Are you looking for the best things to do in Exeter in Devon, UK? I have been to Exeter with my husband during our holiday in Devon. I really love the vibes of the city and its history. Let me share with you some of the attractions and places that you can visit here.

If you’re looking for a destination where history, architecture, a shopping scene, and natural beauty blend, Exeter is the place to be. It is one of the popular tourist destinations in the UK. Located in Devon, this city offers a lot of things waiting to be discovered. Read on, uncover this captivating city’s many facets, and discover what makes Exeter a must-visit destination.

Read More: 12 Best Things to Do in Devon (UK)

Best Things to Do in Exeter (Devon, UK)

1. Exeter Cathedral

Best Things to Do in Exeter: Exeter Cathedral in Devon UK

Unveiling Exeter’s rich tapestry of history, culture, and architectural majesty leads us to the magnificent Exeter Cathedral. A mix of old Norman and Gothic design, this place shows the city’s colorful history and powerful sense of self.

Constructed in the 12th century, the Exeter Cathedral is located in the heart of Exeter and offers a serene refuge amidst the city’s bustling life. As you approach, the building’s façade and detailed stone carvings will captivate you immediately. But believe me, the exterior only scratches the surface of what Exeter Cathedral has in store.

Upon entering, prepare for an “eyegasm.” Two towers dominate the scene, their soaring height contributing to the cathedral’s grandeur. Beneath them lies England’s most extended uninterrupted vaulted ceiling, which is a breathtaking sight! These towers, each possessing unique charm, offer an exclusive view over the city’s skyline for those willing to climb.

But Exeter Cathedral isn’t merely about architectural splendor. It also has a lot of historical narratives. It’s a monument that has stood the test of time, enduring wars, plagues, and countless generations of worshippers. You’ll uncover stories of royalty, builders, and ordinary folk who have somehow left their mark on this place.

And what’s history without a dash of mystery? Rumor has it that the cathedral is home to a ghost, the infamous Lady in Grey. Is she real? Well, you’ll have to visit and judge for yourself.

Furthermore, if you’re a book lover, you can afford to attend the cathedral’s library. It is full of ancient texts dating back to the 10th century. This place has a certain old-world charm that could make even the most digital-savvy individual yearn for a paperback.

2. Exeter Quay and Estuary

Exeter Quayside in Devon
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Exeter Quayside in Devon

The following location marries the urban with the natural, the ancient with the modern – the Exeter Quay and Estuary. This is where the River Exe greets the sea and is more than a geographic landmark. It’s a melting pot of cultures, a hub of recreational activities, and a window to Exeter’s maritime past.

Situated on the lower stretches of the River Exe, Exeter Quay, also known as Exeter’s Historic Quayside, is full of life. The cobblestone paths that line the river’s edge echo the footsteps of the city’s past merchants, sailors, and residents who have roamed its length for centuries.

Nowadays, Exeter Quay offers a unique mix of eateries, boutiques, and antique shops. These places comfortably sit within the Quay’s historic buildings, creating a charming fusion of old and new.

Moving forward, Exeter Estuary unfolds a vast expanse of natural beauty. This protected nature reserve is home to various bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. But don’t worry if ornithology isn’t your thing. The Estuary also presents plenty of opportunities for water-based fun, with activities like kayaking and paddle boarding readily available.

And, hey, let’s remember the cycle paths. Riding along the estuary, with the cool breeze brushing against your skin and the sights of the shimmering waters accompanying you, is therapeutic.

3. Visit Museums

Afterward, you can study Exeter’s past and explore its vibrant arts, local history, and cinematic heritage through a museum tour. There are three iconic places that you must visit. These are the Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, Topsham Museum, and Bill Douglas Cinema Museum.

Royal Albert Museum and Art Gallery

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter
Best Things to Do in Exeter: The Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter

The first stop is the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, or RAMM if you prefer to keep things short and sweet. Here, you’ll find a collection that could put a time traveler to shame. The RAMM is a world within walls, from prehistoric relics and medieval artifacts to contemporary art installations. It gives you a detailed look at Exeter’s past while showcasing creative genius from around the globe.

Topsham Museum

Next, ferry down the River Exe to the charming town of Topsham, where the Topsham Museum stands proudly. This museum is not just a place but a storytelling experience. Placed in an 18th-century building, it brings to life the tales of the town’s maritime history, its role in the woolen cloth trade, and the lives of its fascinating inhabitants. Remember to check out the furnished period rooms and the stunning riverside garden – they’re a real treat!

Bill Douglas Cinema Museum

Lastly, switch gears from maritime history to the magic of motion pictures at the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum. Named after the famous British filmmaker, this museum pays tribute to film and visual media history. This place is a cinematic treasure with a vast collection of memorabilia ranging from shadow puppets and magic lanterns to vintage movie posters and early cinema technology. And the best part? It provides a nostalgic journey that reminds us of the simple joy of storytelling through images.

4. Exeter Guildhall

Exeter Guildhall in Exeter Devon
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Exeter Guildhall
Franzfoto, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As you go on an adventure around Exeter, you will find yourself in front of a special part of history that has been at the heart of the city’s community life for over 800 years – the Exeter Guildhall. It’s a wonderful combination of historical elements, interesting architectural styles, and a place where public duties have been carried out. The Guildhall truly stands as a lasting symbol of the strong and everlasting character of Exeter.

Located on High Street, the Guildhall, the oldest municipal building still in use in England, exudes a charm that subtly whispers tales from the past. Its stone facade, stained glass windows, and majestic entrance invite us to step inside and take a journey back in time.

The interiors of the Guildhall, comprising the Great Hall and the Council Chamber, are equally impressive. The Great Hall, with its ornate ceiling and oak paneling, is home to various portraits and artifacts, each holding its place in Exeter’s history. On the other hand, the Council Chamber, with its round table set for decision-makers, reminds us of the Guildhall’s ongoing role in the city’s governance.

The Guildhall also hosts various events throughout the year, from craft fairs and music concerts to public meetings and social gatherings. These events bring the community together, infusing life into the historic walls of the Guildhall.

5. Underground Passages

Now, let’s get over Exeter’s familiar streets and skyline and look for something more…underground. Let’s venture into the medieval subterranean passages that riddle the city’s underbelly. So, if you’re not afraid of a bit of darkness and don’t mind some close quarters, read on!

Unbeknownst to many, a network of underground passages lies beneath Exeter’s urban landscape. In the 14th century, these tunnels were built to house pipes that transported fresh water from natural springs into the city. They represent an impressive feat of medieval engineering and are a fascinating testament to the city’s resourceful past.

A visit to these underground passages offers a unique and immersive experience. You can don a hard hat, squeeze through the narrow, vaulted tunnels, and emerge with a newfound appreciation for the ingenuity of our ancestors. Just imagine: these tunnels once quenched Exeter’s residents’ thirst before modern plumbing’s advent!

But it’s not all about history and architecture. There’s an element of adventure to this experience too. The passages’ dim lighting, echoing chambers, and calm, damp air creates an eerie and exhilarating atmosphere. It feels like stepping into the setting of a mystery novel.

6. Powderham Castle

Next, let us go outside Exeter and explore an architectural gem in the tranquil Devon countryside. Meet Powderham Castle – a stronghold of history, an emblem of architectural grandeur, and a retreat into nature’s lap.

Established in the 14th century, Powderham Castle is a slice of history served on the banks of the River Exe. The castle, still in the hands of the Courtenay family after six centuries, exudes timeless elegance and rich heritage. But don’t let its quiet exterior fool you. There’s much more to Powderham Castle than meets the eye.

The inside smells and spells H-I-S-T-O-R-Y. From the Music Room’s grandeur to the Rose Garden’s intimate charm, Powderham Castle unfolds a narrative of the past that’s as captivating as it is enlightening. The guided tours of the castle allow you to appreciate its architectural splendor while giving you glimpses into the lives of the Courtenay family.

And while the castle is a marvel, the surrounding grounds are equally enchanting. With deer park tours, a pet corner, and beautiful woodland gardens, there’s something to delight everyone in the family. The panoramic view of the River Exe from the castle grounds is a sight you’ll want to imprint in your memory forever.

Powderham also hosts various events throughout the year – from outdoor concerts and theatre performances to food festivals and craft fairs. These events give the castle a lively vibe, making it a hotspot for locals and visitors.

7. Gandy Street

Gandy Street in Exeter Devon UK
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Gandy Street
Clarenciaga, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Next, let’s make a path that seemingly transports you straight out of the Muggle world into a realm of wizardry. Welcome to Gandy Street, a charming, cobblestoned lane tucked away in the heart of Exeter. Rumored to be the inspiration for Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter series, this street is a must-visit, whether you’re a fan of the books or not.

The moment you step onto Gandy Street, you can’t help but feel a bit of magic in the air. The narrow lane, lined with a blend of Tudor, Georgian, and Victorian buildings, has enchanting appeal. Its distinctive character and timeless charm make it easy to imagine wizards and witches shopping for their school supplies.

But the magic of Gandy Street goes beyond the Potterverse. The street has various independent boutiques, quaint shops, and cozy cafés. From eclectic vintage finds and contemporary fashion to artisanal sweets and spellbinding books, Gandy Street offers a unique shopping experience.

The street is also a hub of lively eateries and bars. Gandy Street’s dining scene has covered whether you’re in the mood for a hearty meal, a quick snack, or a magical potion (read this as cocktail). The street is also steeped in history. Several buildings that dot the street date back hundreds of years, each with a story of its own. Exploring Gandy Street is like stepping back in time with a dash of fantasy.

8. Roman History

Let’s go back for around 2,000 years and delve into Exeter’s Roman roots. The city, known as Isca Dumnoniorum in Roman times, is a treasure trove of ancient history waiting to be discovered.

Old Exeter Roman Wall
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Exeter Old Roman Walls
Photo Credit: Sarah Charlesworth / Old Exeter City wall / CC BY-SA 2.0

Isca Dumnoniorum, or “Water of the Dumnonii,” was once southwest England’s most significant Roman fortress. Today, remnants of that ancient city are scattered throughout Exeter, a silent reminder of the city’s rich historical tapestry.

The Rougemont Gardens is a must-see on your Roman trail, home to Exeter’s ancient Roman wall. Constructed nearly two millennia ago, portions of this once formidable structure can still stand. A walk along the border will surely take you back to the era of Roman legions and Centurions.

Next, head to the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM). Its Roman collection is a real treat, showcasing artifacts unearthed in and around the city. From pottery and coins to jewelry and sculpture, these remnants offer insights into Roman life, culture, and craftsmanship.

And it’s not just about the artifacts. The Roman influence is evident in Exeter’s city layout too. The modern High Street is believed to follow the line of the ancient Roman road, adding another layer to your city exploration.

9. Enjoy the Market

After enjoying the history and the beautiful sights, you must go shopping next. Exeter has a thriving market scene. From the weekly Farmers Market to the festive Cathedral Christmas Market, Exeter’s markets are a sensory treat.

Farmers Market in Exeter Devon
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Farmers Market in Exeter Devon

First, explore the Farmers Market, a staple in the heart of Exeter. Held every Thursday, this bustling bazaar is a foodie’s paradise. Here, local producers bring their freshest and finest to town – think crisp vegetables, artisan bread, farm-fresh cheese, organic meats, and home-baked goodies.

But it’s not just about shopping. The Farmers Market is also a culinary experience. You’ll find stalls offering hot street food, from juicy burgers to mouthwatering pastries. So, make sure you come hungry!

And then, as the year winds down and the air turns crisp, Exeter transforms into a winter wonderland with the Cathedral Christmas Market. This festive extravaganza, set against the backdrop of the iconic Exeter Cathedral, is a highlight of the city’s holiday season.

The Christmas Market is a treat for all senses, with a dazzling array of stalls offering everything from unique gifts and handcrafted items to delicious seasonal food and drink. And let’s remember the cheery Christmas music and twinkling lights adding to the festive ambiance.

Visiting the Cathedral Christmas Market is living on a holiday postcard. It’s an experience that will surely get you into the holiday spirit. So, whether you’re searching for the perfect Christmas gift or simply wanting to feel the festive vibe, you should visit this.

10. Visit Gardens and Parks

If you’re craving a breath of fresh air and a dash of natural beauty, Exeter is the place to be. The city has numerous parks and gardens, each offering its unique charm. The Rougemont Castle and Gardens, the Barley Valley Nature Reserve, and Ludwell Valley Park are there.

Rougemont Castle and Gardens

Rougemont Castle and Gardens in Exeter Devon UK
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Rougemont Castle and Gardens in Exeter Devon UK

Start with Rougemont Castle and Gardens. This enchanting space, a blend of history and horticulture, is in the city center. The lush gardens surrounding the castle are an oasis of calm amid the city’s hustle and bustle. With various plant species and a stunning backdrop of the ancient castle, Rougemont Gardens is the perfect spot for a stroll or a picnic.

Barley Valley Nature Reserve

Next is the Barley Valley Nature Reserve. This spot is a haven for wildlife lovers. The reserve exhibits the region’s natural beauty with its rolling meadows, tranquil ponds, and diverse wildlife. Walk the nature trails, spot local birds, or soak in the serenity – Barley Valley will surely win you over.

Ludwell Valley Park

Last but not least is Ludwell Valley Park. This green lung in the heart of Exeter is a popular spot for outdoor activities. With its sprawling open spaces, woodlands, and streams, the park is ideal for a family day out, a jog, or even a quiet moment of reflection.

11. Crealey Theme Park and Resorts

You will find Crealy Theme Park and Resorts just a short drive from Exeter. This a favorite among families looking for a memorable day out.

Crealy Theme Park doesn’t shy away from the thrills. From hair-raising roller coasters and dizzying drop towers to exciting water rides, this place knows how to keep the adrenaline pumping. The Vortex and Maximus are must-tries for the brave-hearted, while those preferring a gentler pace might enjoy the Safari Express or the enchanting Magic Carousel.

But that’s not all. There’s more to Crealy than just the rides. Meet adorable animals at the Animal Barn, engage in live shows, or let your little ones run wild in the numerous play areas. Buddy Bear’s Kingdom and the Lost World of Atlantis are particular hits among younger visitors.

And when the excitement gets too much, Crealy’s beautiful picnic spots and dining options provide the perfect opportunity to refuel and relax.

Overnight guests are included too. Crealy’s resort offers a range of accommodation options, from glamping tents to luxury lodges. With evening entertainment and exclusive access to the park, a stay here is an adventure in itself.

12. High Street Shopping

Exeter High Street in Devon UK
Best Things to Do in Exeter: Exeter High Street in Devon UK

High Street is the heart of Exeter’s retail scene. It has various shops, ranging from popular high-street brands to smaller independent boutiques. High Street has covered you whether you’re looking for the latest fashion trends, tech gadgets, or a new book.

Princesshay and Guildhall are two shopping centers located off High Street. They house an excellent mix of well-known retail stores and eateries. A stroll around these centers is a perfect way to spend an afternoon, with the bonus of potential retail treasures to be discovered.

But if you’re up for a unique shopping experience, Exeter’s numerous charity shops should be on your radar. Scattered around the city, these shops offer a treasure trove of second-hand items. From vintage clothes and retro furniture to books and bric-a-brac, you always need to find what you might find. Plus, shopping here means supporting good causes – a win-win situation!

Best Things to Do in Exeter Devon UK pin
Best Things to Do in Exeter (Devon, UK)


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