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10 arrested, NYPD cop hurt as protesters block bus of migrants arriving at Staten Island shelter
Ten people were arrested when a protest over migrants being housed on Staten Island ended in a violent clash with cops, police said Wednesday.
One of the protesters faces an assault charge while the other nine were given summonses for disorderly conduct following the Tuesday night protest at Father Capodanno Blvd and Midland Ave. in Midland Beach, cops said.
A busload of asylum seekers were being sent to the Island Shores Assisted Living Facility when protesters blocked the path to the former assisted living facility, cops said.
Responding officers ordered the demonstrators to move out of the way but they refused, sparking a stand-off.
Cops stepped in and dragged demonstrators from the street. A cop suffered a knee injury when 48-year-old Vadim Dlyakov, who lives down the block from the assisted living facility, put up a fight, cops said.
Dylakov was charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and obstructing government administration. His arraignment in Staten Island Criminal Court was pending Wednesday.
Eight men and one woman were taken into custody and let go with disorderly conduct summonses that they will have to answer in court at a later date.
Tuesday’s unrest was the latest in a string of protests over migrants and asylum seekers being housed in the outer boroughs.
Protesters have also picketed outside of Gracie Mansion as more than 110,000 migrants have come to New York City over the last several months.
About 10,000 migrants are making their way to New York a month, which is becoming an untenable burden on the city, which has to shelter and care for them as they get on their feet, Mayor Adams recently said.
Thomas Tracy
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