Installing a retaining wall improves your home’s aesthetic appeal and adds much-needed stability, especially when you have a slope or elevated area in your backyard. Retaining walls can also help you add value to your property. If you are unsure whether a retaining wall is right for you, here are 12 reasons you should consider installing it today.


Installing a retaining wall improves your home’s aesthetic appeal and adds much-needed stability, especially when you have a slope or elevated area in your backyard. Retaining walls can also help you add value to your property. If you are unsure whether a retaining wall is right for you, here are 12 reasons you should consider installing it today. 

  1. Prevent soil erosion

If your home is at the top or bottom of a hill or you have a sloped area within your home, the impact of wind and rain could result in severe eroding damage to your soil. This could weaken your home’s structural integrity, cause messy landslides and mudslides, promote moisture damage, and block drainage systems. Unchecked erosion could also move rocks and soil to an area, blocking essential property features, so you should consider installing a retaining wall.

Building a retaining wall near a slope or border provides a leveled surface on an inclined surface. This prevents soil from eroding on the downward slope, leaving your backyard intact. If you’re looking to hire professional wall installation services to solve soil erosion and drainage issues around your home, click here to talk to an expert.

  1. Add more usable space

You may struggle with limited space, especially if your home has many hilly areas or steep slopes. By installing a retaining wall, you could increase your home’s usability. A retaining wall helps create a leveled ground for recreation and gardening. You could also carve out the built space to add more features such as walkways, outdoor seating, a patio, a kitchen garden, a play area, and a swimming pool, to mention a few.

  1. Minimize damage to neighborhood property

If your home is built on a higher platform than the neighboring properties, there is a high chance that soil and rocks in the elevated area could slide down and collapse on surrounding structures. This could cause severe damage, including collapsed property, because soil erosion due to rain and floods exposes building foundations and loosens the property’s soil.

Remember you are legally responsible for any damage or injuries your neighbors, tenants, and customers incur due to collapsed sloped areas in your landscape. Your local municipality could also levy hefty fines against you for failing to maintain your yard. Consider investing in retaining walls to avoid legal implications and struggles with your neighbors.

  1. Reduce the risk of flooding

If you live in an area that often experiences heavy rains, your home is susceptible to flooding, which could cause extensive damage to your property. Install a retaining wall to protect your home against property floods. Retaining walls create a barrier that stops property floods in their tracks, prevents moisture from pooling in your home’s low spots, and directs water flow from your business building or home.

  1. It helps divert and utilize rainwater

Reduce water expenses by incorporating a brick retaining wall into your property. With this innovative design, you can divert and utilize the rainwater drained for better purposes. You could direct rainwater into a collection system using a retaining wall, then use it to garden or water your lawn. 

  1. Eliminate dirt piles

Randomly unsightly dirt piles like debris from construction projects, sand hills, or unused land can make your home look ugly. Eliminate the unsightly dirt piles and transform unused spaces by installing retaining walls. This does not only create more usable space but also makes your home more attractive.

  1. Increase your home’s aesthetic appeal

Landscaping is not only an integral part of your home. It also sets the pace for the entire property, especially the front yard. An effective way to enhance your landscaping and make it stand out in your neighborhood is by installing retaining walls. You could use many attractive materials, including timber, natural stone, gabion, concrete blocks, and boulders, to mention a few, to create a little paradise in your front yard. However, consider the existing landscape design when choosing ideal retaining wall materials.

You could use retaining walls to build elevated flower beds, adding beauty to your yard. Adding decorative features, like figurines and columns, to your retaining wall can make your home more attractive. Retaining walls add height to specific areas in the backyard, add dimension, and increase your home’s aesthetic appeal within minutes

  1. Boost your property’s value

If you are thinking about selling your home, consider building a retaining wall. The added beauty, increased versatility, and extra usable space brought by installing a retaining wall increase the value of your home. This gives you a competitive edge over other properties in the market, enabling you to sell your house quickly.

  1. Prevent sinkholes

If you live in a geographical location where water dissolves carbonate rock, you will likely notice the development of sinkholes around your home over time. Depending on the deterioration speed, these sinkholes can be large or small and could severely damage your landscape. They may also be challenging to fix. Invest in a retaining wall to keep sinkholes at bay and prevent damage to your landscape structure.

  1.  Minimize landscape maintenance

Maintaining a perfect yard can be tedious, time-consuming, and costly. Reduce the time and money spent maintaining your lawn by building retaining walls. Not only do retaining walls require little or no maintenance. They are also made of high-quality, durable materials that withstand extreme weather conditions. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars on retaining wall repairs and replacements.

  1.  Go green

If you’re looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, install a retaining wall. A retaining wall minimizes rainwater runoffs and causes minimal disruption to natural vegetation, making the walls an eco-friendly option. Retaining walls are also made of cost-efficient, durable and sustainable materials that blend well with your home’s natural surroundings.

  1.  Additional seating

A retaining wall automatically incorporates extra seating into your backyard. Retaining walls have the ideal height to plop down for a chit-chat with your loved ones.


A retaining wall helps you prevent soil erosion, reduce flooding, divert rainwater, lower maintenance costs, increase aesthetic appeal, and boost your property’s value. Contact professional retaining wall installation contractors today to enjoy the above benefits.


Ann Sanders

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