?

Yes, the universe can bring soulmates together since there can exist more than one romantic soulmate for you. You’ve got to make sure you know the signs of a soulmate connection so that when such a relationship comes your way, you’re capable of differentiating it from the rest.

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