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10 month sentence for having $80k worth of marijuana – Medical Marijuana Program Connection



Tribune Court Reporter

A MAN was sentenced to 10 months in prison on Thursday after he admitted to having $80K worth of marijuana in his home last week.

Ethan Jones, 31, represented by Alex Dorsett, faced Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on a charge of possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply.

On April 3 at around 1pm officers acting on a search warrant entered the defendant’s residence. Jones was arrested after authorities found a collective 80lbs of Indian hemp in five packages. The drugs seized in this raid are said to have an estimated street value of $80,000.

Before the Chief Magistrate, Jones pleaded guilty to the charge.

In his plea of mitigation Mr Dorsett stated that his client was remorseful for his actions and had cooperated with authorities from the onset of investigations. In addition to citing that Jones is an employed father who pleaded guilty at the earliest time to spare the court’s time, his lawyer asked that the court be lenient in its sentencing.

The Chief Magistrate sentenced Jones to 10 months at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. The accused was further ordered to pay a $4,500 fine to be paid by the end of his prison sentence or risk an additional six months in custody.

Before being taking to prison Jones was told of his right to appeal sentencing within seven days.


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