Summer’s on the way and our heating bills decrease. With longer days and warmer temperatures, we won’t use the heat over the coming months, and that’s a bonus for all consumers.

However, summer is a time when we shouldn’t be complacent. While heating bills will be lower, we will still be using air-conditioning, and there are many ways we can reduce our electricity use and the resulting bills.

The list of energy tips is worth remembering all year, but many are specific to summer when warmer days mean lower heating bills.

1. Turn Off the Lights

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This is the natural place to start. Longer days mean light bulbs are unnecessary until much later in the day. However, many of us are programmed to switch on the lights at certain times of the day, and that’s a habit we must change.

Natural light can extend into bedtime, so this is an easy way to start saving energy during the summer.

2. Don’t Forget the Outdoor Sensor

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Many homeowners have an outdoor sensor light that is in operation 24/7. It’s a helpful security measure, but those lights have little or no effect on bright summer days.

If you’re out and feel more comfortable having the sensor on, do so. If you’re at home, it makes sense to save energy by only activating the light at nightfall.

3. Adjust the Thermostat

Moen Smart ShowerMoen Smart Shower
Image Credit: Moen Incorporated.

Hot baths and showers aren’t necessary during the warmer months of the year. Many of us like to use more cold water but forget to adjust the thermostat on the water heater for those hot days.

The thermostat that controls heating and water can be turned down in the summer to avoid unnecessary costs during the summer.

4. Take a Tepid Shower

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Personal preference plays a part in this next tip, but who wants a hot bath when it’s 80 degrees outside? If you were on vacation, you’d dive into a cool swimming pool to escape the external heat.

A quick, tepid shower will satisfy all your personal hygiene needs while saving you even more money on your energy bills.

5. Reduce Your Reliance on the Oven

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Summer is a time for barbecues, and this cooking is just one way to reduce our oven usage. Get some coals and fire up the grill, pizza oven, or any other outdoor appliance that doesn’t use electricity or gas.

Lighter meals are more common during the summer, so consider salads and other dishes that don’t require you to switch on your oven.

6. Dry Clothes Outside

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The tumble dryer is one of the most expensive household appliances in terms of electricity usage, yet many of us still rely on these devices throughout the year. When the weather changes, take your clothes outside if you have any outdoor space.

It doesn’t have to be a hot day. Any dry day with a breeze will help dry your clothes for no cost, and they’ll also have that fresh outdoor smell.

7. Use Cold Water to Wash Clothes

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About 90% of your washing machine’s energy is used to heat the water. Hot washes are often only needed for heavily stained items, such as muddy socks and pants, which tend to get dirtier during the winter.

Summer is the perfect time to wash clothes in warm or cold water, and save more energy. This doesn’t apply to those washing dirty sports uniforms for kids on travel teams.

8. Switch Off the Thermostat

Setting temperature in ThermostatSetting temperature in Thermostat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Your hot water may be provided via a gas boiler, or you could have an electric water heater. In the winter, we rely more on a constant stream of hot water for baths, showers, clothes, and dishwashing, but this isn’t necessary in the summer.

Many households leave the thermostat switched on in the winter, so remember to turn it off and only use it when you require hot water.

9. Keep Electronics Away from Your Air Conditioning

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If you have an air conditioning unit, be careful what you place next to it. TVs and other electronic devices can fool those units into thinking that the home is warmer than it is, increasing the time that the compressor stays on and producing cold air.

If you keep electronics away from your air conditioning unit, you’ll pay only for the cool air you need.

10. Use Aerating Attachments

Aerator attached to FaucetAerator attached to Faucet
Image Credit: Nicole-Koehler, Own Work – CC BY-SA 3.0/Wiki Commons.

An aerating attachment can be applied to shower heads and taps around the house. It’s beneficial for external taps, as many of us use more water in the summer months for our gardens, flowers, and plants.

These aerators mix more air to create larger droplets. You use less water, and you don’t use as much energy to heat that water.

11. Open the Windows

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Open a window to prevent using the air conditioning unnecessarily. If there’s a pleasant breeze, it will help cool your room naturally without the need for the air conditioner to kick on.

Natural ventilation is also an excellent way to enjoy the summer, so only use air conditioning when needed.

12. Join the Fan Club

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Several sections have focused on air conditioning units because they often use the most electricity during the summer. While most electrical appliances are turned down or switched off, these units enjoy their busiest period.

Another way to reduce costs is to eliminate air conditioning altogether. Having a fan in your main rooms is more energy efficient over time.

13. Maintain Fridges and Freezers

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Fridges and freezers are also busy during the summer, keeping food cool and fresh when the temperature outside goes up. These appliances account for about 12% of our household bills, so looking after them is essential.

Defrosting is quicker when it’s warm, which increases energy efficiency while helping to keep fridges and freezers running smoothly.

14. Keep the Fridge Three-Quarters Full

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Fridges work at optimum efficiency when they’re three-quarters full. If too many products are inside, the appliance has to work much harder to circulate cold air. When it’s empty, too much warm air gets inside when you open the door, and that can be a significant issue during the summer.

At 75% capacity, food and drink receive enough cold air while helping to keep neighboring produce cool. In this case, three-quarters is the magic number.

15. Enjoy the Outdoors

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Is there a better way to enjoy summer than to get out in the fresh air and sunshine? Stay cool and protect yourself from the sun’s rays, but the warm months are the best time to take a vacation or sit in your yard.

You will naturally use less electricity outdoors, which can have considerable benefits for your physical and mental health.

Matt Harris

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