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Affirmations are positive statements we tell ourselves in order to reprogram our brains. This is in an effort to let go of negative thoughts and start thinking more clearly and productively.

Self-confidence positive affirmations allow us to use the science of brain reprogramming to help us learn to face the world with less fear.  Today, we’re going to examine why this practice is so important to our happiness and success.

Why Affirmations are Important for Self-Confidence

We are often so ready and willing to say positive things to others… yet many of us tend to resort to negative thoughts when it comes to how we view ourselves. This can wreak havoc on our self-esteem and, thus, derail our goals and dreams in life.

The longer this goes on, the more difficult it becomes to recognize our good qualities. While there are many ways we can increase this positivity, affirmations work to literally change the pathways in our brains. This means that, eventually, we can and will become adept at pushing aside the negative thoughts that cause us to doubt ourselves and what we are capable of achieving.

You can even give kids a head start on building self-esteem and self-confidence with affirmations. The earlier one starts this practice, the easier it will be to master.

To get you started, here are 121 self-confidence positive affirmations to begin reciting TODAY!

121 Self-Confidence Positive Affirmations

  1. My intuition is always reliable. I trust my gut.
  2. I am happy and confident.
  3. I cherish all of my life.
  4. The Universe has my back at all times.
  5. My soul radiates love, peace, and confidence.
  6. I am crushing this thing called life.
  7. I honor myself and my place in this world.
  8. I speak with confidence and convince others to see my point.
  9. My confidence is strong and can’t be crushed by others.
  10. I am one awesome person and can do all I attempt.
  11. I learn new skills easily.
  12. I swim easily through life’s waves and dance in the rain.
  13. I bounce back easily when things don’t go as planned.
  14. I know what I need to say inside and out and won’t falter.
  15. I am my favorite person.
  16. Dead ends just create a place to turn around.
  1. I willingly accept my role in forging a new path.
  2. I naturally gravitate toward my best choice.
  3. Confidence is my birthright.
  4. I have a good sense of humor and cheer others up easily.
  5. I create the path I walk and will do so confidently.
  6. People are drawn to me.
  7. I am a good person who deserves all the good I receive.
  8. I always see the best in myself and others.
  9. I am self-sufficient in all areas of my life.
  10. I don’t overthink my choices and interactions.
  11. Confidence is my strongest trait.
  12. I have no need to fear failing – or succeeding.
  13. I have no need to second-guess myself.
  14. I learn from my mistakes and see them as tools for growth.
  15. I am proud to be me.
  16. I am smart and capable of achieving whatever I want.
  17. I am an inspiration to others.
  18. I am a natural leader and others willingly follow my lead.
  19. I am persistent and don’t give up.
  20. I am more than enough.
  21. I bring my best to the table.
  22. I willingly share my gifts with others.
  23. I won’t allow others to limit me.
  24. My inner light shines brightly.
  25. My past does not define me. I live in the now.
  26. I deserve the compliments I receive.
  27. I attract only those that radiate with my energy.
  28. I am my biggest cheerleader.
  29. I navigate detours effortlessly.
  30. I am safe and protected.
Self-Confidence Positive Affirmations - I am safe and protected. | short positive affirmations | affirmations for confidence and self love | positive affirmations for self esteem pdf
  1. I react with empathy and patience and deserve the same treatment.
  2. I relish opportunities to learn new things.
  3. I deserve the best treatment and will accept nothing less.
  4. I am the best person for me to rely on.
  5. I can easily get everything I need.
  6. I trust myself completely.
  7. I am the most qualified person to decide for me.
  8. My intuition is something to be trusted.
  9. I make well-informed decisions.
  10. I am the creator of my own world.
  11. I am motivated to succeed.
  12. The unknown is just another adventure.
  13. I walk confidently with my head held high.
  14. I am a kind and supportive person.
  15. I am fun to spend time with.
  16. My imperfections make me unique.
  17. I can cut ties in toxic relations without guilt.
  18. My journey is worth the destination.
  19. Expressing my emotions is easy.
  20. My true self is worthy of showing the world.
  21. I need only my own validation, not that of others.
  22. I banish negativity from my thoughts.
  23. I am stronger than what makes me afraid.
  24. I can get around every roadblock.
  25. I celebrate all I have done and will do.
  26. I let go of anxiety and self-doubt.
  27. My body and mind are stress-free.
  28. I empower myself and others.
  29. I release all self-judgment and forgive myself.
  30. Others have confidence in me.
Self-Confidence Positive Affirmations - Others have confidence in me. | positive affirmations for self love and confidence | positive affirmations for confidence self esteem and prosperity | positive affirmations to build self confidence
  1. The world needs me and I will meet that need.
  2. I am calm and collected.
  3. I am becoming my greatest self.
  4. I can conquer all I set out to do.
  5. I choose to take a leap of faith.
  6. I choose to accept love and praise.
  7. My presence makes a difference in the world.
  8. I have unlimited potential.
  9. Others respect my boundaries.
  10. I honor my boundaries.
  11. I will reach my goals.
  12. I love interacting with people and they love me.
  13. I am courageous.
  14. I can let negativity roll off me without effort.
  15. Others see my confidence.
  16. I appreciate each and every part of myself.
  17. I am intelligent and can show this with confidence.
  18. I have come far and I celebrate all my successes.
  19. Life is an adventure and I learn more every day.
  20. I give my best at all times.
  21. I am flexible and can embrace change without fear.
  22. I am beautiful inside and out.
  23. I am strong enough to get through any and all adversity with grace.
  24. I am ready and willing to step out of my comfort zone.
  25. I am blessed in so many ways.
  26. I deserve to succeed and have earned every success I have achieved.
  27. People respect me and seek out my advice.
  28. I make my needs known without fear.
  29. I am comfortable speaking up no matter what the situation.
  30. I am worthy of all I ask for and receive from the Universe.
  31. I am whole and complete just as I am.
Self-Confidence Positive Affirmations - I am whole and complete just as I am. | positive affirmations for self love self esteem confidence | self confidence affirmations list | what are positive self affirmations
  1. I am loved and appreciated.
  2. I have claimed my power and will not give it away.
  3. I am capable and will succeed.
  4. I believe in my ability and strength.
  5. Others genuinely like me.
  6. I respect all aspects of myself and behave accordingly.
  7. I honor my existence on this earth.
  8. I am unique and have special ideas.
  9. I have an amazing life.
  10. I have much to be grateful for.
  11. I am competent and skilled.
  12. I am prepared and will not falter.
  13. People listen when I speak.
  14. My ideas are great ones.

How to Use Affirmations

Just like other habits, building self-confidence takes time and practice. Once you have in mind the affirmation that resonates with you, make sure you practice saying it several times a day. Some people even make a point of writing the statement 3-10 times every morning in a journal.

It may seem strange to you at first, given many of us are unaccustomed to giving ourselves positive encouragement. If it helps, have a trusted friend repeat these to you every day… until you’re ready to recite them on your own.

You could also create an affirmation board. Place your daily affirmation there and stop every time you see it to repeat the words.

Affirmations are a great deterrent for when you begin noticing that negative thoughts are entering your mind.

At that moment, take a deep breath and practice mindfulness by bringing awareness to the surface. Keep breathing deeply and repeating your affirmation until the negative thought disappears.

Final Thoughts on Self-Confidence Positive Affirmations

It never hurts to consider various ways to build self-confidence. In fact, you may find it useful to use a number of methods when it comes to increasing self-esteem and awareness. 

That said, utilizing these self-confidence affirmations is a great place to start. It only takes a few simple words to start believing and, eventually, these affirmations will place speed bumps along the path your negative thoughts take… slowing them down immensely.

And before long, these speed bumps will be replaced with red lights, stopping negativity in its tracks. With the increased self-esteem and confidence you gain, you can literally do anything you set your mind to.

Finally, if you need help with building habits, then check out this nine-step blueprint that walks you through the entire process of creating lifelong habits.)

self confidence positive affirmations | positive affirmations for self love | positive affirmations to boost confidence

121 Self-Confidence Positive Affirmations for 2023

S.J. Scott

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