RHOC Recap: Teddi Pushes Tamra in the Pool, Katie Apologizes to Heather and Opens Up About Her Divorce, Emily and Jenn Hash Things Out, and Tres Amigas Work Out Their Issues
The good news is, if you like games with hard to follow directions and Teddi Mellencamp, then this episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County is for you! The even better news is that Alexis isn’t on the episode, thus protecting Shannon one more day from having a mental breakdown. It doesn’t help that Tamra, Emily, and Heather have decided to keep Shannon in the dark about the alleged videos that Alexis claims to have of Shannon the night of her DUI. Because these videos could “ruin” Shannon, the real traitors have chosen to withhold telling her about them cuz that’s what friends are for…not.
Tamra is hosting a competition party as a nod to her *short* time on The Traitors. She has decided to invite Shannon and Vicki, but understands she cannot have Alexis attend. Alexis and John are threatening to expose the videos from the night of Shannon’s DUI, but Shannon is in the dark about this. Tamra, Emily, and Heather intend to keep it that way since things are too volatile right now. Odd that Heather is going along with this plan, considering she was so hurt when the paparazzi rumors were withheld from her…and this scenario is about something legit damaging!
Shannon has purchased a new BMW since her DUI, but has yet to drive it…since she needs to get a breathalyzer installed into her car. She wants this breathalyzer installed as a reminder of her “stupid choice;” however, she cannot master the hum and blow technique necessary. Shannon realizes that since getting this DUI, her world has not been the same. Her product sales for Real for Real have declined and we are seeing a very vulnerable Shannon.
Katie and Jenn have a yoga session together. Katie explains that over a week ago after Big Bear, she sent Heather a text, yet she still has not received a response from her. Katie can’t believe that paparazzi gate is still a thing and refuses to kiss Heather’s a*s like Gina.
Katie then goes on to open up about her first marriage. She shared that she left him a “bunch of times” and that when she did finally leave, she was left with nothing. Katie explains that her now husband, Matt, has really taken on the father role for her daughter Kaili, so much so that Kaili is actually in the process of changing her last name to Ginella. Jenn feels very connected with Katie in this moment.
Why we are getting a scene of Shane spray-tanning Emily is beside me, but here we are. Post tan, Emily takes a moment to discuss Shane’s health. She then switches gears and asks Shane if he considers her a mean person. Emily realizes that Gina pointed out her aggressive behavior and now she is more aware of her actions. She goes on to say that Jenn’s personality type triggers her since Jenn reminds her of her mother. Emily understands that this is not Jenn’s fault, but more so a bigger issue she needs to work on, since now she can lose the wall she created around herself as a child because she had to.
Katie and Tamra think that their daughters should meet considering they have a lot in common. For instance, they both have issues with their biological fathers. Tamra’s daughter Sophia does not have a good relationship with her dad and Kaili hasn’t had contact with hers since she was 9. Kaili is overwhelmed with emotion thinking about changing her last name and she is ready to file that paperwork so she can close that chapter of her life.
The Scottish murder mystery theme for this Traitors party really has the ladies questioning what the heck to wear. But not Vicki, always in business casual. Work never stops for Victoria, even when Shannon bemoans her current relationship status with Tamra to her. Vicki shoots off some texts and brushes off Shannon’s venting. After all, how will we all get insurance if Vicki isn’t working?!
Tamra is excited for the ladies to experience the Traitors-like game. They all line up and wait for the host of the show to arrive, who happens to be a blast from the past, Teddi. Teddi starts by throwing shade right away: “Welcome Housewives…and Vicki,” which is quite rude and sets Vicki off.
Teddi explains that she will pick the traitor after the women get blindfolded and that the entire game centers around finding out who the traitor is. The women fill out some surveys and they realize pretty quickly that this is a mean game full of superlatives that will likely end in a fight.
A dramatic scene ensues where the Traitor is chosen and the women contemplate who amongst them is the bad guy. Katie and Heather have a private conversation and “in the spirit of inclusivity,” Heather invites Katie to her event in Sonoma, despite their issues. Katie apologizes to Heather for being “nosey” with her friend and so long as Heather lets Katie finish a sentence, things could be looking up for them.
In the meantime, Emily find Jenn to clear the air between them. Emily takes full responsibility for picking on Jenn, but Jenn wonders why Emily feels like she is above her and equates money to success. Emily claims she would never judge someone based on what they have because she grew up with nothing. She blames her childhood for her aggressive behavior and Jenn lets Emily know that she wants to be more like her since she is someone she looks up to.
The (ex) Tres Amigas find themselves at a table together. Tamra talks about her falling out with Shannon due to her drinking and states that she has gotten tighter with Alexis. Shannon makes it clear she wants nothing to do with Alexis and gets upset talking about the lawsuit. Her attorney made a settlement offer, but Tamra advises Shannon that she should just try to clear John’s name.
Tamra is doing her best to guide Shannon and to protect her from getting these videos (that Shannon doesn’t know about, but everyone else does) released. Tamra expects us to feel bad for her since she is “stuck in the middle,” but she put herself there. After spiraling, the Tres Amigas hug it out and decide to rekindle their friendship. Again.
But in the meantime, no one can figure out how to handle this potentially destructive information considering “these videos will ruin her life.” They just decide to sweep it under the rug for now.
Teddi separates the ladies into groups and they answer the superlatives. When asked who the biggest traitor is, the groups unanimously choose Tamra, who prefers to refer to herself as a truth teller. Unfortunately, Tamra is the first to get knocked out of the game (even though the Traitor really picked Vicki #rigged) and the next round, Shannon is booted, creating confusion within the group. Finally, Vicki is out, which means the Tres Amigas are all dead. Symbolic?
As the ladies move onto the next phase of the game, Teddi pushes Tamra into the pool, but as pointed out by one eagle-eyed viewer, Tamra was holding her nose, thus making it appear that was a planned push. When Heather wraps Tamra up in a towel, Tamra cries out, “I want you to warm me, Shannon,” which is a far cry from calling Shannon a drunk.
In the end it seems fitting that Heather is the Traitor, since according to many in the group, she is an amazing liar. The ladies commend her for being a good actress and Heather wins the game. Emily suggest that Heather add it to her IMDB and so long as things are kept light, what could go wrong?
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