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101 Heart-Melting Romantic Ideas for Her – Sweep Her Off Her Feet


Romance is a seven-lettered word that spells out differently for different people. For some, it is honeyed words and ribboned flattery, while someone else’s idea of romance is nothing short of a vacation in Paris. No matter how you or your partner define romance, every relationship needs a regular dose of it to sustain and thrive. If you feel like you’ve been lacking in that area, this eclectic mix of romantic ideas for her would bring you back into the game!

Whether you have been frantically surfing the internet for some romantic ideas for her birthday or looking for some romantic Valentine’s Day ideas, we’ve got you covered. Before we get into it, remember expressing your love or being romantic does not always have to be heavy on your pocket. There are plenty of budget-friendly options where you only need your effort and intent to cheer up your sweetheart. Pick and choose the option that best suits your interest, and let the fun begin!

101 Romantic Ideas for Her – Make Her Heart Skip A Beat 

We know you want to sweep your girl off her feet with romantic gestures and sweet declarations. You have told her a gazillion times you would do anything to see her smile, and now is the right time to prove it!

Romantic ideas are our way of defining the outlines of our love languages in a relationship. The way we show our affection to our partners allows them to look more deeply into our preferences to be loved. However, understanding their love language and being romantic with them the way that they would want is crucial too. That’s why it’s not always easy to think of or plan romantic things for your SO.

If you have been digging up some romance ideas to keep the flame alive, keep up the good work! Be it romantic ideas for her in the bedroom or cute gift ideas that she would cherish, we’ve got it all covered in the article. Read on to know the complete list!

Romantic Ideas for Her at Home

Even if your or your partner’s idea of romance is spending some cozy quality time in the comfort of your home, you can still come up with so many ways to keep the spark alive and sizzling. The idea of romance and love can be extremely personal, and if yours is spending the day at home, here are some cost-effective and efficient ways to bond with your girl:

Related Reading: 43 Romantic Date Night Ideas For Married Couples

1. Cook a mutually loved meal at home

Looking to plan a romantic evening for your girl? Well, there is nothing more romantic or sexy than a man willing to look up some recipes and up your dating game! Get your aprons out and your cookbooks ready as you brush up on your culinary skills. Cooking a meal together is an underrated and unexplored area for many young couples. 

And if neither of you knows how to make things work in the kitchen, you can always sign up for a cooking class together (virtually) to save the day. She’ll love the effort you’re putting into making her feel loved and cherished.

2. An artsy night 

Gear up with your leftover paints and worn-out brushes and plan a romantic date night at home that involves all the aesthetics she loves! Whether it you both share one canvas or individual pieces of paper that you reveal after you are done, make sure you’re working together. And if things get steamy, blame it on the paint! 

3. A fun cardio workout 

What is sexier than keeping each other motivated to stay fit? In the book of great tips to keep the romance alive, exercising together ranks high. So, gear up to enjoy a little cardio workout with her. Some gym equipment could be great to work with, too. Sweating it out and setting fitness milestones together can make for great bonding time for you and your partner. It is known that workouts guarantee better sex!

And if it all feels a little too much, a romantic walk can do the trick too. If you are looking for pocket-friendly romantic ideas for her at home, this one is a great fit!

4. Play together

Wait, do not get the wrong idea just yet! Get your board games and notebooks out and challenge her to a simple yet fun game. Bring out the child in your and revel in the simple joys of life. It can turn out to be one of the most romantic things you do together and can help improve understanding in the relationship!

5. Closet cleaning

A great way to resume your romance with her is to be completely vulnerable. Sometimes that involves undressing, and other times, it means rearranging! Clean out that closet together and take a trip down memory lanes as you rediscover old memoirs, photos, clothes with memories, etc. 

6. Research causes to donate to 

There are plenty of causes that need our help and attention. One of the easiest ways to be romantic with her would be finding a cause to associate with her name. It does not have to be a hefty amount that dents your pocket! Make sure it is something she feels strongly about and is willing to go the extra mile for. 

7. Stargazing

Watching the stars at night together is probably one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to romance. And for good reason – it works like a charm. Have you ever tried it with your partner? If not, put it right on top of your list of romantic ideas for her. Add some good music to the mix as you lie on your blankets, staring at the expansive sky, and romance is sure to come crawling in! 

Related Reading: How To Impress A Girl On A Date

8. A décor date

Tired of the same old setup in your living rooms? Romantic ideas for her at home could include jazzing up the house itself! Confused? Take up a DIY furniture project with your partner! Look for design inspiration and decide what fits best your taste. An excellent way of repurposing your house while spending quality time together.

12. Hide and seek 

Playing hide and seek with your partner might sound silly but it is an adorable way to revive the spark! Spice it up by losing one piece of clothing every time someone loses. Sometimes just some platonic cuddling goes a long way.

13. Deep conversations

Let the night set in, and grab some snacks and a drink to get the mood flowing. Engage in meaningful conversations about topics that have sat untouched for a while now! 

14. Do not want to talk? Write! 

Writing love letters to each other never goes out of style. For added effect, get fancy paper and pens. Be genuine and authentic in expressing your emotions. Letters are among the romantic things you can cherish for life. 

 15. Movie nights

Movie nights become boring if only one party enjoys the genre. Find common ground before you pick one. However, don’t get too caught up in scrolling through your options. If a documentary or movie grabs both your attention, set a date and time and go for it! 

A movie night to shake things up…

14. A museum of memories

Take a trip down memory lane as you visit your old photographs. Romantic gestures for her do not always have to involve elaborate plans to make new memories. Sometimes it’s just about revisiting old ones.

15. Play video games together

Boys, let her choose the game. As long as she too is having fun playing the game, it could be a great way to revive or strengthen your emotional connection. Let the best man win!

 16. Bake days

You obviously know what your girl’s favorite dessert is. Now, is the time to bring out the cavalry and go from ordering it for her to making it from scratch. Hopefully, with some YouTube tutorials at your aid, you will be able to get it right. Even if you don’t, she will surely appreciate the gesture.

17. Friends’ night-in

A lot of couples love hanging out with other couples. If that’s right up your girlfriend’s alley, cheer her up by planning a cozy evening with your dearest couple-friends. Make a fun double date of it by projecting a movie in the backyard or the living room and enjoy it with some snacks and drinks! 

18. A yoga session together

Lay out those mats in the room and do some light exercises or stretches that invigorate your body and mind. Follow it up with some meditation to heal your relationship and achieve a calm, relaxed state of mind that can truly help you bond with your SO. 

19. Make a bucket list

Making future plans with your lover could be a great romantic idea for her if she likes to plan ahead! You don’t necessarily have to set 5-year or 10-year milestones, even listing short-term plans like a vacation by the end of the year works just fine. Whatever it is that you want to do together, write it down. 

20. Plant a garden

If you have enough space in your backyard or around the house to grow some beautiful plants, you can turn it into a deeply gratifying bonding experience – provided you’re both nature lovers. Get your girl to partner up with you and get your hands dirty.

Related Reading: 43 Romantic Date Night Ideas For Married Couples

Romantic Ideas for Her Birthday

If you know a thing or two about romance, you’d know that birthdays call for professing your love as loud as you can. A birthday without your partner is painful and incomplete. Put the right effort to make them feel loved and special when you do get the chance! Some are plenty satisfied with a cake and a couple of candles, but others need an elaborate extension. If your girl fits in the second category, here are some romantic ideas for her birthday to get a head start:

21. Pamper her with a spa session 

Sometimes running a bubble bath isn’t enough! Booking a spa session for your girl is one of the best romantic gift ideas for her. Help her unwind from the daily stresses of life. Sometimes, romance is about letting your partner enjoy some quality me-time. An hour to herself on her birthday might just be the perfect gift you can give her. 

22. Book a surprise salon visit

Disclaimer: Try this if your girl is adventurous and trusts your judgment! Book her an appointment with the hairdresser and instruct them on a fun new look that you have been dying to see on her. A spontaneous and fun way to make her feel like a whole new person on her birthday. 

23. A fun day out with friends

If you and your girl share mutual friends, why not plan a fun surprise for her? Gather all your closest friends and throw her a surprise party. Make sure to get your funky hats on! A well planned double date can be so fun.

24. Bake her a cake

Sweet little gestures often make for the best romance ideas. Birthdays are incomplete without cakes. And that cake being home-baked by your love is a definite cherry on top. Get whipping! 

25. Plan a romantic getaway 

A dream vacation doesn’t always have to be an elaborate trip. A staycation at a cottage or villa at a nearby place you’ve both wanted to visit could be the perfect way for her to unwind. Conversations over some lip-smacking snacks and drinks followed by a cozy night in each other’s arms – a perfect winter date getaway!  

26. Record a special message

If it’s romantic ideas for her birthday that you are looking for, recording a voice or video message for her cannot be missed. Let your queen wake up to a beautiful heartfelt message from you. It will not just cheer her up but make her look forward to this day more. Just let her know she’s beautiful, today and always! 

27. Take her shopping 

And by that, we don’t just mean that you should “buy” her clothes. You must actively participate in the process and make sure you give your input and help her pick the best outfit! But even if you don’t end up buying anything, that’s okay.

Related Reading: 10 Things That Every Girl Wants From Her Boyfriend

28. Have you written her a birthday letter?

Love letters should be mandatory. They are just so romantic! And cheesy…but oh well! Make her heart skip a beat with affectionate words as you tell her just how much she means to you. Make sure you pour your heart out in the letter, so she feels connected and emotional as she reads through. 

29. Dinner at her favorite restaurant 

Reserve a table for her at a restaurant that she absolutely loves, even better if it’s a place that holds special meaning for you as a couple. Who wouldn’t want to eat their favorite meal on their birthday? Amp up a nice dinner with a request for special birthday decorations, wine, and some good music. 

30. Try Glamping

Not the outdoorsy type to enjoy camping? No problem! Avail of the luxurious facilities offered by glamping. Pack your stuff and enjoy nature without having to wrestle with its elements.

31. Picnic in a park

If your woman enjoys a cute day out and does not care for expensive places, taking her out for a picnic sounds perfect. One of the few ways to be romantic idea for her birthday must include what she loves to do and who knows romance might just bloom in the neighborhood park! 

32. Spend the day at a winery

Allow yourself a day to drink stress-free in the daytime. Chances are, that is just what your partner wants too. Take the day off and enjoy a little afternoon buzz! 

romantic ideas for her birthday
Some wine tasting never hurt no one!

33. A spontaneous ride

If you or your girl loves to have a day full of thrill and unplanned adventure, bungee jumping, a hot air balloon ride, or skydiving could be great options to get the adrenaline pumping. If you feel like going all out, book a small plane or helicopter ride around the block!

34. Create a time capsule

One of the romantic ideas to make her day special could be to create a time capsule to remind your partner of just how much you love them. There are plenty of DIYs available online that let you create a visual time capsule of your relationship journey. Remind her of the birthdays you have spent together or tell her how you plan to celebrate her future birthdays. Or just talk a trip down your relationship memory lane. Let your imagination guide you. Here are some awesome customizable gift ideas for you!

35. A day at the carnival

A carnival is always a good idea when it comes to surprising your loved ones on their birthday. It spells out rides, laughter, and joy. Often, romantic ideas aren’t so much about what you do for your SO but how you make them feel. And spending a day at a carnival is sure to make your girl feel dizzy with glee and excitement.

Related Reading: 10 Things Couples Should Do Together

36. A birthday marathon  

If your partner is a fitness aficionado, sign her up (and yourself) for a marathon. Take her out for a sweet treat after. She’ll love the idea of starting her birthday with a great workout.

37. A concert night 

Planning a birthday gift for your music lover? Well, we have just the thing in mind! A night of music is a night of romance. If you’re still looking for the best romantic ideas for her birthday, look for concerts happening in or around your area and book the best seats you can.  

38. Did anyone say pizza? 

Pizzas are everyone’s favorite! If your girl is a pizza fanatic, a pizzeria-hopping spree could well be the best romantic gesture you can make for her on her birthday. Start with breakfast, and go from café to café, restaurant to restaurant, tasting pizzas all around town.  

39. Museum tour 

A museum tour is never a bad idea if your girl loves art. Romance would be incomplete without the right aesthetics, and museums offer it in abundance.  

Related Reading:  55 Awesome Date Ideas For Friday Night!

40. Start a tradition 

Even if it does not make sense to others, find something that you both love to do and make sure you would want to stick to it every year! Be it visiting a nearby place or cycling around the block, traditions are cute reminders of the most special bonds. 

Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas for Her

While everyone is aware of the day that celebrates love in all its glory, very few make the effort to sizzle up the romance on this special day. If you are tired and done with the usual dining-and-movie kind of night, you’re not alone! But, as always, we’ve got you covered. Here are some off-the-hook ideas for you and your darling to celebrate your Valentine’s Day. 

41. Relive your first date 

Try to recreate your fondest memories from your first date together and watch her well up with emotion. Romantic Valentine’s Day ideas for her don’t get much better than this.

42. Add a romantic twist to your home

If your lady has a hectic schedule on Valentine’s Day, wait till she gets back home and surprise her with romantic decorations. Decorate the place with flowers and balloons, set up a cozy table for a candlelight dinner at home, and shower her with your love and affection. You can top it up with chocolates, a gift, and some heartfelt love notes. 

43. Make art together 

Gather up art supplies and get your creative energies flowing as you create a masterpiece. Hang it on the wall when you are done! 

44. Scavenger hunt 

Send your girl on a scavenger hunt to look for special gifts that you have hidden in places that hold a special meaning to you both. Take her on a trip down memory lane as she enjoys a little romantic challenge! 

45. A romantic card 

Nothing beats the simplicity of a well-put-together card for your loved one. You can take it up as a DIY project with small paper decorations and cut-outs of your favorite photos together. 

46. Valentine’s Day delivery 

Does your girl live a little too far for you to go visit her for a day? We understand the pain! Here’s something to make your lady feel as warm and secure as she would if she had your arms wrapped around her. Carefully pick and choose items that remind her of you and put them together as a gift care package for your love and shit it to her. 

47. Breakfast in bed

This is one of the simple romantic ideas for her but one that never fails to impress! Start her day with something she would remember for the rest of it. Whip up some pancakes or a dish she is fond of.

Related Reading: How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day Without Spending A Fortune

48. Candlelight dinner date 

A romantic dinner idea at home for her is a candlelight dinner. Get food from her favorite restaurant and serve it sprinkled with effort and love! It has remained an evergreen idea to make your loved one feel special. It could be fun and beautiful even if put together at the very last minute. If you want to spice things up a bit, cook her favorite childhood dishes at home and serve them naked! 

49. A surprise cleanse or run errands for her

A romantic Valentine’s Day for her could be as simple as taking over her chores for a day. If you are someone who does not usually help around the house, surprise her with a change and try to stick to it! And if the relationship is still new and you don’t live together or sleep over at each other’s place often, you can share the responsibilities by running some chores for her.

50. The Valentine’s cliches 

If you’re looking to splurge on some romantic Valentine’s Day ideas for her, send her a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate cake, even if it sounds like the most cliché thing to do. There is not a girl who would not appreciate this little old-school romantic gesture! 

51. A shopping spree

Shopping sounds fun for anyone who enjoys keeping up with the latest fashion trends! If that describes your girl, take her out to a mall and let her have her pick. 

52. Tickets to an upcoming event 

Buy her tickets to an upcoming event that she might be looking forward to or be interested in. Do not let her know of your purchase in advance, and let the reveal be grand on D-day itself! A Valentine’s Day surprise is sure to elevate the experience. 

53. A romantic movie at a drive-in cinema

What is more romantic than a movie in the theater? A drive-in movie! So, take this romantic Valentine’s Day idea for her and turn it into reality – all from the comfort and privacy of your own car. 

54. A fun bike ride

Does your girl love some fun and adventure? Plan a bike ride to a nearby location and touch upon some visit-worthy places on the way. With the right planning, even the most seemingly normal plans can turn romantic. 

55. A beautiful setting 

Not everyone equates romantic dates with long rides or romantic walks. Some just need a good setup at home that screams comfort and feels refreshing. Switch on your projector and put on some good VR backgrounds with some romantic music. Seal it with her favorite meal and a sweet declaration of your love!

Related Reading: Forgot About The Day Of Love? 12 Last-Minute Quick Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas To Save The Day

56. Grand gestures

Some girls love it when their men go big on romantic ideas. They would not mind, and in fact, would love to be under the spotlight as their boyfriends go up on the stage and call out their names.

Invest in this romantic Valentine’s day idea for her if you are daring enough. Go to a karaoke bar and sing some of her favorite songs. While not everyone enjoys it, make sure you give her the attention she deserves…and wants! 

57. A coffee shop date 

Coffee and romance really do mix well together, so why not take her out on a good old-fashioned coffee date this Valentine’s Day? If you know of any new cute and date-appropriate cafes in your area, you must give them a try! Exploring new places together helps keep the newness alive and boosts the feeling of romance. 

58. Ding! Room service

Treat her like a queen for a day and be at her service as she lounges about. If that sounds like too much work, you can both check into a hotel for the day and enjoy the actual service as you spoil yourselves silly with some pampering and cheesed-up romance.  

59. Jazz it up with a dance class

Get your dancing shoes on with your partner and cha-cha-cha your way to Valentine’s Day. Sign up for a couple’s class and watch her beaming. A change of pace is always good for the heart…and the love it nurtures! 

60. Write her love notes

Wrap them up in a jewelry box or tie them together with a ribbon; make sure they look pretty and include everything that comes straight from your heart. These sweet romantic things prove to be the best gifts. 

Remember: Being transparent is the most romantic trait in a man! A love note on a special day can brighten up the day for your sweet one. 

Related Reading: Top 9 Relationship Quotes To Redefine Your Love

Romantic Anniversary Ideas for Her

The day that marks the beginning of a beautiful connection deserves some extra love and care. Wouldn’t you agree? If all the romantic anniversary ideas for her you’ve come up with so far start to sound repetitive and boring, tune in to find some new ways to make her feel adored. Stop with the age-old flowers and dinners on an anniversary…it is time to think outside the box! 

And just for your convenience, here are twenty ways to make your partner blush on your special day. Shush, no one has to know that you got a teeny bit of help from us! 

61. The place you exchanged your vows or professed your love

What could be more romantic than visiting the place where you sealed the deal? We bet your wife would feel emotional! If it is your girlfriend you are looking to impress on your anniversary, take her to the spot where you first expressed your feelings. 

62. A short trip out of town

Put a short weekend to good use! Plan a quick getaway on your anniversary weekend. Away from the bustle of city life, take time to have a nice and quiet weekend in each other’s arms. 

63. A couple’s spa session

When your mind and body are relaxed, you can handle relationships better! One of the top romantic ideas for her is to book a couple’s massage at a luxurious spa. Pamper her and let her know that she deserves a break from work too.   

64. Revisit the first movie date

Revisit the first movie you watched together as a couple. Your girl would surely feel nostalgic, and some reminiscing of the old times could ensue! If possible, track down that theater as well. However, you can still set up the movie at home with great lighting and some good popcorn! 

65. Visit the places you loved to visit when you dated 

Have there been places that you used to visit a lot but grew out of? Your anniversary is the perfect day to revisit them! Whether it is an old library or an almost out-of-business supermarket, get in there and see the magic of old and new memories unfold.

66. A romantic sunset 

This is one of my personal favorites. Watching the sunset with your lover’s hand in yours is one of the most peaceful and surreal experiences of life. She’ll love and treasure these memories forever. Do not miss out! 

Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why You Should Travel With Your Partner

67. A photo collage of your relationship journey

This one is for all creative geniuses. Get your artsy hats on and prepare to charm the pants off your love! Map a journey of your relationship with the photos of you and your partner. Use the oldest photos to make it more fun and nostalgic. Get creative and map out your desired future too. Use fun graphics instead of photos! 

68. A refreshing trip to the beach 

If you have the privilege of living near a beach, even if it is an hour or so away, seize the opportunity! If you are looking for the perfect romantic anniversary ideas for her, this might just be it. Plan a setup on the beach with beautiful lights and good food to surprise her. Let the waves wash over and bring romance into your relationship

69. Cooking dinner at home

If your partner has a hectic job on a daily schedule, chances are they would want to spend their special day in. Be understanding of the fact and proceed to help them have the most relaxing day that they have had in a while. 

Cook a simple meal and watch a stand-up show to lighten the mood. Romantic dinner ideas at home for her need not always include three or four-course meals. Sometimes it is just about asking her about her work and allowing her the time and space to confide in you!

70. A beautiful piece of jewelry 

Has there been anything sparkly that has got your woman’s attention lately? Keep a close check to figure out if that is the case! Be sneaky and buy it for her before she splurges on it. This could be a fun little way to show that you are attentive to her needs and wants. A small little jewelry box can earn you many smiles. 

71. A romantic night-in

A night-in does not necessarily mean hanging out in pajamas! Decorate your backyard and hire an artist to play some music or sing for you as you enjoy a fancy dinner with your girl. Put on your best clothes and enjoy a romantic night. 

72. A day spent with nature

Nature visits are supremely romantic to some! Whether you decide to go to a lake, an aquarium, a nature park, or a hiking trail, ensure it is something that your lady enjoys. Follow it up with a long drive to give both of you a chance to discuss your favorite bits of the day. 

Related Reading: Monsoon Special Story Of Long Drives And Reinventing Romance In Rain

73. A day with family

For many of us, staying away from our families is tough. If she has been meaning to spend some time with her parents and yours but hasn’t been able to get around to it, plan a get-together. Remember: romance is about understanding what your partner needs, not you!

74. A gift hamper 

Maybe she is not big on expensive items but loves to be pampered. Well, that’s great too! After all, it’s the little things that strengthen a relationship. Whether it is a sandwich she loves or a book she has had on her reading list, make a hamper out of it all. Amalgamate all her favorite things into one box, and we are sure she would love it! 

75. A romantic night at the hotel 

Have you been saving for the big night? An excellent romantic gift idea for her would be a night at a luxurious hotel that appeals to your girl. Book a couple’s suite at a nice hotel of your choice. Romantic ideas for her in a hotel could range from a night full of delicious food to a candlelit dinner, good champagne, and/or intimate settings! 

76. A pajama party 

Surprises win us all! And a surprise party? That’s the right way to go!  If you’re the kind of couple that likes to twin, we say go for it with a pair of cute pajama sets. After all, goofiness has its own appeal. Again, there is no rule book to romance. Follow your heart.

77. Play a little game

Playing board games with your partner is fun if the rewards are enticing enough. P.S.: We hope you know what we mean!

Related Reading: Sex Games A Couple Should Play

78. Some rooftop romance

Lay down on your back and watch the stars or set up a projector to watch a movie outdoors; the options are endless. Do not let the night slip away!

79. Poetic appreciation 

Do you have a way with words? Does your girl swoon over a well-written poem? Now is the time to try your hand at it. Women love words of affirmation, and if you make an effort to come up with a romantic poem, we are sure the attempt would be appreciated no matter the outcome.

80. Slow dance and champagne 

Never skip out on this one. Do not just sit and enjoy good music; get up and ask your partner for a dance. Never let the romance fizzle out! Grab onto her waist and slow dance across the living room and watch her fall in love with you again. Your love story is just getting started. Top it up with some champagne! 

Romantic Ideas for Her in the Bedroom

Romance is incomplete without the entrée of physical affection. However, it never hurts to show your love in more ways than one. If she likes to explore in the bedroom and physical touch is her love language, skipping out on being romantic in the bedroom might put her off. 

If you are looking for ideas to keep the ball rolling (no pun intended), we’d be more than glad to help you with these romantic ideas for her in the bedroom! 

81. Light the candles 

Make sure to set the mood right by lighting a few candles and ensuring a comfortable space for you and your partner. Remember: If what you desire is the right atmosphere to get in the mood, consulting your partner is a must. 

82. Create a snuggling space

We all have our favorite spots at home that we adore for no reason. What if you and your partner had a special place like that too? Envision a corner that could be transformed into a snuggle space and spruce it up with lights and a few candles of your choice. 

83. Use the right cologne

Most women adore men who groom themselves well. Grooming often includes wearing the right cologne that draws her to you and makes her yearn for more. The next time you’re visiting her or preparing to get cozy between the sheets, don’t forget a couple of sprays on your pulse points to get the mood flowing. 

Related Reading: How To Make A Girl Think About You – 18 Tricks That Always Work

84. Wine and good food

A great way to set the mood is to eat something appetizing that is light on your tummy. If alcohol is not a no-no for both of you, open up a bottle of your favorite wine and let the night begin! Red wine, white wine, or bubbly champagne – let the release of dopamine and serotonin increase your pleasure and romance. 

85. Some mood-setting music 

Switch on some jazz or R&B soul to get all the feels. Music is a great way to get the hormones flowing and get the game on. 

86. A night at a hotel

Trying to be more intimate with your partner? If things have been a little monotonous at home, a change of pace can help spice things up! Love does not always need fancy reminders. There could be many simple and easy ways to be romantic that suit your partner’s interests. One of them is to plan a romantic staycation (read, a sexcation) at a hotel – just the two of you.

87. A little roleplay

Roleplay is challenging, daring, and sexy! Pick the role of your partner’s choice and ask her to do the same. Go ahead with whatever works best for both of you.

Pro tip: Do not get lost in character too much, and stick to the main plot (we hope you know what we mean!)

88. Board games, to begin with

Whether you believe it or not, there are sex board games to ease you into the act of making love. Pick up the ones you like and dare each other to be as adventurous as you can get. 

89. Breakfast in bed

Sometimes nights are exhausting after a full day of work, and sexy time takes a back seat. That’s okay. However, that does not mean that there is no way out. Prepare fresh breakfast and serve it to your lady in bed, and let it work its charm! Snuggle in and feast on each other afterward.

90. Body glow paints

Let your wild side shine through with some glow paints and a UV light. Spread out some old white sheets and switch off the lights. Allow yourselves to be uninhibited and passionate as you make love. The results are going to amaze you!

Related Reading: Little Things You Can Do To Prepare The Bedroom For Some Passionate Love-Making

91. A sensual massage

Massages are the perfect antidote to a hectic day. This would also let your partner know that you’re aware of the pressures they deal with and support them too. Once your partner relaxes and eases into the massage, you can get a little adventurous and sensual with it. Once it starts to get steamy, take it to the bedroom…or the hot tub! 

92. Stay in bed 

Spending a whole day together increases the level of connection and bond between two people. If you have been spending less time together lately and jumping into making love seems wrong, take some time out. A lack of emotional connect could hamper the relationship’s progress. Once you have caught up and feel reconnected, let things take a naughty turn. 

93. Time out to explore

A great way to initiate romance in the bedroom is to explore each other’s sexual fantasies. If you are not aware of what your partner enjoys, you will never be able to please them the right way. Ask the right questions and listen. If you are comfortable and willing, follow their lead! 

94. Intimate conversations 

Whether you are in the bedroom or choose to take a stroll in the park, intimate conversations are a great way to ensure stronger physical intimacy in a connection as well. It fosters emotional understanding, which leads to great sexual chemistry.

95. Rose petals to spice it up 

Have you ever put the roses to good use? No, we do not just mean gifting a bouquet! Decorate your bed and the rest of the bedroom with candles and rose petals to elevate the feel. Watch her revel in the feeling of being cherished and adored. This will make her want you more.

96. A mirror in the room

Watching yourselves in the act can be a huge turn-on for both men and women. If you have been looking for ways to spice things up on the sexual front, throwing a mirror in the mix could be a great idea.

Place the mirror strategically in your room to get the best angle possible. Either place it somewhere that makes you both visible while you’re in bed or ensure a full-length mirror on the wall. 

Related Reading: 15 Kinky Things, Ideas And Sexual Fantasies Of Men

97. Play with lighting to set the mood 

A little bit of light is great when you want to get romantic in bed. However, a lot of it can hamper her experience and make her feel self-conscious. Ensure you are installing expensive or good-quality curtains that neither ruin the look of the room nor make the room light up too much! You can even put up some warm lights in the room for a romantic effect.

98. Give aromatherapy a try

Different fragrances trigger different sensations in humans. That’s why the right kind of aromatic candles can be a great way to get your girl in the mood. 

99. Bedtime yoga

No matter how crazy this sounds, it works. Certain yogic poses work great to improve flexibility and make you feel rejuvenated after an entire day of work! Here are some yoga poses for you to refer to and switch gears in your sex life. 

100. Do not forget the toys

An element of novelty is a surefire way to crank up the romance. If you want to make her feel loved and desired, spend some time focusing on her pleasure alone. Throw some sex toys in the mix and use them to get her to explore new heights of pleasure (with her consent, of course). And together, you’ll end up experimenting with things you may not have even imagined.

101. Read a book together

Escape to a different world together! Instead of reading different books, read the same book to enhance the experience. You can hold these cute little book club meetings every week and decide on a few pages to read and discuss.

These are 101 heart-melting romantic ideas for her that you must take notes of. Life without a little romance is a life of dullness that eventually wears out a relationship. Be kinder to your partner. Start by making her feel wanted and loved. No occasion, big or small, deserves to go by without a celebration. Whether it is her birthday, your anniversary, or Valentine’s Day, make sure it does not just “pass” you by. Life is all about making your special ones feel the magic!  

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