With numerous technological advancements shaping the world we know today, it’s hard to imagine what’s next for the world. Will the world around us turn into a dystopian sci-fi movie with flying cars, or are we at the end of our potential?

While there’s no definitive way to answer this question, several pieces of tech will shine in the coming year.

1. AI-Optimized Manufacturing

Manufacturing Engineer
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The manufacturing industry produces insurmountable waste, whether wasted energy, time, or materials. In 2025, AI can help minimize resource wastage by using AI-powered intelligent systems.

According to Instrumental, AI can detect defective units before reaching the end stage, efficiently resolve costly issues, and provide real-time data coupled with anomaly detection to ensure minimal waste.

2. AI Waste Management Systems

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According to Carbon Engineering, after the pandemic, people realized the gravity of destroying the planet. This led to a shift in people’s mindsets regarding their carbon footprint and governments trying to achieve net-zero emissions.

With AI at our disposal, intelligent waste management systems will lead an environmental revolution in the coming year.

3. Quantum Computers

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Experts at AQT state that many researchers and scientists are always making use of quantum computers to assist with their studies. However, with the new technology in this field, quantum computing will become a commercial commodity in 2025.

This can further be utilized in various areas, like developing new medicines, which can create massive waves in the year ahead with its research and development capabilities.

4. Better Health With AI

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Projects like Bright Seed are already underway, which utilize AI to find compounds in nature that help restore human health. With such technological advancements, the world will move towards a more health-conscious state that will improve the quality of life, increasing the average lifespan.

Armed with more information, the health industry will be able to provide better incentives for people to follow suit.

5. 5G

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According to Statista, South Korea had the fastest average 5G download speed in 2023 at 432.5 Mbps, and it will only grow in the coming years. With mobile companies selling 5G at much more affordable prices, communication will become seamless in 2025.

The implications of this piece of tech will be translated into the ER, businesses, better online classes, intelligent factories, and many more.

6. Forecasting Cancer

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With various AI prediction models, the coming year is a glimmer of hope for cancer survivors and people who are more prone to the disease. According to NCBI, receiving a cancer prognosis has already been made easier with various AI-based classification techniques.

Continuing down this road will make cancer just another disease, reducing the lives lost to it.

7. Robots in Retail

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Robots are used in many industries to help automate workflow and improve efficiency. However, when it comes to grocery check-outs, it isn’t that common.

In 2025, this will change with projects such as Takeoff, which uses “micro fulfillment,” robotic warehouses that can be placed inside grocery stores; the retail industry will be taken by storm.

8. Virtual Worlds

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When Apple released its Vision Pro, it was a game changer because it defied what we had known to be true. In 2025, other companies will start to catch up, and further advancements in the virtual reality world will lead to a new way of life. You’ll be able to shop for clothes to wear in the virtual world, use them for art, set up your virtual room, and many exciting new things.

9. Improving Construction

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As we gather increasingly rich data from construction sites and industry processors, AI, Internet of Things-based technology (IoT), and image processing can help elevate the construction field. Projects like Versatile will become more popular with features that remove unnecessary overtime and track and measure site productivity to minimize wastage.

10. Climate Change Reversal

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With products like Climeworks, CO2 removal will help minimize the damage we’ve caused to the earth by elevating the impact of our carbon footprint. The removed CO2 is saved underground for over 10,000 years via the Carbfix method. In 2025, this technology will become more widely available and in demand to help keep the planet safe.

11. A Better Chance at Bridging the Wealth Gap

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Financial acumen has been reserved for financial advisors who charge hefty fees to offer strategies and advice for many decades. The rich get richer while those less fortunate struggle for access to knowledge.

In 2025, platforms like EquityZen will provide private market data insights and guidance from private market specialists, making ramping up one’s wealth easier.

12. Say No Disease With Microbial Data

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In 2020, the pandemic gave us all a reality check, causing a ripple effect that we still experience today. Technological advancements will allow rapid sampling, digitalization, and the interpretation of microbiome data in the coming year. This means we’ll get a deeper insight into these organisms and where people shed them, which will help reduce the risk of transmission.

13. Data Protection

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Since AI has rapidly evolved, so have data breaches and security threats. People are concerned with privacy policies, and rightly so.

In the year ahead, we’ll witness data protection like we’ve never seen before, with products like Enviel breaking barriers with Homomorphic Encryption, which provides more security for companies to leverage data.

14. Blockchain Voting

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With increasing fraudulent voting in elections held across the globe, Blockchain will help revolutionize the voting system to make it foolproof. According to MDPI, implementing such technology will protect voter identity, prevent alteration of votes, and protect against da. Voters will not be able to dispute the validity of their votes.

15. New Use Cases for Augmented Reality

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According to Statista, the AR headset and glasses market was valued at 2.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, with an increasing trend. As the next year approaches, new use cases of AR will emerge, causing the world to shift how it operates.

The possibilities are endless, from seeing how furniture looks in your room before buying it and virtual fitting rooms to a 3D Metaverse and surgery demonstrations.

Read More From Us – 17 Movies With Zero Expectations That Blew Us Away

The FugutiveThe Fugutive
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


Never judge a book by its cover. You can say the same about movies.

Some of our favorite films are the ones we went into with no expectations. Despite this, they blew us away from start to finish.

17 Movies With Zero Expectations That Blew Us Away

Read More From Us – Classic 80s Movies Better Than Anything Released Today

Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

The 80s was an incredible time for film. From award-winning cinema to hilarious comedies and everything in between, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Thankfully, many of these 80s movies still hold up today. I regularly find myself watching these beloved 80s movies more often than modern cinema.

Classic 80s Movies Better Than Anything Released Today

Saad Muzaffar

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