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133 best fall puns and fall jokes to leaf you smiling – Growing Family


Are you excited for autumn season? This list of kid-friendly, hilarious fall puns and fall jokes is perfect for helping the whole family celebrate this gorgeous time of the year.

The best fall puns and fall jokes

We’ve rounded up these brilliant autumn puns and silly autumn jokes to get you and the kids giggling. If you’re looking for jokes about fall to share with the family, read on!

fall leaves in a rainbow shape

Funny autumn puns to get you laughing

Let’s start off the silliness with some fun fall puns. As well as giving you a good laugh, they all make great fall captions for social media.

1. It’s fall coming back to me now

2. The fall of the wild

3. We’re out here busting our crops

4. And they lived apple-y ever after 

5. We’re in for the long fall together

6. What a wonder-fall world

7. A crop hat

8. Cob’s your uncle

9. Don’t be hay-tin on autumn

10. Don’t sweat the fall stuff

11. B-autumns up!

12. Pride comes before the fall

13. Beauti-fall

14. Don’t even chai

15. I’m so corn-fused

fall pumpkins

16. Fall of the wild

17. Autumn weather is just soup-er

18. You really autumn know

19. I yam what I yam

20. May the forest be with you

21. I spy with my little pie

22. Got my eyes on the pies

23. Bet your autumn dollar

24. I heard it’s awwtumn

25. Hallelujah

26. Orange you glad it’s fall?

27. What a wonder-fall world

28. I’m falling for you

29. Don’t fall apart

30. I’m nuts about fall

child's hands holding autumn leaves

More funny fall puns

31. You’re a-maize-ing

32. Let’s fall in love

33. I’m acorn-y person

34. Fall is the apple of my pie

35. I’m falling to pieces

36. It’s fall about the good times

37. One fall swoop

38. Let’s harvest some fun

39. I’m berry excited for fall

40. These autumn puns are so acorn-y

41. Hay there!

42. Nuttin’ to see here

43. Hop in my autumn-mobile

44. Are you fall real?

45. Falling in love with autumn

46. Feeling grate-fall

47. We’ve come fall circle

48. Nothing to seed here

Brilliant pumpkin puns for fall season

49. You’re looking gourd-geous

50. Give ‘em pumpkin to talk about

51. Gourd of the Rings

52. Life is gourd

53. Hello gourd-geous

54. Pumpkin spice up your life

55. Having a gourd time

56. You’re the pick of the patch

57. Spice, spice, baby

58. He’s a gourd man

59. Go big or gourd home

60. Don’t be a jerk-o-lantern

61. Ahead of the carve

62. You + me = pumpkin pi

63. Pumpkin iron

64. Carving out good times

65. Let’s squash this rumour

66. I only have pies for you

67. Feeling gourd

68. That’ll do spicely

69. I’m a pun-king

70. Let’s pumpkin spice things up

Head this way for more pumpkin puns.

autumn leaves on a tree

Fall jokes for kids that will definitely impress

These family-friendly autumn jokes will get everyone laughing. Why not turn them into a corn-y list of dad jokes for fall season?

71. How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch.

72. Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn so much? Because he had a great fall.

73. What is the cutest season? Aww-tumn.

74. Why did the pumpkin lose the boxing match? He let his gourd down.

75. What is a scarecrow’s favourite fruit? Straw-berries.

76. Why’s it so easy to trick a leaf in October? They fall for anything.

77. What’s the best thing to put into an apple pie? Your teeth.

78. Why are trees so carefree and easy going? Because every fall, they let loose.

79. Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize? He was outstanding in his field.

80. What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth.

81. Which pumpkin can swim the best? The coast gourd.

82. What time of year do people get injured the most? In the fall.

83. What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash.

84. How do trees get on the internet in the fall? They log in.

85. What’s the best kind of vehicle in fall? An autumn-mobile.

conkers and autumn leaves

Leaf jokes and leaf puns to blow them away

Ready some more fall jokes for kids? These leaf jokes will rustle up some laughter on autumn days.

86. What is it called when a tree takes some time off? Paid leaf.

87. What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves.

88. What is it called when a tree doesn’t think it’s autumn? Disbe-leaf.

89. What did the autumn leaf say to the other autumn leaf? I’m falling for you.

90. What did the ground say when fall came? Well that’s a re-leaf.

91. What should you do when you witness a crime in the forest? Report it to the leaf of police.

92. Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling green.

93. What do you call a big book about fall? A tome.

autumn leaves

Leaf puns

Fallen leaves play a big role in fall jokes and cute fall puns for instagram posts. These leaf puns make perfect photo captions for your social media posts – and my nature hashtags copy and paste lists will help with those too.

94. That’s un-be-leaf-able

95. I be-leaf in you

96. Don’t leaf without me

97. It’s time to turn-ip over another leaf

98. Autumn leafs a smile on my face

99. I can’t be-leaf my eyes

100. Let’s breathe a sigh of re-leaf

101. Are you ready to leaf yet?

102. Leaf the past behind

103. Bet your autumn dollar

104. I would never leaf you

105. That’s a fall-acy

106. Autumn leaves are just tree-mendous

107. Don’t stop be-leafing

108. Be-leaf in yourself

109. Don’t leaf me hanging

110. Leaf me alone

111. I’m turning over a new leaf

112. Seeing is be-leafing

113. Even the leaves fall for you

114. Make like a tree and leaf

115. Let’s just fall it a day

116. These fall puns are unbe-leaf-able

117. Don’t like sappy puns? You should leaf right now

small child playing in woodland in fall

More funny autumn jokes for kids

These fall jokes will definitely leaf a smile on your face 😉

118. What do you wear under your shirt at the farmer’s market? A har-vest.

119. What did the lawn say to the rake? Leaf me alone!

120. How many books do you read at fall? I usually leaf through a couple of them.

121. What do lumberjacks shout at the start of fall? Sep-timberrrrrr.

122. What’s the best band to listen to in autumn? The Spice Girls.

123. Which month is a Rock Star’s favourite? Rock-tober.

124. What did the tree say to the wind? “Leaf me alone!”

125. How did the fall apple picking contest end? There was a de-cider.

autumn pumpkins and pillar candles

Best jokes about autumn to make you feel cosy

126. What do you call a man in the pile of colourful leaves? Russell.

127. What is a tree’s least favourite month? Sep-timber.

128. How did the tree explain its bad behaviour? It said it was getting ready to turn over a new leaf.

129. What is a fires least favourite month? No-ember.

130. What did one autumn leaf say to the other? I’m fallin’ for you.

131. Why do birds fly south for the fall? Because it’s quicker than walking.

132. What are you studying in math class this autumn? Apple pi.

133. What do farmers wear in autumn? Har-vests.

child holding red maple leaf

Share your favourite silly fall puns and fall jokes

Hopefully this list of fall puns and awesome fall jokes has put a smile on your face, and provided you with the perfect fall instagram caption. If your favourite autumn jokes and autumn puns aren’t included make sure you share them in the comments 🍂🍁🍂

More brilliant jokes for all family members

If you’re raring to go with even more kid-friendly jokes and funny puns, I’ve got you covered!

My Halloween jokes, pumpkin puns, skull puns, skeleton jokes and tree puns are particularly great for autumn giggles. You might enjoy my roundup of Halloween quotes and autumn quotes too.

If you’re getting ready for Christmas, check out my 150 Christmas jokes for kids. You can welcome spring with some silly spring puns and Easter jokes for kids, and embrace the sunshine with summer jokes.

On a nature theme, you can take your pick from flower puns, plant puns, garden puns, nature puns, sunflower puns, gnome puns, ice puns, bird puns, bee puns and cat puns. Or if food is your thing, you can dig into potato puns, vegetable puns and fruit puns.

Fun fall activities for kids

And finally, my books *A Year of Nature Craft and Play and *A Year of Nature Walks and Games are also packed with fun activities and projects to keep kids busy all year round.

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133 brilliant fall puns and silly fall jokes to get you and the kids giggling. They make perfect captions for social media posts too!

Author: Sam Hughes



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