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17 Allergy Relief Hacks to Reduce Symptoms – Morning Lazziness
If you want to feel less like a human dust mite and more like a summertime beach babe, this hack is for you! Sure, your diet should always be high in antioxidants, but these hacks can help boost the immune system and keep that wicked rash under control. Just follow these simple tips to make the summer of your dreams.
1) Minerals and Antioxidants for the Win
The biggest tip for beating allergies is to load up on antioxidants. This maximizes your body’s ability to fight infections naturally and minimizes your chances of severe symptoms. Specifically, you want to eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. They contain essential vitamins and nutrients for keeping the immune system operational. You also want to cut back on processed foods, which are loaded with chemicals that can harm your body. Many processed foods also contribute high amounts of sodium which cause dehydration and make you even more susceptible to allergens in the air.
2) Take Antihistamines
You can also use an antihistamine to minimize symptoms. They are over-the-counter medications that can help relieve itching and swelling. You can take these pills by mouth, eye drops, or nasal spray. You may need stronger medication than an over-the-counter pill if you have severe symptoms. Try to take medicine as soon as you are exposed to the allergen. For instance, it’s already too late if you have hay fever and start sneezing within a few minutes of being in a field Stock up on fexofenadine 120mg at Chemist Click.
3) Get Regular Boosts of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a powerful antioxidant that can help strengthen your immune system, as well as help fight infection. However, people with seasonal allergies are at risk for low levels of this vitamin. A simple way to combat this is to get regular summer sun exposure or take a supplement.
4) Drink Plenty of Water
While this seems like an obvious tip, you might be surprised at the number of people suffering from dehydration because they suffer from allergies and congestion. This manifests in everything from an inability to sweat properly to serious issues like fungal infections and rashes.
5) Don’t be Afraid of Essential Oils
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Another way to help fight allergies is with essential oils. These herbal remedies are both a natural solution and a soothing agent for any irritation your body may feel. For example, try regularly diffusing peppermint oil in your home to keep the air fresh and reduce dust mite exposure during the day.
Also Read: Infographic: Are Allergies Making You Tired?
6) Use a Humidifier
The air in your home can feel dry, especially in the winter. This contributes to asthma attacks and other symptoms of allergy. You can add moisture to the air by using a humidifier. Just be sure to use one that doesn’t have high levels of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) because these may aggravate allergies further.
7) Get Regular Exercise
While the weather is hot, it’s a good idea to get a little exercise each day. This can help you sweat more and keep your body and mind feeling good.
8) See a Doctor if you start having severe symptoms
If your symptoms are becoming severe or you’re getting new ones, it’s time to visit an allergist. They can help identify what you’re allergic to and develop a treatment plan that works for your skin and sinuses. They also give helpful tips on how to minimize allergen exposure. Make sure that, no matter how bad the allergy season may be, you always see the doctor if your symptoms are becoming more serious or frequent.
9) Keep Your Hands Clean
The biggest thing you can do to minimize the allergens you expose yourself to is to wash your hands regularly. When you are at work, school, or out and about, keep the sanitizer on hand and use it before touching anything. In addition, you’ll want to use a special soap with no dyes or scents.
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Also Read: 5 Tips to Keep Spring Allergies at Bay
10) Choose the Right Clothes
Even though you might want to wear your favorite sundresses and flip-flops, you may need to stash them away when you have allergies. This is because polyester and other artificial fabrics often leave a residue on your skin that can cause irritation.
11) Stay Away from Pets with Shedding Issues
This is a huge issue in the summertime when fleas and allergies go hand in hand. So if you’re sneezing like crazy from the pesky parasites, consider whether keeping pets is a good idea.
12) Check Your Car
You spend a lot of time in your car, so it’s essential to ensure it is free of dust and mold. This will minimize your exposure to allergens and keep you breathing easier.
13) Minimise the Stress in Your Life
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The last thing you want is an allergic reaction when feeling stressed out. As a bonus, a regular meditation or yoga routine can help relieve stress, reduce flare-ups, and provide more energy throughout the day.
14) Wash your Sheets Weekly
Dust mites love laying eggs on your sheets, so washing your sheets regularly will help prevent them from hatching in the first place. You’ll also want to buy smooth-fabric sheets that don’t have a lot of wrinkles and folds to trap dust. You can also wash your pillows at least once a month to keep the dust down.
15) Have a Positive Attitude
A positive mind frame will help you live through allergy season with less stress and more energy to fight against the symptoms. So even if you are miserable, stay positive and patient about it! It’ll make everything a little easier in the end.
16) Get Rid of Clutter
Clutter is allergen-central, so if you want to breathe properly, get rid of it. This would include out-of-date magazines and books, old sports equipment that never gets used anymore, broken-down toys for kids, and anything else cluttering your home. Take time organizing from the floor up to make your space more allergy-friendly.
17) Wash Plant Leaves Regularly
House plants can add life and beauty to a room, but they also contribute to allergens in the air. It would help if you always washed leaves regularly. For a quick spray down, you can use lukewarm water and a soft towel to clean them after spraying.
If you follow these tips and boost your immune system with your diet, you should have fewer problems during the dry season. You can also protect yourself from debilitating allergies by increasing vitamin D levels in your body with foods like salmon and egg yolks.
Shruti Sood
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