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100 Easter jokes for kids and Easter puns that are very bunny – Growing Family


Welcome to an eggs-traordinary collection of funny Easter jokes for kids and Easter puns.  We’ve got everything you need for Easter giggles right here.

Brilliant Easter puns and Easter jokes for kids

As well as funny jokes for Easter in general, there are Easter bunny jokes, Easter egg jokes, Easter knock knock jokes, and a whole basket of Easter puns.  We’ve even included our favourite Easter dad jokes for added eye-rolls.

Pick your favourites for some family laughs, or use them alongside our nature hashtags as captions for your social media pictures and videos.  An Easter joke is also ideal for making Easter greetings card messages more fun.

Children holding easter eggs and wearing bunny ears

Funny Easter jokes

Let’s kick things off with some eggs-cellent Easter jokes for kids.

What do you get if you pour warm water into a rabbit hole?  Hot, cross bunnies.

What’s the best way to make Easter easier?  Put an “i” where the “t” is.

Where does Christmas come before Easter?  In the dictionary.

What do all the Easter eggs want to do when the egg hunt starts?  Scramble.

How do rabbits throw a tantrum?  They get hopping mad.

What kind of jewellery makes a good Easter gift?  14 carrot gold.

What do you call a rabbit with the sniffles?  A runny bunny.

painted egg with bunny ears and smiley face

More funny jokes for Easter giggles

Why was the little girl sad after the Easter egg hunt?  Because an egg beater.

Why don’t rabbits get hot in summer?  They have hare conditioning.

Where does Dracula keep his Easter eggs?  In his Easter casket.

What do you get if you cross a rabbit with an onion?  A bunion.

Why couldn’t the rabbit fly home for Easter?  She didn’t have the hare fare.

What do you get if you cross a rabbit with shellfish?  An oyster bunny.

What do you call the Easter bunny on Easter Monday?  Eggs-austed.

easter biscuits on plates

Happy Easter funny jokes

Use these Easter jokes to wish someone a Happy Easter.

What do you call a rabbit who tells good jokes?  A funny bunny.

Why don’t you see dinosaurs at Easter?  Because they’re eggs-tinct.

Where does Easter take place every year?  Where eggs marks the spot.

How does every Easter end?  With an “r”.

What do you get if you cross a frog with a rabbit? A bunny ribbit.

easter egg hunt sign

Easter egg jokes

Let’s crack on with some jokes for easter eggs.

What do you call an Easter egg from outer space?  An egg-straterrestrial.

How can you make Easter preparations go faster?  Use the eggs-press lane.

What do you call a very tired Easter egg?  Eggs-austed.

What did one Easter egg say to the other?  Heard any good yokes today?

Why should you never tell a joke to an Easter egg?  It might crack up.

What day does an Easter egg hate the most?  Fry-day.

What do you call a zen egg?  An ommmmmmelette.

Why did the Easter bunny have to fire the duck?  Because he kept quacking the eggs.

What did the Easter egg ask for at the hair salon?  A new dye-job.

What type of stories do Easter eggs like to tell their children?  Yolk tales.

egg with napkin ears and bunny face

Easter bunny jokes

These Easter bunny funny jokes will have you hopping with laughter.

Why did the Easter bunny go on strike?  He wanted a better celery.

How can you tell if the Easter bunny is getting old?  Look for grey hares.

What’s the Easter bunny’s favourite kind of music?  Hip-hop.

How does the Easter bunny keep his fur looking good?  He uses a hare brush.

What happened to the Easter bunny when he misbehaved at school?  He was egg-spelled.

Who is the Easter bunny’s favourite actor?  Rabbit de Niro.

What do you call an Easter bunny with a bad memory?  A hare-brain.

What’s the Easter bunny’s favourite type of exercise?  Hare-obics.

Why was the Easter bunny upset?  He was having a bad hare day.

How do you send a letter to the Easter bunny?  By hare mail.

easter bunny decoration

More Easter bunny puns and jokes

How do you know if the Easter bunny is in a good mood?  He’s hoppy.

What’s the Easter bunny’s favourite dance?  The bunny hop.

Where does the Easter bunny get his eggs?  From an eggplant.

How does the Easter bunny stay fit?  Eggs-ercise.

Why does the Easter bunny bring toilet paper to a party?  Because he’s a party pooper.

How does the Easter bunny travel?  By hare-plane.

What did the Easter bunny say to the carrot?  It’s been nice gnawing you.

Why did the Easter bunny cross the road?  Because the chicken had his eggs.

What kind of stories do Easter bunnies like the most?  Ones with hoppy endings.

ceramic eggs with silly faces

Easter knock knock jokes

Still hungry for more fun Easter jokes?  These kids Easter jokes should hit the spot.

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Wendy.  Wendy who?  Wendy Easter egg hunt gonna start?

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Arthur.  Arthur who?  Arthur any more Easter eggs to eat?

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Heidi.  Heidi who?  Heidi the eggs all around the garden!

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Alma.  Alma who?  Alma Easter eggs are gone, can I have some more?

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Some bunny.  Some bunny who?  Some bunny’s been hiding my Easter eggs!

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Howie.  Howie who?  Howie going to get all the Easter eggs?

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Police.  Police who?  Police hurry up and decorate your eggs!

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Butcher.  Butcher who?  Butcher Easter eggs in your basket!

Knock, knock.  Who’s there?  Boo.  Boo who?  Don’t cry, Easter will be back next year!

family celebrating easter

Easter dad jokes

How about dialling up the Easter humour with some Easter dad jokes?

What happened when the Easter bunny met the rabbit of his dreams?  They lived hoppily ever after.

What do you call a mischievous Easter egg?  A practical yolker.

Which side of the Easter bunny has the most fur?  The outside.

Did you hear about the Easter bunny who sat on a bumblebee?  It’s a tender tail.

What do you call a transformer bunny?  Hop-timus Prime.

What’s the Easter bunny’s favourite sport?  Basket-ball.

Did you hear about the lady whose house was infested with Easter eggs?  She had to call an eggs-terminator.

Why did the Easter egg hide?  She was a little chicken.

What do you get if you cross the Easter bunny with Winnie the Pooh?  A honey bunny.        

I was going to tell you a joke about an Easter egg…. but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

children laughing with easter decorations in the background

Funny Easter puns for instagram and TikTok

Hoppily ever after

Some-bunny to love

Ears to a great Easter

Chick out this beautiful Easter day

Don’t worry, be hoppy

I’m all ears today

Happy Easter to all my peeps

Don’t be a basket case

Hop ’til you drop

Does my hare look good?

coloured easter eggs in baskets

Easter egg puns

I’m so egg-cited

The yolk’s on you

No eggs-cuses

Egg hunt time – hop to it       

Have an egg-stra special Easter

Dyeing to colour some Easter eggs

Test your cluck at the Easter egg hunt

I’m an Easter eggs-pert

Hope you have an egg-cellent Easter

Easter eggs to dye for

Heard any good yokes lately?

I’m eggs-austed

That’s all yolks

So many egg puns, it’s not bunny

white rabbit in a basket with easter eggs

Even more Easter puns for cards and social media

Chick me out!

That’s not bunny

I carrot believe it’s Easter

Hop stuff

Happy Easter to a good egg

Don’t yolk with me

How do I like my eggs?  Chocolate

Hot cross pun, anyone?

Hoppy Easter

These Easter puns crack me up

easter egg nature craft

These Easter jokes for kids are eggs-tremely bunny!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this roundup of funny Easter jokes for kids and Easter puns.  For more Easter fun, take a look at our lovely Easter nature crafts.

There’s also lots more spring-themed fun to be had with our lists of spring puns, spring quotes and spring nature crafts.  Make sure you download our free printable spring bucket list for lots of low-cost outdoor play ideas too.

You’ll also find lots of inspiration in *A Year of Nature Craft and Play.  There’s a whole year’s worth of nature-themed activities, projects and games for kids to enjoy.

a year of nature craft and play by catherine hughes and becky goddard-hill

More family-friendly jokes

If jokes are popular in your family, we’ve got you covered.

On a seasonal theme, we’ve got fall puns, halloween jokes for kids, and christmas jokes for kids.

For an animal theme, there’s cat puns, bird puns and bee puns.

On a nature theme, we’ve got flower puns, tree puns, plant puns, garden puns, vegetable puns, potato puns, and fruit puns.

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100 family-friendly Easter jokes for kids and Easter puns to help you celebrate the occasion. Perfect for greetings cards and instagram pics!



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