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When you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s easy for gifting to get a little stale. You may be at the point where you live together, you’ve built a life together, and you’re kind of out of ideas for the whole “holiday about dating” thing. After all, do you really need an excuse to celebrate something that’s just a regular part of your life?

Uh, yes. Because it’s adorable, first of all, and secondly, when things are so commonplace, we’re so much more likely to take them for granted. Deciding to celebrate Valentine’s Day lovey-dovey style is a sweet (pun only kind of intended) way to honor your relationship. Even if the relationship itself is a given.

Choosing to do it up this year is one thing. But the gifting part? Well, that’s the challenge. Once you know everything your partner has, or everything you share as a unit, how do you come up with creative new ideas? 

You don’t have to! I did the work for you. No matter how long you’ve been together, or how large or small you plan to celebrate, here are my picks for Valentine’s Day gifts for couples in long-term relationships.

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