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15 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Anna Cathcart That You Probably Didn’t Know, But Definitely Should


“​​Something that both Lana and Janel value a lot and taught me more of is that it can be very hard to have what you need and what is good for your health and mental health [while acting],” she added. “It’s so easy to get into that [mindset of] working super hard and doing what you need to do. There’s truth to that, too, but [they gave me a lot of advice on] boundaries and learning how to stand up for myself. I definitely take it to heart and try to implement it, for sure. I think there are many moments where I will try and speak up.” 

She shared that Noah Centineo, who played Peter Kavinsky, also reached out to tell her he was “always there” for her. He even surprised her at the XO, Kitty premiere. 


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